Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 166: Draw the first blood 2

The Imperial Palace, the Empress palace 

Patting him on the shoulder softly, Emperor Zhong's gaze locked on her calm face. Although she looked calm, her eyes were full of worry. He looked down at the cup of tea she handed to him and took it from her. He understood that she must be going through a lot, she raised the Crown prince. Even if they weren't related by blood, they still shared a bond. After all these years, She treated him like a son. 

Emperor Zhong held her hands and smile down at her. He seemed to help her calm down but knew that it wasn't a permanent solution. Emperor glanced at his chief eunuch Caihong who stood on the other side of the room opposite his present location. Caihong and the Empress's mood Xuanyi had taken that position as their master and mistress are. 

Imperial servants were all taught to be invincible, they were to serve mainly as an extension of hands for their masters. They helped make their master's lives easier, although not taking part in the lunch. They stood by the side to provide help to their masters when needed. Their face a mask of calmness, as they stood attentively waiting to be called forward.

Caihong rushed to Emperor Zhong's side and bowed, "Your Majesty?"

Emperor Zhong released the Empress's hands and raised the lid of his tea, as hot smoke escaped from the teacup. He raised the Lid of the cup and weaved the lid slowly just a few inches above the cup brim waving the hot smoke away. When the tea was cooler he brought the teacup to his mouth and took a sip.

"Caihong relay my orders, commander Wang of my special troupe is to head out to the south immediately. His is constructed to lead his team South, they are to turn the south inside out, no stone must be left unturned. I want tge Crown Prince found before the end of the day!"

"Yes, Your majesty" he bowed and silently retreated from the room. Emperor Zhong finished the cup of tea, he handed it over to the maid standing quietly by the side. He gazed down at the kneeling eunuch, "the Crown Prince got lost on their watch, they better not sleep until the Crown Prince is found. Meanwhile, General Zhang should tighten security, we cannot lose that station".

"Yes, I will take my leave, Your Majesty"

Emperor Zhong nodded and waved him away. He watched the eunuch leave before leading the Empress back to her seat to rest. He had the information bureau to keep the news of the missing Crown prince under the wraps. However, before dark, the rumours began to spread which started a little panic among the citizens that worried that they weren't safe in their homes. 

No matter how well it was investigated nothing could be found regarding the widespread of sensitive information. It was like a ghost job, no evidence was left. Meanwhile, at the sixth prince end, he received word from Prince Du informing him that the Crown Prince was taken care of. The news put him in a good mood.

However, there are hours later. His good mood was crushed by the report of the Crown Prince's return. Zhongshan Cheng nearly flipped the low desk in his study over angrily but was forced to hold in his reaction by Zhu Faye. This was to prevent drawing attention to himself.

Zhongshan Cheng rushed over to the palace to check on his elder brother. The Emperor had the palace shut down while putting both the palace guards and the city guards on high alert. The Crown Prince was sent straight into the palace for a thorough medical check-up and a quick medical treatment.

Zhongshan Ling had a very high fever as he was carried into the palace, he has been stuck in the empty well for hours. His wounds are left in the open for hours which encourages infection of the open wound. The thick smell of drugs filled the air as Zhongshan Cheng got closer to the Xinfeng palace where the Crown Prince was being treated. He was sent out of the palace as soon as he arrived while the imperial physicians attended to the Crown Prince. 

Not that it minded much ti him, he already asked around discretely and based off of what was reported to him by the attending servants that night. The Crown Prince's condition was very unstable, although the doctors were optimistic. Zhongshan Ling's life was on the edge, because of the number of hours he was left in the well.

The Crown Prince's injuries were infected and the doctors reported that he could lose his feet. Zhongshan Cheng left the palace in high spirits, he met with his mother before returning to his mansion.

Emperor Zhong, the Empress and the Crown Princess consort sat patiently in the main room of if the palace. Waiting for the doctors to come out with good news, the Director of the Imperial medical team rushed out of the room thirty minutes later and fell on his hands and knees. 

"Your Majesty, We have an emergency!"

Emperor Zhong looked up from his position at the top seat, resting his head on his upraised arm. "What is it?" He asked calmly, eyes narrowed. 

"It is about his highness's injured ankle, his highness Achilles tendon was cut and because of the damp surrounding of the good couples with the length of time, his highness was stuck in there. The injury was infected, the injury is now too deep. Fear that there is nothing that can be done about that. We will have to amputate the foot to stop the infection from eating into his bones and spreading further", the director said carefully.

There was a brief silence as Empress Lu and Xia Ying both stared at the Emperor expectantly. They were both speechless as that statement was heard. It was like the breath was knocked out of their lungs, they could scarcely breathe. Emperor Zhong was used to making various life-threatening decisions every day.

Found himself speechless, making life-threatening decisions on a nation did nothing to prepare one for a time like this. He wasn't just thinking like the Emperor this time but like a father. This was a decision that would affect the future of his son. While the amputation seemed like the best choice given that the other option was death. He couldn't help but hope that there were better options. 

His son was in his prime, he couldn't tell how Zhongshan Ling would respond to such a drastic change in his life. It was one thing to be born with a disability and another to lose one limp. He feared that Zhongshan Ling may not handle this new development well. 

Emperor Zhong glanced at Empress Lu silently, even without him saying anything. She could see the uncertainty in his eyes, she understood how he felt. This was not an easy decision to make, since it concerned their Son's future but considering that the options were either death or amputation. She was kneeling on the later, she glanced at Xia Ying who sat at her left.

"Doctor, isn't there another way," Empress Lu asked softly.

"No, your Highness. The infection is rooted too deep, any other treatments won't work. Because of his highness was run through with a sword, if I attempt any other treatment. His heart may seize beating because of the strain"

Empress Lu sighed, "Where there is life there is hope". She glanced at the Emperor and placed her hands on his, "Ling'er will understand that this decision was made to save him".

Emperor Zhong nodded and cleared his throat, " Go on".

"Yes, Your Majesty," the Director of the Imperial medical college said and went back into the room.

"When there are changes like this, what matters after is a good mental condition", She said to no one in particular but one could easily guess that this was said to console either the Emperor, Xia Ying or herself. She glanced at Xia Ying and continued, "Ying'er has to make such his highness is in a good state of mind. There is no one I can depend on but you".

Xia Ying nodded, "Yes, mother"

They sat silently for close to three hours before the team of the Imperial Physicians led by director Yang of the Imperial medical college walked out of the Crown Prince's room. They stood in two rolls with Director Yan standing in the middle as he bowed, "Your Majesty, the bleeding has stopped and the injuries are completely healed. The Crown Prince just fell into natural sleep, we will keep watch of him until he is stable". 

"Good, I want an around the clock care service from both the team of Doctors and the servants", Emperor Zhong said.

Xia Ying came forward, "Your Majesty if you don't mind. I will like to keep watch of his highness until he wakes. "

Emperor Zhong glanced at her silently before turning His gaze to the Empress. They both shared a look, he felt like this wasn't his decision to make it that of the Empress. 

Empress Lu nodded, "that is a good idea Ying'er. I will leave this to you. The Emperor and Empress stayed for sometime before leaving.

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