Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 159: The first wave of war 2

Madam Lu's courtyard, the Duke's mansion.

Su Loya heard the melodious sound of the traditional eight strings guipin as she got closer to madam Lu's courtyard. The melodious harmony got louder as she walked into the compound at getting closer to the majestic Pavillion madam Lu occupied. Two maps stood outside the entrance of the pavilion, while the other lower-ranked outside servants went about cleaning up the yard.

One of the maids stepped out from her post and came forward to salute Su Liya as she stood at the top of the small wooden step leading to the entrance of the pavilion. 

"Good day, Your Highness," the maid said bowing at 30 degrees. 

Su Liya smiled and glanced at the entrance of the Pavillion, "please announce my presence".

"Yes, please wait" she bowed, walked to the door and knocked. She waited by the door for a response before going in. Madam Lu sat legs crossed at a low table in between the two side doors that allowed good ventilation of air. She didn't look up from the guipin in front of her and continued to luck the string carefully. 

The youngest of Madam Lu's dowery maids who stood next to madam Lu walked forward to meet her. The maid saluted Madam Lu, "second Madam is requesting an audience, madam".

The tips of Madam Lu's fingers on the strings of the exquisite guipin paused, she removed her fingers from the strings and placed both hands on the vibrating strings to settle the string. "let her in" Madam Lu said in a tone a few octaves higher than a whisper.

The outside maid gave an affirmative reply and went out of the room to invite Su Liya inside. Meanwhile inside, madam Lu was supported up by her dowry maid, Aunt Bai and led to the top seat in the main room. This was the first time her usually low key daughter-in-law visited her, she was curious about the reasons behind the visit.

Su Liya was already seated as Madam Lu walked out of the small door opposite her seat. She was stopped from standing to give her mother-in-law a salute as she tried standing. She was waved down and sat silently. 

Madam Lu's dowry maid Aunt Yu stepped back after supporting her mistress to her seat. Madam Lu pulled her sleeve up, "Liya, I trust that all is well, I was surprised when the maid informed me that you were at the door. Don't keep things from me, of something or someone is worrying you. Just let me know, even if it is Yaozhu. I will settle it for you"

"Don't worry mother, everything is going well on my end. However, I fear that the situation in the country is about to change. The General received a message a few minutes ago reporting that Over 200, 000 armed soldiers from Droko tribe, Chu state and Yan state appeared on all the borders. They are headed for the northern, southern and western borders", she sat in a low tone

"What!" Madam Lu looked around and reducing her tone continued, "if this is becomes known to the public, it could cause unrest among the citizen. Usually, most large scale attacks like this are focused on only one border but to attack from different directions. I fear that this was a planned attack. Our opponents planned this carefully. Where is Xiao Zhu?"

"He went into the palace to inform his Majesty" 

Madam Lu tapped the armrest of the top seat and pulsed her lips, after a few seconds she said. "Based on the urgency of this, you and Yaozhu must return to Ningzhuo. That occurs seat of our northern borders, get packing. I will arrange the rest, this isn't going to be easy but you two have to stay strong. I wish you didn't have to go but, I think you should accompany Xiao Zhu to war. If he argues just tell him that you are going there to provide medical help to the injured. That way you can put an eye on him" 

"Yes, mother"

Madam Lu looked at her and sighed, "the last time, Lu Yaozhu went off to war, I nearly lost him. You must be careful, keep an eye out for spies. A war can be won without lifting a battle due to sabotage. For the enemies to get this close, there must be a few spies embedded in the army. 

"Most men often underestimate the strength of a woman, instead of arguing with men like that, use their ignorance against them. I will send a few secret guards to go with you, women in the Lu family might not openly fight wars but that doesn't mean we aren't useful. We are always the best vanguard generals to our men, they fight in the open while we fight in secret"

Su Liya blinked and looked up, she saw the raw determination in her mother-in-law's eyes. Her impression of madam Lu had improved these past few weeks but these words turned her into a fan. It wasn't every day that one found a wan from the ancient times that thought this way. 

She stood and bowed to her, "daughter-in-law understands"


At the Imperial palace

Emperor Zhong ran his hands through his hair as he read through the various Intelligence sent over by his soy network. Things were not looking good for them. There were only a bare minimum of 20,000 soldiers stationed at all the borders, compared to the 60,000 soldiers the enemies had matching to their borders. They were bound to amass a lot of losses.

The additional soldiers he would be sending down with his Commanding generals to defend the borders may not arrive on time. Although an Emperor was meant to appear brave in the hit of war. The look of everything was worrying, he sent down the report from the north and sighed,

"it is not just the Droko tribe, Chu state and Yan state that us attacking us. There are reports of the Narashi ice warriors of Wuzhao joining in, I can write to western Liang to provide support for us in the south. The north is something else, back there we are surrounded by enemies. At the rate, we might lose the north. The Narashi ice warriors are like ghosts in the ice, I can't risk our men on a hopeless war".

"I am willing to protect the north"

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