My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 15 - Men and women tears

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The sky was dim and the neon lights were flashing, Chu Yi glanced at the time, it was already twelve o’clock in the middle of the night.

Wang Ling’s home is not in the urban area, so she lives in school.

I don’t know what method this guy used, turning it out of school every day.

“Wang Ling, what are your dreams?” When asked this sentence, Chu Yi felt like a tutor for a music program.

“Dream, my parents want me to do business, but I want to be a star, you certainly don’t know, teacher, I sing very nicely.” Wang Ling snorted, and Chu Yi was a little surprised because he sang himself It is a type of out of tune.

“Teacher, do you know Yang Ling?”

“Yang Ling…” Chu Yi was in a trance, how long ago it was.

For myself, it is about to forget.

Yang Ling, Chu Yi’s ex-girlfriend at the university, was also a school flower, except that when he was a junior, the other party chose to break up with himself. It didn’t take long for Chu Yi to see her from a TV show.

He has appeared in several movies and TV series in succession, and now he has almost become Xiao Huadan.

Chu Yi still remembers what she said when she broke up. In her heart, she did not look down on Chu Yi. After all, Chu Yi’s family was ordinary. Once out of society, people like him would be awkward.

Yang Ling, unwilling to live this kind of life.

Chu Yi was still heartbroken for dozens of days at the time, and now looking back, it was really funny.

“I want to be a big star like her!” Wang Ling clenched her fists. “But I heard that the character is not very good, there are a lot of negative news, and I am playing big names. I still don’t want to learn this.”

Chu Yi just smiled and didn’t speak.

That person, if Wang Ling didn’t mention it today, he would have forgotten it.

“By the way, did you just say that you have been unlucky recently?” Chu Yi asked suddenly.

As soon as he mentioned this, Wang Ling was quite helpless: “Teacher, it’s not just bad luck, it just made me desperate. Let’s say today. I used facial cleanser as toothpaste in the morning. I went out to eat and fell at the door. Choking to die, late for work, if it is not you at night, it is estimated that there is less fierceness…”

“It shouldn’t be. Your face is very good. As long as you don’t do evil things in this life, you will almost have a smooth wind.” Chu Yi frowned.

But Wang Ling laughed loudly: “Teacher, no wonder Feifei calls you Chu Crow, I’m still wondering, feelings are fortune telling… definitely the kind of crow mouth.”

“That girl…” Chu Yi was helpless, but what he just said was indeed true.

Although he is not very proficient in this area, he is still able to see some mortals.

Quietly cast “Wang Qi Jue”, but see Wang Ling’s eyebrows, there is a ray of black gas steaming up, and there is a more serious trend.

“Wang Qi Jue” can not only see the aura, but also watch the luck of some people.

Just like the last time Guo Feifei fell, it was because Chu Yi saw a little bit of Yintang blacking, but it was almost negligible.

But obviously, Wang Ling’s situation is much more serious. At this level, if one is not good, there is a danger to his life.

There is no problem with the appearance itself, but so bad luck?

He suddenly remembered the last life, and Wang Ling seemed to transfer school later.

“Wang Ling, have you had bad luck since the situation in your dad’s company?” Chu Yi asked.

“Teacher, when you say this, it seems really true.” When thinking of the situation at home, Wang Ling felt a headache. “Anyway, it seems that my family is not going well this year.”

“So…” Chu Yi thought for a while, and found a jade pendant bought from the stall from his pocket.

He injected aura into Wang Ling and gave it to Wang Ling, “This piece of jade was asked by the teacher from the temple, and it might allow you to avoid disasters.”

“Thank you teacher.” Wang Ling smiled and accepted generously.

After sending Wang Ling back to school, Chu Yi frowned, thinking deeply: “It seems that the cause is at Wang Ling’s house, it is likely that the Feng Shui pattern has been destroyed. It seems that he has to do a home visit and take a look. “

Chu Yi had a plan in mind.

In this life, no one can bully his family, and no one can bully his students.

Early the next morning, Chu Yi rushed to the school by bus, but found that the security guard at the door was arguing with a few mixed-looking people, and some students were watching from afar.

The captain of the security team grabbed Chu Yi from the crowd and shouted, “Teacher Chu, someone is looking for you.”

“Looking for me? I don’t know them.” Chu Yi glanced at Fan Hong’s people?

Impossible, no matter how bad it will not be in the school, and I already indicated yesterday that I want to be low-key.

He walked slowly, and the security captain was like Meng Amnesty. Although he was fierce and had scars in the corners of his eyes, he was nicknamed “Scar”, but it was actually caught by the dog.

It was no wonder that the scars were anxious, and there was always peace in the Third Middle School. No one dared to provoke things. Suddenly, it was a little daunting to see three, five or six people dressed up in the air in front of the school gate.

“Teacher Chu, they are the six evils in Changping District, and some are not easy to provoke. Did you offend them?” The scars were scared and terrified. This group of people did a lot of bad things. Although they are not in their area, they also have some scars. Ear heard.

As soon as the other party came, they threatened to find Chu Yi.

“Six evils in Changping District, real soil, I am still a madman in the Third Middle School.” Chu Yi narrowed his eyes and looked at the six people. “But looking at your looks, you can play horror movies without makeup, and it is indeed a veritable name. “

Chu Yi scolded people, he could spray them to death without using dirty words.

At the end of the talk, a yellow-haired kid said angrily: “Brother Qiang, he is satire at our long ugly.”

The head of the person, with short red hair and a greasy expression, slapped on the head of the yellow-haired boy: “Nonsense, I am not stupid.”

“Chu Yi, right. Did you hit my brother yesterday? How do you calculate this account?”

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows. He only did one at the nightclub yesterday, and the other party was still Fan Hong’s, obviously not so brainless.

Then these guys are another wave of people who deliberately found faults. This trick, like Chen Junyu’s method, did not suffer a lot from the previous life.

He had no intention of ignoring Chen Junyu in this life. He didn’t expect this boy to provoke him twice or twice. It seems that this account should be well calculated.

The more and more students gathered around, it has affected the normal school.

“Yes, it was me who beat me. What do you want? Your brother was playing teasing girls in the women’s toilet. It was not normal for me to be beaten. Isn’t it normal for any boy present to stand by and watch this kind of thing.” Chu Yi Readily admit, and open his eyes to talk nonsense.

“This teacher is right!”

“Okay, play well!”

Brother Qiang and several brothers were dumbfounded, which was not right with the script they had planned in advance.

Shouldn’t the other party be frightened, shouldn’t he tremble, and try his best to deny it?

what is this?

“I… we didn’t do that.” The kid Huang Mao was anxious, and they also had professional ethics.

Chu Yi’s eyes widened and he asked with a loud voice: “Why should I hit you?”

“I, I…” Huang Maozi was speechless for a long time.

How can this happen! It’s great if you have knowledge, and you can’t bully people without culture in this way.

Huang Mao looked at Qiang Brother for help, but he nodded calmly, and immediately a few younger brothers beside him pulled out a banner.

“The man looked at the silence, the woman looked at the tears, and the teacher of the third middle school and the female student tore up at night in the nightclub.”

“Boy, how do you explain this matter, we are not here to find fault, but to ask for a fair one. Such a thing will happen in the middle school. How can I rest assured that my child will go to school here in the future?”

“Look, I still have photos here.”

Two pictures in the hands of strong brother, one is that Chu Yi and Wang Ling have just walked out of the nightclub, and the other is two people waiting for the bus.

This place, this time, is too imaginative.

“Teacher Chu, I didn’t expect you to be such a person.” Zhou Ru came out of the crowd and asked aloud.

Chu Yi touched his chin, and since returning to the earth, his vigilance has decreased a lot, and he has been secretly photographed.

He glanced at Zhou Ru, and the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be suppressed. His face was full of peach blossoms, and it was estimated that he had reached a certain agreement with Chen Junyu.

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