My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 647

We took breaks while traveling

Leo had her sausages and Rahle was given some cooked meat. The rest of us sat down on the sheet and began to eat.

As the food was made by Ms. Helena, it was quite delicious.

“Now, once we are finished eating lunch, we must catch up with the master and the others…”

“Indeed. How are you feeling?”

“A little rough…but it cannot be helped. I shall manage…”

While meant to stop and rest, there would still be many hours of traveling.

What to do… Ah, I know.

Since Rahle was staying close by anyway, perhaps Liza and Sebastian could switch places?

“If it is really hard for you…what about having Liza ride in the back instead?”

“Oh, that is an idea! …No, I suppose not. The saddle was made for someone larger…”

“…So Liza would not be secure in it.”

“Yes. While she could still sit on it, and would likely be safe if she held on, she would not be secure. Also, the stirrups…”

Liza’s tail might also get in the way when sitting on it…

“I cannot put her in danger, just because I am not used to flying. Yes, I shall manage just fine until we meet up with the others.”

“Very well. But if you really can’t handle it, then please tell me. I will think of something.”

“Yes, thank you.”

And so I respected his wishes and let him ride on Rahle.

“Well then, I’ll have Leo bark and tell you when we rest again.”

“Let’s go, Rahle!”


“Do your best, mama!”


While we were cleaning up after lunch, I tested to see if I could make a herb to prevent airsickness. However, when I put my hand on the ground and tried to make it grow with Weed Cultivation, it did not work.

As I didn’t want Sebastian to have false hope, I did it where he could not see…which was the right decision.

Perhaps the reason that I couldn’t do it, was that I didn’t imagine it right.

In any case, it was possible that there was already a plant like that in this world, that was being grown somewhere.

“Alright Leo, it’s about time to roar again.”

“Wou. Awwoooooooo!!”

This continued several times as we made our way to Range village.

Leo would bark to stop Rahle, and we would rest for five to ten minutes.

We still wanted to catch up with Mr. Ekenhart today, and so Sebastian barely had time to catch his breath. I was worried about him.

Still, as we continued on, I started to see something in the distance.

“Is that…smoke?”

“There’s something up ahead, papa.”


“Kii! Kii!”

“There are humans over there who made a fire!”

“Thank you, Tilura and Rahle. It must be Mr. Ekenhart then. We finally caught up with them… Sebastian, we’re almost there!”


I encouraged Sebastian, and then we rushed to reunite with the others.

“It’s just a little farther, Leo.”

“Wuff! Wou…”

“She said she’s hungry. I’m hungry too…”

“After eating so much… Well, there will be food when we reach them. They brought more food than us.”


Eventually, I could see the carriage and horses.

The sun was already starting to set, and it was getting dark. And Leo and Liza said they were hungry.

They had eaten snacks in Ractos, and lots of food for lunch… Leo had at least run a lot, but Liza sure ate a lot…

Well, it was good, since she was still growing.

In any case, since it was still quite bright, it must mean that they stopped early and set up camp.

They would take it easy, since Ms. Claire was there. But then again, I did think that Mr. Ekenhart would want to keep traveling for as long as possible…

Well, the horses needed to rest as well. So that might be why they stopped early…

I picked up a new series. Please check it out if you’re interested:

Kamigami – 1

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