Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 139: A start of something beautiful

The Imperial Palace, the Polo grounds.

Su Liya looked up as Madam Jiang got closer and stood in front of her table. Madam Jiang had heard a few things about this new Princess since she arrived at the capital a week and a half ago. After all, she heard. She was not impressed with this social climber. Madam Jiang came from an old aristocratic family whose lineage went down till the establishment of northern Wei.

Members of this type of family were very strict about genealogy. To her the fact that Su Liya, a mere maid could marry a man of noble birth like Lu Yaozhu as the principal wife was a disgrace. It was an abnormality that should never have been. She believed strongly in the old ways and would never associate herself with a person of low birth like Su Liya.

However, she was forced to do so, to give her daughter an edge. Her eldest son Jiang Hongli was just promoted to a fourth rank official in the ministry of works. Following his promotion, their entire family moved back to the capital from their hometown Yangzhuo. Where her eldest son, served as an official after ranking high at the regional Imperial examination.

The move back to the capital came at a good time, her eldest daughter Jiang Hua had come of age. It was time for the Lu family to honour her engagement to their youngest son. Jiang Hua's marriage to Lu Yong would open doors for her children.

Madam Jiang stood a few steps away from Su Liya, she stretched out her arm in front of her and interlocked her fingers together, bowed to Su Liya. 

"This official's wife, Fu Mian greets your highness, Princess Qin"

Su Liya placed her hands on the older woman's arm to stop her from bowing, "please don't stand on ceremony, Madam after all we are family".

'At least she knows her place' Madam Jiang thought, without changing her expression. She replied, "thank you for your kindness you Highness."

Madam Jiang brought forward the two girls behind her, the two girls looked about Lu Yiling's age. They saluted Su Liya before standing back in position, Madam Jiang introduced the taller girl as Lu Yong's fiancee, Jiang Hua. While the second girl was her niece Chen Yao.

Four tables ahead of Su Liya's table, Sat Xia Ying. Although surrounded by women frowning on her, she couldn't take her eyes away from that table. She looked longingly at that spot next to Lu Yaozhu. She might be the second most powerful woman in northern Wei burst this moment she felt nothing like that.

She felt trapped in an uncomfortable position, like a doll on display. Xia Ying hated this feeling and the person that made her feel this way. if it wasn't for Su Liya, that spot next to Lu Yaozhu would be hers. Su Liya just had to interfere in her marriage fate. She would never forget that interruption and the consequences, she was forced to face. 

Minutes later the Emperor and Empress arrival was announced, everyone ran back to their sears and falling on their knees bowed to the couple as they walked in. They stayed that way until they were both seated, Emperor Zhong glanced at them from the dragon throne and said "Rise". 

They all chorused, "Thanks, your Majesty" as they stood and sat on their cushioned seats. Emperor Zhong glanced at the guests closer to him and smiled. His smile shook a little when his eyes fell on the Lu family, He still felt uneasy around them but decided to let them go until the solid evidence of their betrayal was obvious. 

Emperor Zhong said words of good wishes before the polo match began. The match was lively and fun. By evening, they all moved to Fuyuang palace. Where the banquet kicked off properly. Members of the royal family came out one after the other and presented their gifts to the Empress.

Soon it was Lu Yaozhu and Su Liya's turn, they both came up to the centre of the room and bowed.

"This general wishes her highness good health, heavens divine blessings and prosperity for northern Wei"

"This Princess, wishes imperial mother, good health, heaven's divine blessings and Prosperity for northern Wei".

They both chorused kneeling on one knee and holding their hands forward. The Empress nodded at them smiling, their presence put her in a good mood. She was surprised at how grand this year's birthday banquet was, she was impressed by his move.

After giving their oral good wishes, Yu Tao and Baozhai came forward with the boxes of gifts. Two eunuchs at the side rushed forward and collected the gifts. The gift was searched as they arrived, for weapons, poison and the rest by the guards at the gate before it was allowed into the palace.

The eunuchs carried the boxes up the steps and presented the gifts to the Emperor and Empress. They opened the box while standing a step below the dragon and Phoenix throne. Inside the first box presented by Su Liya was a string of luminous pearl necklace, while in the second box was a painting. 

There was a lot of gasps from the consorts and princesses who saw the bright pearl necklace. 



"Such dazzle!"


Imperial concubine Sheng who was the most senior consort was the only one courageous enough to comment on the Empress Gift. She had stayed the longest among them and although she wasn't close friend with the Empress. They had come to an understanding, a few years back. 

"Such beauty can only belong to her Majesty. Judging by the dazzle, it is definitely of high quality. Princess Qin treats her Majesty the best, aiyo! now I wish I had a daughter" she said smiling widely. 

Empress Lu smiled, "you flatter me, Mei Mei. We are one family aren't we, Liya is also your daughter". Empress Lu's heart warmed a little when she saw the gift, it had been a while since she had received a feminine gift like this. This kind of gift was youthful and could only be chosen by a younger female.

Women her age wouldn't be drawn to gift like this, seeing this gift reminded her immediately of her only daughter who had married far away. She hadn't seen her in ten years, the first princess had married too far for her to visit. In the earlier year of her daughter's marriage, she had visited Northern Wei with her husband.

That was when her husband was still the Crown Prince of Western Liang and she the Crown Princess consort. Back when they were always sent over as Envoys to Northern Wei, her daughter hasn't visited since she became the Empress of Western Liang. Her impression of Su Liya was much better now than it was months earlier. She was growing fond of this adopted daughter of hers.

"Her Majesty is truly the mother of the nation. She treats everyone well." Imperial concubine sheng said glancing at the other imperial concubines present. The Imperial concubines all chorused happy responses to her statement.

The Empress eunuch Chu Moran walked down the stairs, picked up the painting in the box and unrolled the painting. EmptessLu's expression brightened up once again as the picture was opened out.

She gasped and brought her hands to her mouth. The laugh line next to her eyes appeared on both sides of her face. "This is beautiful!" She gazed at Lu Yaozhu softly "A'Zhu paintings is always the best. It has been a while since I received one of these".

Emperor Zhong also could take his eyes off such a beautiful piece of art. He was always amazed by the works painted by Lu Yaozhu. He always felt that Lu Yaozhu was a talented young man it was a pity that too bad he was from the Lu family. If he was from any other family, his talents would have been appreciated. 

He looked away from the life-like landscape paintings of the natural view of the Lu family's ducal seat at Wuzhuo. He picked up his cup of wine and gulped down some wine. He glanced at Caihong and caught his eyes, signalling him to round this up quickly before he lost his patience. 

Today was the Empress's birthday and he wished to indulge her today. He had noticed how detached Empress Lu had become of late and he didn't like that. This was his way of getting back on her good side, even if it meant that he would have to tolerate the Lu family. 

Chief Eunuch Caihong didn't need to be told twice, he hastened up the gift display and moved to the next guests. His hasty actions didn't go unnoticed to Empress Lu but she pretended otherwise. She had doubted Emperor Zhong's sudden change in attitude for a while. This was expected, it wasn't much of a surprise to her that he would do this.

Although she hoped that he would not do these things but he still did exactly that. Empress Lu glanced at her salty husband seated beside her and sighed. She rolled her eyes and muttered, "well at least he is consistent".

Two hours later, Emperor Zhong had begun feeling a little lightheaded. He stood and looking down at the guest smiled, "it is getting late, I am calling it a night. You all should be merry, we are celebrating a virtuous woman today".

Everyone chorused their affirmation and stood to see him off. The Empress left with the Emperor, the Imperial concubine couldn't stray any longer since the hosts were gone. They left one after the other.

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