NBA: About Me Being Reincarnated As Yasuo, the Wind Walker

Chapter 188

Chapter 186 – 1 Very Remarkable Achievement

nba: about my reincarnation as Hayate Yasuo 186, a very remarkable achievement

In the next round, when James broke through with the ball again, the Trail Blazers used the double-team tactic.

Aldridge on the inside stepped up to block James’ path, and with Zhang Jun’s assisting defense on one side, James instantly felt the defensive pressure.

James did not choose to play hard, but quickly transferred the ball to Valaijo on the weak side, who chose a mid-range jumper.


The basketball hit the top edge of the rim, then staggered and bounced into it again.

“This ball is lucky.”

Barkley said with a light sigh.

This is the problem that the Cavaliers have always had, that is, the scoring ability of the players in the team is generally poor.

Last season, only James could complete the task of scoring on the court. Although the addition of Maurice Williams has greatly improved this this season, the problem is still there.

Neither Vallejo nor Big Z are players who are good at scoring, let alone others.

Perhaps Big Z still had a certain ability of hooking at the basket and low-post singles in the past, but since he suffered a serious knee injury, his physical athletic ability, which was not outstanding at all, has suffered a sharp decline, and now it is even more difficult to carry out personal offense in the paint .

Occasionally, when encountering some short insiders, Big Z can still play a game, but when encountering slightly better defensive insiders, his offensive efficiency is a bit miserable.

Kenny Smith said: “If Big Z has a very good physical talent, that’s okay. He can play a pick-and-roll with James and then go down and attack, and even complete an alley-oop dunk.”

“But since James was selected by the Cavaliers, they have rarely been able to play such a coordinated offense, so the Cavaliers’ overall offense has always been around the league average.”

“In the past few years, all teams in the league have been playing fast-push offense, and the rules of the league are also moving in this direction. If the Cavaliers simply focus on defense, they may still have difficulty in the playoffs due to the decline of the offensive end. doing.”

Barkley agrees with his old partner on this point.

After all, this year’s Eastern Conference can be regarded as a combination of powerful enemies. Let alone the defending champion Celtics, the youth team Magic, and the Eagles who pushed the Celtics into a corner in the playoffs last season, and The Heat led by Wade are aggressive.

It may not be easy for the Cavaliers to surpass these teams, after all, their own offensive weaknesses are too great.

on the pitch.

The Blazers attack.

Zhang Jun was also double-teamed by the Cavaliers during the breakthrough process. Valaijo once again blocked Zhang Jun’s route. This time, Valaijo learned to be smart, and worried that Zhang Jun would find tricky angles again with his footsteps and wingspan. Therefore, when defending, first use the body to fight against the deceleration, and then turn sideways to deliberately drive Zhang Jun away from the basket. This is also the most effective choice for defensive breakthrough players.

It’s just that after such a defensive choice, Valaijo couldn’t go back to defend Aldridge at all.

Aldridge didn’t advance but retreated at this time. Taking a step back, he directly left the paint and came to the waist.

Zhang Jun quickly distributed the ball, and Aldridge received the ball and shot very easily.


The basketball hits steadily.

Yu Jia said: “Aldridge’s mid-range is much more stable than Vallejo’s. This is also the obvious gap between the two teams on the offensive end.”

“The Trail Blazers have the second-ranked offensive efficiency in the league, while the Cavaliers’ offensive efficiency can only rank fourteenth in the league.”

Su Qun said at this time: “Although it looks like it is the fourteenth in terms of statistics, it looks like the average level of the league, but if the offense of James and Maurice Williams is taken out, the offense of other players in the Cavaliers Efficiency is estimated to drop to around the bottom third in the league.”

“So the overall offensive level of the Cavaliers is really poor. They did play well in the regular season, but when the defensive pressure came up in the playoffs, Maurice Williams faced a very strong targeted defense, and James encountered all kinds of problems. Double team.”

“At this time, the Cavaliers will be extremely eager to have more scoring points.”

Yu Jia chuckled and said, “The management of the Cavaliers also wants to match James with some players who can score, but the conditions are not allowed. Cleveland, where they are located, is the most famous industrial city in the United States. Among all the NBA teams Among the cities, Cleveland can be regarded as the smallest city, so not many players would like to come to this place.”

In the first quarter, the Trail Blazers led by 29:25 relying on more offensive points.

In the second quarter, Zhang Jun started to lead the Trail Blazers’ bench lineup, and James also played to lead the Cavaliers’ bench lineup.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Jun couldn’t help being stunned.

He only played 8 minutes in the first quarter, and took a full 4 minutes of rest before coming up to lead the bench. If he remembers correctly, James took less than 2 minutes of rest in the first quarter, and came up again so soon?

“This is not the playoffs, why are you working so hard?”

Zhang Jun couldn’t help but said.

James stared at Zhang Jun for a while, and said suddenly: “The team has no other players who can lead the bench lineup, so I have to play. I have to play against the Blazers in the first quarter. You said I worked so hard. Well?”

Zhang Jun chuckled, as if that was indeed the case.

James couldn’t help but continued: “So I invited you to join the Cavaliers. Why don’t you come? With the two of us joining forces, we will definitely be regulars in the finals and dominate the league in the next few years.”

Zhang Jun shook his head and said, “Then I invite you to the Blazers, will you come?”

This was the same conversation the two had in Hawaii, and both of them had already given answers at that time.

But at this moment, James’ heart has been shaken. Compared with the impact of Zhang Jun’s soul questioning on James when he was on vacation in Hawaii, James is really thinking about whether he should join a better team at this moment.

Even if he wants to bring a championship trophy to his hometown team, but with the current situation of the Cavaliers, James really can’t see a little bit of the future. He might as well leave the Cavaliers first and follow the strong team as Zhang Jun said. After the championship experience, bring the experience back to the Cavaliers who already have a lot of assets.

The second quarter begins.

Zhang Jun took the lead in attacking, and James used almost playoff-level defensive strength to defend Zhang Jun, but James, who was able to put a lot of defensive pressure on Zhang Jun on the defensive end last season, his defense this season is really good. It is very difficult to limit Zhang Jun’s personal offense.

A player who can break through, shoot from the mid-range and shoot ultra-long three-pointers is really too difficult to guard.

Zhang Jun singled out James four times in a row and hit three of them. James also responded offensively with his tank-like offense and crushed Zhang Jun to the basket many times to complete the attack.

It was difficult for the Trail Blazers to limit James’ ability to attack the inside in the starting stage. At this time, the inside players were replaced by Channing Fry and River LaFrentz, and it was even more difficult to limit James’ ability to attack the basket.

The Cavaliers and the Trail Blazers used the same double-teaming tactic, but with both Zhang Jun and James being double-teamed, the Blazers opened fire from outside. Although Channing Fry could not form an effective defense against James Deterrence, but his offensive firepower made the entire Cavaliers miserable.

Channing Fry made 4 of 6 three-pointers in a single quarter, directly shooting the entire Cavaliers up and down for a while.

When James rested in the middle of the second quarter, seeing the double-digit point difference that the Cavaliers had fallen behind on the court, he felt more and more uncomfortable.

It is also very threatening on the offensive end, and it is also the ball after the breakthrough, but Zhang Jun has better teammates around him, so he is more efficient in converting passes.

“My passing ability is much better than this dude, but he gets more assists in a single quarter than me!”

James began to think more seriously about Zhang Jun’s suggestion.

The third quarter of the game.

James took the lead in starting to exert his strength. He first completed a sudden shot from outside the three-point line, and then succeeded in hitting the basket with 2+1, and then hit the ground and passed to the big Z inside to complete the dunk.

More importantly, Maurice Williams also broke out suddenly during this time period, hitting two consecutive three-pointers from the outside, and then broke through the basket and made a layup.

The Cavaliers played an 18:8 offensive shock wave, tying the score in one fell swoop.

At this time Zhang Jun stood up. He first hit the basket with a super long three-pointer, and then broke through to give Luo Yin a mid-range jumper. Aldridge made two consecutive free throws.

Under the leadership of Zhang Jun, the Trail Blazers responded with a 12:4 shock wave, and the score advantage is still firmly in the hands of the Trail Blazers.

Game four.

James once again rushed to the basket vigorously, and Luo Yin was almost dumbfounded.

“It’s been almost a whole game. Where did he get such good energy? At this time, he still has the strength to fight like this?”

Aldridge was also very surprised and said: “There were media reports before that James is not from Earth. I didn’t believe it at first, but now I believe it. I didn’t see him tired throughout the game.”

James is of course a native of Earth, and Zhang Jun is well aware of this. He is just more durable, physically stronger, and more impactful than others.

In the future, James will also grow old and lose his athletic ability one day.

“However, with his IQ, I am afraid that even at the age of 38, he can still be a top star in the league.”

As a player with an excellent basketball IQ, Zhang Jun is sure that James’ future is limitless. He could have chosen a shortcut to play with James based on his previous life experience, but he quickly blocked this idea.

Zhang Jun looked at Luo Yin, Aldridge, and all his teammates behind him.

“Now I have my own tasks and responsibilities, just like James vowed to bring Cleveland a championship.”

The Cavaliers lost the game 99-114.

At the moment when the whistle blew at the end of the game, James looked helplessly at the celebrating Trail Blazers players with his hands on his hips. He pulled the braces out of his mouth and then pushed them in again.

Desperation, helplessness, envy… James only felt that his mood at the moment was very complicated.

He looked up at the technical statistics.

LeBron James made 14 of 22 shots and 4 of 6 free throws. He scored 34 points, 7 rebounds and 8 assists. Among them, he made 3 of 7 three-pointers and scored 19 points, 3 rebounds and 4 assists.

James then couldn’t help but look at the statistics of the Trail Blazers on the other side.

Zhang Jun made 13 of 21 shots, 3 of 6 three-pointers, 3 of 5 free throws, scored 32 points, 5 rebounds and 10 assists in a double-double. Brandon Luoyin made 9 of 20 shots, 1 of 5 three-pointers, Made 3 of 4 free throws, scored 22 points, 4 rebounds and 3 assists, Aldridge made 9 of 18 shots, made 2 of 4 free throws, scored 20 points and 9 rebounds, and broke out on the bench tonight Channing Fry made 6 of 13 shots, including 5 of 10 three-pointers, and scored 17 points and 6 rebounds. James Jones also made 3 three-pointers, and Steve Blake scored in double figures. .

Looking at the more blooming Trail Blazers, recalling Zhang Jun who only came on the field to reap the game at a critical moment, and thinking about his desperate offense anytime, anywhere, James began to feel more and more uneasy.

Post-match interview.

For the first time, James didn’t respond with humor to the reporters in front of him.

“LeBron, you seem to be in a bad mood tonight.”

Facing a question from a reporter, James picked up the microphone and hesitated and said: “Whoever loses the game can feel better, but I will adjust it quickly. The team also needs to move on. Our current record is very good. , ranked No. 1 in the Eastern Conference We will continue to improve, that’s it.”

The reporter shook his head and said, “I’ve never seen you feel so depressed when the Cavaliers lost. I’ve only seen such emotions in the playoffs, when the Cavaliers were eliminated by their opponents.”

“Tonight seems to have had a great effect on you.”

James is not surprised that these reporters will see his inner thoughts clearly. In fact, he has been named the Chosen Son since he entered the league. Although Cleveland is a small place, there is never a lack of traffic around James. These media A reporter sometimes knows himself better than his friends.

James smiled helplessly, and then a big slap slowly slid down from head to bottom, he admitted.

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“Yeah, the Blazers hit me hard tonight.”

“I like their trident combination very much. Of course, I hope you don’t spread this sentence on the Internet, and don’t misinterpret what I mean. I don’t have the idea of leaving the Cavaliers to play for the Trail Blazers.”

The countless reporters in front of me couldn’t help but smile heartily after hearing this, and some reporters who had originally spread their thoughts on the Internet couldn’t help but burst out laughing after hearing this, and then put down their hands. pen.

James continued: “I really envy this lineup. Their lineup is really reasonable. Of course, I’m not saying that my teammates are not good. They are also very good, but the Cavaliers want to win and want to win. To go further in the playoffs, we must have a more reasonable and suitable lineup.”

“It’s a very difficult thing to do, and it must be a very remarkable achievement if it can be done.”

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