My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 644: The strange medicine

The commotion came and went quickly.

Bai Yan’s figure flashed, sensing the direction of the silver-haired man’s movement, and quickly returned.

The technique of shrinking to an inch is indeed a mysterious immortal technique. It can travel a hundred miles in an instant, but the silver-haired man had already disappeared without a trace.

“Elder, did you catch up?” Qin Feng asked.

“Mm.” Bai Yan frowned and replied. He looked at Qin Feng’s shoulder, which was already bloody, but fortunately no vital parts had been injured.

“Is the wound okay?”

“It’s nothing serious.” Qin Feng replied as he tended to himself.

In a moment, he managed to stop the bleeding and the pain subsided considerably.

Several people approached the scarred man. By this time he was struggling to breathe, exhaling less than he was inhaling.

With blood foaming from his mouth, the scarred man said with difficulty: “Save me.” 

Qin Feng frowned. The other party was ruthless and almost killed him, so naturally he didn’t want to save him. 

However, the silver-haired man was too strange, and the sudden increase in the scarred man’s strength was highly suspicious.

Therefore, Qin Feng had to heal him first before interrogating him.

But at this moment, the man with the black scarred skin had bloodshot eyes and bulging flesh all over his body. 

Noticing the anomaly, Bai Yan quickly unfolded his Domain and enveloped the man in it.

In the blink of an eye, there was a thunderous explosion, and the barely alive, scar-faced man disintegrated into a mist of blood, leaving no trace of his remains.

The faces of the group became extremely grim.

Bai Yan spoke solemnly, “Throughout history, there has never been a known method to instantly elevate one from the Fourth Rank to the Third Rank. The result we witnessed was probably the result of a backlash caused by him gaining immense power.”

Qin Feng nodded, scanning the blood-soaked ground, and suddenly spotted a tiny particle resembling sand.

He crouched down, pinched it between his fingertips, and examined it closely.

“What is it?” Bai Wushuang asked curiously.

“It looks like the remains of a pill. I can smell a faint medicinal scent,” Qin Feng said, sniffing lightly at the tip of his nose.

“Could it be that this man’s sudden increase in strength is due to the ingestion of this pill?”

“The specific circumstances need to be analysed after determining the effects of this pill.”

As Qin Feng spoke, the medicine residue on his fingertips suddenly moved strangely, writhing as if it were alive. Thin black lines, like hairs, seemed to want to pierce the skin and penetrate the flesh.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng couldn’t help but be startled and hastily threw away the sand-sized medicine residue.

However, those black lines couldn’t find any flesh to penetrate. They struggled amidst the bloodstains on the ground for a while, but soon fell silent, dissolving into the blood.

“What on earth is this…”

Everyone felt eerie, chilled to the bone. What kind of elixir could behave like a living being?

“I will report this to the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower,” Qin Feng said solemnly.

Bai Yan nodded at his words, then sent disciples to the Demon Slaying Department in Imperial City to find someone, and ordered people to clean up the ruins of the arena.

Grand Literature Academy, atop the Heavenly Tower.

Qin Feng told the truth about what had happened earlier.

“Teacher, aside from the Grand Literature Academy, there is unexpectedly another high-ranking Literature Saint of the Dao Lineage who is able to use the Immortal Technique in this world. Do you know who he is?” Qin Feng asked.

The Heavenly Tower National Teacher stood with his hands behind his back, and after a long time, he finally spoke, “Asura King once told me that the reason the Asura Clan knew that Lord Deng was seriously ill was because someone had informed them. Based on his description, the person you mentioned seems to be the same person.”

Qin Feng’s face showed surprise. “Teacher, are you implying that the silver-haired man is related to the Deceptive Poison Sect? Wait, could it be that the medicine residue was their attempt to refine the elixir using humans as bait like they did years ago?”

While dealing with this group of people in Jinyang City, Lord Zhou Kai mentioned the origins of the Deceptive Poison Sect.

It’s a sinister sect near Luowang City in the Southern Domain, infamous for using living people as medicinal ingredients to refine elixirs, causing havoc in the surrounding villages. This drew the ire of both humans and gods, prompting the King of Luo to send troops to wipe out the entire sect.

However, remnants of the Deceptive Poison Sect still lingered in this world.

The National Teacher of Heavenly Tower nodded slightly.

After receiving Qin Feng’s confirmation, his expression turned serious as he said, “Shall we report to Emperor Ming and send the Prison Department and Demon Slaying Department to capture the silver-haired man and eradicate the remnants of the Deceptive Poison Sect once and for all?”

The power of Divine Medicine was too amazing, allowing a fourth-grade warrior to instantly step into the third-grade, what kind of concept was that? 

If it spreads uncontrollably, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Of course, it’s not very practical to mass-produce such powerful and sinister elixirs.

The National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower replied, “I’m already aware of this matter, you needn’t worry too much. Everything has cause and effect. Letting him go is also part of the plan.”

Qin Feng was taken aback by this answer, realising the weight of the information in those words. ‘The teacher knew about the existence of the silver-haired man and could have captured him, yet he chose to let him go voluntarily?’

Thinking about it, even though the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower had never shown his true strength to the world, how could someone who could stand shoulder to shoulder with the Divine Guardian be ordinary?

Besides, as the holder of the Literary Saint Lineage, the silver-haired man’s Immortal Technique of shrinking space was just a trivial skill in the eyes of the Heavenly Tower National Teacher.

It seems that the cunning old teacher is up to something again… Qin Feng raised an eyebrow at this thought.

“Take this item for now.” The Heavenly Tower National Teacher waved his sleeve and two crystal bracelets flew into Qin Feng’s hand.

Smooth to the touch, they emitted a faint coolness.

Qin Feng asked curiously, “Teacher, what is this?”

“Before birth, a fetus with a strong bloodline will absorb the energy of the mother’s body to be one step ahead. “

“However, this will cause damage to the mother’s body. Give these two bracelets to your wife, wear them with her, and it will minimize the damage to her body caused by this process and prevent any hindrance to her cultivation.”

The teacher was already aware of Jianli’s pregnancy, so he sent this as a gift… Qin Feng expressed his gratitude, “Thank you, Teacher. This item will be of great help to me. But do we have to wear both bracelets together?”

“One bracelet for each person.”

“One for each person? But Feilan hasn’t gotten pregnant yet, so she doesn’t need it for now, right?” Qin Feng was confused.

The Heavenly Tower National Teacher didn’t answer, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Outside of the Imperial City, in the mountains and forests, Cang Feilan, who was pract on her own, was always absent-minded, leading to errors in her use of the Ancient Divine Breath to manifest her domain.

Yes, she was anxious.

Following Sister Jianli’s usual habits, she had persevered for more than ten days, but her stomach remained uncooperative, showing no signs of improvement.

With a troubled mind, she found herself unable to concentrate on her practice.

After much contemplation, she retrieved a palm-sized treasure mirror from the depths of her Spatial Ring.

As her qi flowed into it, ripples of light shimmered across the mirror’s surface like waves on a lake.

In an instant, a pair of pale blue eyes appeared in the mirror, revealing the languid figure of Cang Mu.

Yawning, she teased, “I thought once you had a lover, you’d forget about your old aunt. But it seems you still remember to contact me. So what brings you here?”

Cang Feilan struggled for a moment, and finally gritted her teeth and asked, “Aunt, do you know how Dragon Clan women can conceive children more easily?” 

The smile in Cang Mu’s eyes faded as she felt offended.

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