Ninja World Live: The Ninja Rabbit I Picked Up Was Actually Kaguya Hime

Chapter 623

Chapter 616

Senju Tobirama and Naruto thought of a very important question at this time. Since the giant centipede has a humanoid, who is his humanoid?

Kitahara Hitoshi directly told the two people that An Lushanzan not only looked suspicious now, but it was certain that An Lushanzan was a giant centipede.

The two did not expect that An Lu Shanzan was actually a giant centipede. They originally thought he was a good character, but who knew that he was actually a humanoid of a giant centipede.

Kitahara Hitoshi told Senju Tobirama and Naruto that no one can be taken lightly here.

“Protecting the dragon veins is our top priority, we must not let that giant centipede succeed and destroy the dragon veins.

Kitahara Hitoshi instructed Senju Tobirama and Naruto in this way, and both of them looked at Kitahara Hitoshi and nodded.

The two then asked Kitahara Hitoshi what they should do, judging from the current situation.

Kitahara Hitoshi told the two of them that it was not too early, let the two of them go to rest first, he would think about a way tonight, and he would naturally tell the two of them what they were going to do tomorrow.

After listening to Kitahara Hitoshi’s words, the two went to rest immediately, but early the next morning, a dilapidated scene appeared in front of everyone.

Naruto and Senju Tobirama didn’t know what was going on, but thinking that there were so many people watching, it must not be a simple matter, so they immediately went to see what happened.

However, seeing the Lost Tower in front of them instantly turned into a ruin, the two thought they had not woken up, and rubbed their own eyes.

But after rubbing their eyes, they still looked like ruins in front of them. Everyone was talking about it, and at the same time, they were thinking about what happened to Queen Sarah.

Kitahara Hitoshi was awakened by the noise outside, and then saw the dilapidated appearance of the Lost Tower, and everyone was talking about it, wondering if there was anything wrong with Queen Sarah.

Naruto and Senju Tobirama were worried, but Kitahara Hitoshi smiled smugly.

“How do I look at you, it’s like gloating, the Tower of Lost has collapsed, which means that Queen Sarah can be said to be in danger now”||.

After hearing what Naruto said, Kitahara Hitoshi directly told Naruto that nothing would happen to Queen Sarah, and that the dragon veins would not be in this lost tower.

|| It is estimated that Queen Sarah, in order to delay the time, told An Lushan that the Zanlong Vein is in the Lost Tower.

Kitahara Hitoshi said this, and then told Naruto that since they did not find the dragon vein, then Queen Sarah could not be in danger. After all, only Queen Sarah can know where the dragon vein is now. ) People will never know where the exact location of the dragon veins is.

When Naruto and Senju Tobirama heard Kitahara Hitoshi say this, they breathed a sigh of relief for a while, and then they asked Kitahara Hitoshi how to find out where Anlushanzan is now.

Kitahara Hitoshi told the two people that this was a simple matter, because of the collapse of the Lost Tower, their progress must not be so smooth, and it is estimated that they have not run very far.

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