Ninja World Live: The Ninja Rabbit I Picked Up Was Actually Kaguya Hime

Chapter 31

Chapter 031 Teacher Kakashi, Where Did The Fourth Generation’S Property Go?

It took some time because of the robbery and inventory and the sale of Cardo’s assets.

But in the end, I did not cut everything into money according to Terumi Mei’s request, so it took a little more time.

But seeing so much money…even Kakashi of the Liver Emperor thinks…


Isn’t being a ninja in the ninja world the easiest way to make money?

He had doubts about his ninja career.

“The total number is 326 million taels.”

Zaibuzhan took the explosive watch from Bai’s hand to report.

“That much money?”

Naruto, Kakashi, Sasuke were all a little shocked.

[Children and grandchildren? (^_-) chat group]

[Dazhuzi Hanhan]: This value… Tobirama, when I was Hokage, what was the annual income of the village?

【Senju Tobirama】: Big brother, you can shut up, I feel bad for selling tailed beasts so cheap.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Uh…

【Senju Tobirama】: And there is a problem with comparing the previous money with the current money.

【Senju Tobirama】: Purchasing power should be considered.

【Senju Tobirama】: @Kakashi, @Terumi Mei, how many taels per pound of rice is now.

【Kakashi】: That’s right.

【Kakashi】: According to the price of rice in Konoha.

【Kakashi】: This money can be exchanged for 60 million kilograms of rice.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Sixty million…kg!

The big pillar froze for a moment.

【Senju Tobirama】: That’s how many 60,000 pieces are piled up in your room.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Oh so many…I’ll go!

【Senju Tobirama】: It was a good amount of money.

“So, Mizukage-sama, are you sure you won’t take a penny?” Kitahara Hitoshi said.


“It’s all yours,” Terumi Mei said.

However, she also regretted it.


There are few ninjas in Kirigakure, and because of the rubbish reputation of Kirigakure in the Blood Mist, there are very few tasks that will be given to them.


Kirigakure has been a baby for many years.

It would be nice to have money to improve it.


The money is obviously not worth mentioning when compared to the relationship between Nangjin and Kitahara Hitoshi.

“Really…” Kitahara Hitoshi was noncommittal.

“Just…” Kakashi said, “Kitahara-kun, why do you want to ask for money?”

This sentence was not actually asked by Kakashi, but asked by Tobirama.

Hope to get Kitahara Hitoshi’s money values.

He felt that Kitahara Hitoshi was a genius, and it would be a pity if he fell into money.


“Having money is a comfortable thing.”

“For example, you can gain confidence.”

“Because you don’t have the financial pressure behind you, you have more choices,” says Kitahara Hitoshi.

“I see,” Naruto said. “That is to say, after you have assets, you can make people feel confident.”

“Make people feel at ease!”

“Yes,” Kitahara Hitoshi said. “If you have money, then… Naruto, you can also choose not to be a ninja.”

“…” Naruto. “Not a ninja.”

“You don’t need to work hard either,” Kitahara Hitoshi said.

“…No need to fight for your life.”

“You have one more option,” Kitahara Hitoshi said.

“…one more option,” Naruto repeated.

He has repeated Kitahara Hitoshi’s words three times.

“No!” But Naruto said. “I’m going to be a ninja, I’m going to be Hokage, and let all those who look down on me recognize me!”

Naruto burst into flames.


Uzumaki Naruto was instantly full of energy.


However, Kitahara Hitoshi felt a little embarrassed when he felt that Naruto was the same as before.

Start with both hands and fingers with hands.


“I also don’t want the Chakra system that Kitahara Hitoshi gave me to disarm in vain.”

“So I want to get stronger.”

“You gave me the chance to become a ninja…”

“Then I want to be strong, then strong enough, and then protect you!”

“…” Kitahara Hitoshi.

? ? ?

Kitahara Hitoshi thinks how this line is more wrong than Mizukage’s appearance.

If Hinata had said that to him, he might have agreed.

But… this is Naruto.

The people are wrong, and so is the gender.

“Anyway,” Kitahara Hitoshi said. “Naruto, come on.”

“But I have a little curiosity to ask Kakashi-sensei,” Kitahara Hitoshi said.

“Huh?” Kakashi froze for a moment.

Just now, he was asking Kitahara Hitoshi.

Now he is being questioned.

“Kakashi-sensei, you are undoubtedly a mission liver emperor.”

“Have done 33 tasks at S level, 244 tasks at A level, and 340 tasks at B level.”


“There are two people in the village who surpassed your record,” Kitahara Hitoshi said.

“Two more?” Kakashi blinked.

How could he not know.

“One is Jiraiya,” Kitahara Hitoshi said.

“Oh… Jiraiya-sama…” Kakashi nodded.

“Then it’s probably for Tsunade-sama…” Kakashi said.

[Children and grandchildren? (^_-) chat group]

[Dazhuzi Hanhan]: Tobirama, I heard it right, I heard Tsunade, is this Xiaozuna?

【Senju Tobirama】: It should be Tsunade.

【Senju Tobirama】: After all, she is the only one named Tsunade.

【Namikaze Minato】: It should be Tsunade-sama. This Jiraiya-sama is my master, and Jiraiya is also a disciple of the Third Generation.

【Senju Tobirama】: I see, then it is Tsunade’s companion.

【Senju Tobirama】: So why does Jiraiya make money for Ozuna?

【Namikaze Minato】: This…

【Namikaze Minato】: How to say this…

Minato seems to be considering whether to save Tsunade’s face.

【Senju Tobirama】: Say it, Minato.

【Namikaze Minato】: Actually, Tsunade-sama was depressed for a while, and then gave up being a ninja to gamble, and owed a lot of money.

【Namikaze Minato】: Teacher Jiraiya has been paying her debts, and then she also wrote a book, which sold well, and then paid her debts…

【Senju Tobirama】:…

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Ah this… Fortunately, Konoha doesn’t have a family.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Otherwise… I’m really worried that the village will be lost by A Gang. She likes to gamble to learn from me, but I didn’t expect her to gamble so much…

【Senju Tobirama】: So who is the other liver emperor?

[Kakashi]: Um… I call it the Emperor of the Liver.

Kakashi also realized that he had done so many tasks.

Become a mission freak.

And that’s when they heard Kitahara Hitoshi speak.

“The other person is Namikaze Minato, Fourth Hokage.”

“He participated in 54 S-level tasks, 346 A-level tasks, and 456 B-level tasks.”

Because Minato is Kakashi’s teacher, some of Kakashi’s tasks overlap with Minato’s.


“Kakashi-sensei, how much is your asset?”


“About 130 million.”

Kakashi said.

He didn’t take money very seriously, and then he didn’t count that much.

“Then, after the death of the Fourth Generation.”

“Where did his assets go?” Kitahara Hitoshi said.

“…” Kakashi.

[Children and grandchildren? (^_-) chat group]

【Namikaze Minato】: Eh! ?

【Namikaze Minato】: Yeah, I died, and where did all my money go?

【Namikaze Minato】: I have a house in the village, but I only spent 8 million, but my assets are probably more than 200 million. Because my wife, Tsunami, and I work on missions together, the income is pretty good. but.

【Namikaze Minato】:? ? ?

【Namikaze Minato】:Wait a minute!

【Namikaze Minato】: My money didn’t fall on Mingbao, and Mingbao didn’t even know the denomination of 10,000 taels.

【Namikaze Minato】: I obviously have 200 million, but I don’t know my Mingbao 10,000 yuan.

【Namikaze Minato】: Why is that?

【Senju Tobirama】:  ….


Kakashi felt that there was really no way to wash Third Generation.

Because Naruto is the orphan of Mr. Minato.

Even if the identity of Naruto’s Fourth Generation son is not announced, it would be an exaggeration not to give Naruto a penny.

Kakashi probably knew that Nine Tails attacked the village and ninja training needed money. The village was very difficult before.

Then Minato-sensei’s assets may have been misappropriated.

But…you embezzled Mr. Minato’s money, you didn’t return it?

It won’t work for him all at once.

ps: Push down the old book [I, who took the Chūnin exam, was broadcast live! ] Author: Hokage Dai Naruto

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