My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 650

The whole group wore the ear hats

As Mr. Ekenhart liked to do things that were amusing, he was probably just enjoying it.

If he looked just a little red, it was likely due to the fire, and not because he was just pretending to be unphased.

Regardless, I was just happy that everyone was having fun.

“Hah…the master can be so mischievous sometimes…”

“Ahaha…well, it was our fault for forgetting to take them off.”

“Indeed…that was bad. I’m sorry for complaining so much, Mr. Takumi.”

“Not at all. After you had to ride on Rahle, you should complain a little.”

Later, Sebastian and I were talking a short distance away from the others.

While the atmosphere was still awkward because of the hats…we could relate to each other now.

We had both felt embarrassed, after all.

“Thank you. Still, the villagers will surely be surprised.”


“Do you still have more of the hats?”

“Yes, I do. Mr. Halton made a lot of them. Of course, it will not be enough for everyone in the village.”

“That cannot be helped. Besides, you cannot make them all wear hats… No one should go through what we did.”


After that, Mr. Ekenhart suggested that I give the hates to anyone else who wanted them. And so I gave some to the servants.

Most were women…I suppose they were interested after seeing Liza wear hers inside of the mansion.

Also, Ms. Claire and Ms. Anne were wearing them.

Even Ms. Johanna, who was usually so serious, was wearing one.

The men wore them too, but tended to get laughed at. Especially by Phillip.

As for Leo, she seemed to be rather happy that everyone was wearing hats that made it look like they had ears similar to hers and Liza.

However, Mr. Ekenhart then made another problematic suggestion. He wanted us all to go to Range village while wearing the hats.

He said it was because they would be nervous about a noble visiting their village, and this would help them to relax.

I suppose he was right, that they wouldn’t feel too nervous after seeing us, but…

Sebastian let out a sigh, and I could do nothing but chuckle.

The next morning, after eating breakfast, we departed for Range village.

I got into the carriage with Ms. Claire, while Mr. Ekenhart rode on Leo with Liza.

Furthermore, Sebastian got into the driver’s seat, and Ms. Anne rode on Rahle.

Mr. Ekenhart did not want to get sick in the carriage again, while Ms. Anne was interested in flying.

Ms. Anne was light, but not too small that she could not be strapped in, so it should be fine.

Sebastian sat in his seat and seemed to be overjoyed that he would not be flying today.

“Father has rode on Leo before, but are you sure Anne will be alright?”

“From what I saw, it should shake less than a horse or carriage… I think she should be fine.”

It was just a matter of getting used to the sensation of flying.

“Rahle got in trouble from Leo before, so it won’t do anything reckless. Leo will be watching… More importantly, Ms. Claire…”

“What is it, Mr. Takumi?”

“Why do you keep looking away from me today?”

“…I-I’m not doing that!”

In the carriage, it was me, Ms. Claire and Johanna.

They were sitting together, while I was on the opposite side. But for some reason, even as we talked, Ms. Claire would not meet my gaze.

Well, to be honest, I already knew the reason.

She looked embarrassed after I said that the hat looked good on her. And now that it was daytime and I could see her better, she probably felt even more embarrassed.

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