Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 137: A Missed opportunity 2

The palace polo field. 

The ride from the Duke's mansion to the palace was quiet, Su Liya felt shy at the start of the journey. She kept skillfully stealing glances at Lu Yaozhu, who was seated next to her. This was not their first time in a carriage together, they had tode together in the carriage a few times together. However, this was their first time in a confined space since the kiss.

After a few minutes, she quickly can't down a started to relax. There was a lot of carriages on the road today, as the Empress's birthday was considered a major event of the year. Getting and an invitation wasn't easy since it was an event of a senior member of the Imperial royal family. The invitation was given to only high ranked noble families.

The carriage ride was longer, they rode slowly to the Palace. Carriages were not allowed past the main gates of the palace, the occupants were instructed to get down at the heavily guarded concrete-walled slim pathway leading to the tall iron gates of the palace. 

Lu Yaozhu got down from the carriage first and standing by the step, he stretched out his hands to her. Su Liya bent low as she stood from the cushioned carriage seat and walked out of the carriage. A few steps away from the step set up at the door, she stretched out her hand expecting to hold on to Baozhai's hands but instead felt a rough hard hand that he hers. She locked eyes with Lu Yaozhu as she looked up.

Her eyes flutter, as he held her steady. She carefully walked down from steps, she had expected him to let go of her hands when her leg touched the ground but he never did instead he held her tightly rubbed his thumb on the soft skin behind her hand a few times in a calming gesture. 

He presented the invitation and his name card, inscribed with the family crest. The Lu Family was deeply rooted in the capital, they controlled half of the army of Northern Wei. As such the everyone was as familiar with their family crest as they were with that of the Imperial family. They were allowed in as soon as the guards caught sight of the invitation and family crest.

A Eunuch approached them as they walked in, Lu Yaozhu seemed familiar with the eunuch because of the warm greeting they exchanged. The Eunuch bent low and stretched out his arm forward, with both hands clamped together.

"Good day, Your Highness, general. Please follow me, this small one would lead you to the polo grounds".

Standing straight, Lu Yaozhu held up both hands. He balled up his right hand into a fist and held it tight to his open left palm, "Thanks, Eunuch Bo. Please lead the way", he stood and gestured to the pathway ahead.

The Eunuch bowed, turned around and continued forward through the marble pathway leafing straight to the polo grounds. The majority of the gallery was occupied by the guests, all seated according to rank. All eyes were focused on the entire Lu family as they walked in, everyone was curious how they looked after the short stay at the cold prison.

The rumours in the condition of the ice prison were gruesome, it was the place prisoners when sent there never remained the same. It was a place of pain and death, they were all curious what became of the Lu family after getting thrown there. The Lu family sealed up their mansion as soon as they were released and did not receive any visitors.

Their secluded behaviour fed the rumour Mill and encouraged the rumour mongers to invent their tales about the conditions of the Lu family members they were released. Each rumour was more gruesome than the other and since no one was allowed into Lu mansion. There was no one to give an honest account of their condition so everyone believed the rumours.

Their presence today put an end to the rumours as everyone could see that they were healthy and in good body conditions, without missing any body parts as a few of the rumours claimed. There was a few seconds hush from the guests as they were led to the wider private Gallery ar the middle of the field. Where the members of the royal family and the Imperial-in-laws, were seated. That section of the gallery had a clearer unobstructed view of the field. 

There was much tighter security at that spot because of the guest seated there. The Lu family was one of the most powerful family and were very attractive. During these events, members of nobility observed each other and tried to socialise.

It was the perfect spot for marriage arrangements, the marriage-minded mama's had their eye locker on the two unmarried members of the family Lu Yiling and Lu Yong but it was the young couple Lu Yaozhu and Su Liya that drew all their attention. They were attracted to Su Liya's beauty, the story of how the couple were married made rounds together with the other rumours.

Su Liya felt self-conscious as she noticed the gaze on her. Her hands shook as walked up the short step to their seat at the next level after the two levels following the Dragon and Phoenix throne. Lu Yaozhu squeezed her hands little as if to say 'you are not alone, I have got your back". His attempt to calm her down warmed her heart. She looked up at him and locked eyes with him. 

They had both glanced at each other at the same time, his lips curved up, showing a faint one-sided dimple on his cheeks. Su Liya blushed heavily, smiling shyly eye low. Her long lashes felt like beautiful soft feathers, shielding her eyes. Su Loya bit her lips gently, her heart and sizzling with excitement but she schooled her expression so as not to let it show and give up her feelings in public.

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