My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 653

There were Trolls on the road

“As Phillip said, there are monsters. Trolls up ahead. …But it’s quite unusual for them to be lurking around here…”

“Trolls? What about the others?”

“Yes, they have gone ahead in order to get rid of the danger. However…I’m sure they will have nothing to do, as Leo and His Grace went first.”


“It won’t be dangerous if Leo is there. Besides, Rahle is also flying…huh? I don’t see Rahle anywhere…”

“Kyau! Kyau-kyau!”

“I am not worried about father. I’m sure he is excited about it… According to Sherry, Rahle is with them now.”

“Haha, that is true. And thank you, Sherry.”


“But Liza is with them…”

Ms. Claire was worried about the children getting mixed up in all of the fighting. But considering what happened in the forest, Liza was probably excited to be there.

Tilura as well. Though, I did feel a little bad about Ms. Anne.

She was the only one who could not fight… Oh, well.

“Leo, Liza. Are you alright?”


“Ah, papa! Yes, we are fine! Mama and Rahle defeated them in no time.”

“Mr. Takumi. I had a feeling this would happen, but there was nothing for me to do.”

“Well, you’re the one who is supposed to be protected, Mr. Ekenhart. So maybe it is a good thing?”

“I know that. But when it comes to fighting, I get restless. Besides, there was no real danger…”

“Well, I think Ms. Claire will let you know how she feels later…”


Leo had returned while carrying Liza, and so I called out to them.

Even though I knew they were fine, I always asked out of habit.

Regardless, they both looked to be in a good mood. Unlike Mr. Ekenhart.

“Uhhh, we got down from mama, and then she began to run at a great speed. And then Rahle came from the sky. And they beat the trolls in no time! It was amazing!”

“I see. I’m glad that you were able to watch them.”


“You did well, Leo.”


In any case, I left Mr. Ekenhart with Ms. Claire, and listened to Liza’s report.

Leo likely used her claws and fangs as usual, but according to Liza, Rahle was able to cut the trolls by using its wings like blades.

I had no idea it could do that… I thought that it would use magic, or attack with its beak.

And I was surprised that it could attack like that while still carrying Tilura and Ms. Anne on its back.

Perhaps it was still excited after the battle, as Rahle was flying in a circle above us.

I was a little worried about Ms. Anne… I hoped that she didn’t get sick up there.


“Yes. There was a troll last time as well. Though, Sebastian said that it’s unusual for them to be here…”

“Mr. Takumi. Is that true?”

“Ah, Sebastian. I was just wondering…”

As I was nodding to Leo and thinking, Sebastian had overheard me and showed interest.

…He wasn’t eavesdropping, was he?

“Mr. Takumi, Leo. You saw a troll here before?”

“Yes. I can’t say the exact location, but it was close by. And Leo defeated it.”


“I see… Unlike the fenrir forest, this one is connected to Rahle’s mountain… Perhaps something happened over there? No, but surely that wouldn’t cause trolls to come down… Besides, that was quite a while ago. And there were no other reports of trolls between Range village and Ractos…”

Sebastian started muttering to himself.

Well, I didn’t know what the reason was, but perhaps Rahle would know?

Rahle was the lord of the northern mountain, apparently…


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