My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 86: Displaying Medical Skills

Chapter 86: Displaying Medical Skills

Qin Feng paid no attention, focusing on his skills. The narrow blade transformed by the white inch instantly slashed open the young man’s chest.

The onlookers exclaimed, “Are you openly trying to harm someone’s life?”

“Step aside, let us in!”

“Stop him quickly!”

The crowd in the front row, witnessing this scene, instantly erupted into chaos, desperately pushing and shoving the demon slayers to try to stop Qin Feng.

However, they were just ordinary people. How could they compete in strength with martial artists trained in the ways of divine martial arts? So, they could only resort to second best, madly throwing cabbage leaves and eggs at Qin Feng.

The demon slayers responsible for protecting Qin Feng were already prepared, shielding him from all sides. However, there were still a few projectiles that managed to slip through.

Fortunately, Cang Feilan, who had been standing beside Qin Feng the whole time, swiftly moved her dagger, intercepting all the missed projectiles.

The commotion attracted the attention of those in the rear. They inquired about what was happening, and soon the information spread like wildfire:

Someone, taking advantage of their distraction, was planning to harm others. Publicly claiming to be healing, but actually intending harm!

How outrageous!

The common folk no longer cared about the mediocre physicians on the outskirts. They turned around, pushing forward, a chorus of curses rising, and the condemnation growing louder.

Especially the mother of the young man, seeing her child’s chest opened up, cried out in heart-wrenching sorrow. She even knelt on the ground, begging Qin Feng to stop.

This action further fueled the anger of the crowd. Some even picked up stones and hurled them at Qin Feng.

Cang Feilan’s elegant brows furrowed, a hint of displeasure flashing in her light blue eyes. Her movements did not cease, and with a graceful dance, she deflected all the stones.

Qin Feng transformed the white inch into white needles, saying, “Miss Cang, wait for me to extract the Heart Devouring Gu. Don’t let it fall into the crowd.”


Qin Feng took a deep breath. The white needle pierced the young man’s chest, and in the blink of an eye, he skillfully extracted the Heart Devouring Gu from the heart.

He had mastered this set of movements, executing them effortlessly.

Observing this, Cang Feilan conjured a jade bottle out of thin air, catching the expelled Heart Devouring Gu.

Qin Feng’s hands didn’t stop. He retrieved a bottle of ointment and a bowl of cold soup from his storage ring. The ointment was to repair the opened chest, and the cold soup was to expel the remaining insect poison from the young man’s body.

These things were all carefully preserved by him in the city of Jinyang for future use, and now they happen to be useful.

The young man had been treated, but he still didn’t wake up. It wasn’t because the treatment failed, but because Mr. Zhou’s soul-restricting technique on him had not been released.

However, perhaps Zhou’s spiritual awareness was always paying attention here. After a short time, the young man slowly opened his eyes and called out, “Mother.”

This call, though not loud, caused a huge stir in the crowd in the front row.

The kneeling mother suddenly raised her head, her face full of disbelief. “Tiewa, are you speaking?”

“Mother, I’m hungry,” the weak young man said.

“Mother is here, Mother will take you to eat!” The mother stood up, anxious to go forward but was stopped by the demon slayer.

“Let me go, that’s my child!”

The demon slayers looked at each other until they saw Qin Feng nodding before letting the woman go.

Mother and son embraced each other, and the woman cried tears of joy.

The onlookers in the front row stopped their actions, and even the curses turned into expressions of astonishment.

“I didn’t see it wrong, did I? Tiewa actually woke up.”

“Not only woke up, but also regained consciousness.”

“But didn’t he get infected by that bug? Could it be that the young gentleman cured him?”

“No way, this strange illness is something all the physicians in the city are helpless against. How can this young man have such advanced medical skills?”

Before long, the news of Tiewa being saved spread like wildfire among the crowd.

The various medical practitioners who were blocked at the back of the crowd, upon hearing this news, widened their eyes in astonishment and desperately squeezed forward.

Qin Feng walked to the mother and son, squatting down and whispered, “Your son’s illness has been completely cured, but he hasn’t eaten for a long time, so he’s still a bit weak. Take him home, let him have some porridge first, and then slowly adjust his body. I believe he will recover completely soon.”

Upon hearing this, the woman slowly turned her head to look at Qin Feng. Then, she released Tiewa and knelt on the ground, knocking her head several times in succession. “If anything happened to Tiewa, I wouldn’t want to live. Thanks to the young man for saving him, thank you, thank you.”

For a mother, her child is everything.

Qin Feng hurriedly helped the woman up, then instructed the demon slaying warriors beside him to escort her out of the crowd.

He looked at the people in front of him and then raised his right hand, saying, “Listen to me, everyone.”

If these words were spoken earlier, no one would have paid attention. However, after the people witnessed the awakening of the Iron Child, they were willing to listen to the words of this young physician.

“I am Qin Feng, a physician, sent here to resolve the calamity caused by these gu worms. However, there are too many people in the city infected with the gu worms. With my strength alone, I cannot handle it. Therefore, I need those physicians behind you to come in. After I teach them the method to treat the gu worms, the speed of saving people will naturally increase.”

As he spoke, the physicians from the back squeezed into the front. The demon slaying warriors blocking the way let them all in.

However, when the other people saw these physicians, they were still cautious and looked disgusted.

Someone shouted, “Physician Qin, we believe in your medical skills, but we don’t trust these people. If they make another mistake and accidentally kill our loved ones, what should we do?”

The physicians looked uneasy at the remark, all turning their eyes to Qin Feng.

“If such a situation really occurs, it will be a life for a life!” Qin Feng said firmly, patting his chest.

As soon as he said this, the restless crowd instantly quieted down.

Even the physicians looked at Qin Feng in amazement. Such a responsible physician was rare!

Considering that they had previously caused deaths while trying to avoid responsibility, the physicians felt ashamed and lowered their heads.

But at this moment, Qin Feng added, “After I finish teaching the medical skills, if any physician still kills a patient, let them compensate with their own life. What do you all think about this?”

“What? Our lives?” The physicians were dumbfounded.

“Nonsense. If you kill someone while treating them, should I not demand your life?” Qin Feng frowned, expressing his displeasure.

The physicians were now having second thoughts; they didn’t want to die here for no reason.

Just as someone was about to speak up to withdraw, the voices of the people overwhelmed them like a tidal wave, and everyone agreed with Qin Feng’s proposal.

“Good, let’s follow physician Qin’s words!”

“My butcher knife is sharpened and ready!”

If anyone dared to speak up about withdrawing now, the people would probably beat the physicians to death. They swallowed their words with difficulty.

“Are you all ready?” Qin Feng asked with a sidelong glance.

“We’re all ready. Please guide us, physician Qin,” the physicians said with bitter faces, showing respect.

“Good, then I’ll demonstrate for you. Pay attention to the key points; listen carefully!”

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