Ninja World Live: The Ninja Rabbit I Picked Up Was Actually Kaguya Hime

Chapter 628

Chapter 621 Dragon Vein Appears

Soon, An Lu Shanzan brought the puppet army to the place where Queen Sarah said.

“This is the place, right?”

An Lu Shanzan asked Queen Sarah, and asked Queen Sarah if she was sure that the dragon vein was hidden in this place.

Queen Sarah told An Lushan Zan that the dragon veins are underground in this place, but An Lushan Zan did not even notice the power of the dragon veins here.

“Why haven’t I noticed the power of the dragon veins?”

An Lu Shanzan asked Queen Sarah directly, and Queen Sarah told An Lu Shanzan that the dragon veins were deep underground.

An Lu Shanzan immediately called people to dig here, but An Lu Shanzan did not expect that Senju Tobirama and Naruto suddenly appeared and attacked him.

Immediately, Kitahara Hitoshi and Orochimaru also immediately shot to deal with the nearby puppet army.

When the puppet army saw that this person had all taken action, they hurriedly rushed to deal with these people.

At this time, the ninja appeared directly and rescued Queen Sarah.

And An Lu Shanzan was very angry when he saw such a situation. In an instant, he turned into a giant centipede, claiming that they had deceived him and must make them pay the price.

At this time, Kitahara Hitoshi told An Lushanzan directly that he was not qualified to talk about the two words deception. He himself was not incarnated as An Lushanzan, and he has been shamelessly staying by the puppet queen’s side to collect information about the dragon veins. news.

The giant centipede directly attacked Kitahara Hitoshi after hearing what Kitahara Hitoshi said, but Kitahara Hitoshi was not afraid of An Lushanzan in front of him at all.

Immediately, Kitahara Hitoshi used ninjutsu directly, and the large centipede that Anlu Shanzan transformed into did not expect that Kitahara Hitoshi’s strength was so powerful.

The puppet army rushed forward to protect the giant centipede for a while, and at this time, the giant centipede seemed to sense that there was indeed a very powerful force in the ground.

The giant centipede directly manipulated the puppet army instead of continuing to fight with Kitahara Hitoshi and others, but directly destroyed the ground here.

Seeing such a situation, Kitahara Hitoshi and others were also very puzzled as to what the giant centipede was trying to do.

Senju Tobirama and Naruto originally planned that the giant centipede was going to escape, and they laughed at the giant centipede because it didn’t seem to have any strength at all.

Hearing what they said, the giant centipede didn’t take their words seriously, and just continued to dig the ground, but after a while, everyone felt that there was a strong force here.

Kitahara Hitoshi noticed that this power should be the power of dragon veins. It seems that this giant centipede has really tapped the power of dragon veins.

After Kitahara Hitoshi thought of this, he couldn’t believe that the giant centipede could really tap the power of the dragon veins.

Kitahara Hitoshi immediately looked at Queen Sarah beside her, wondering what Queen Sarah was trying to do.

Ask Queen Sarah what exactly this means, now that the giant centipede has obtained the power of the dragon vein, their situation has obviously become very unfavorable.

Queen Sarah informs Kitahara Hitoshi that she actually has no idea where the dragon veins are.

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