Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 167: Everyone loves a black horse

Zhu Faye's rooms, Minister Zhu's mansion

Zhu Faye had a lot of spies Embedded in various departments in the imperial palace, that provided him with information. Good information was a valuable commodity and Zhu Faye was one of the biggest suppliers of information in the capital. The news of the amputation of the Crown Prince's foot was sent down by his spies minutes after the Imperial Doctors left Xinfeng palace.

Zhu Faye stood by the open door leading to the backyard silently looking outside the door to the tangerine tree at the backyard. His lips curved as he read through the secret letter sent out by one of his most reliable spies placed around the Crown Prince. His spy sent over a detailed report of the situation at the Imperial Palace. 

He folded the pieces of paper after reading the message, turned around and walked over to the candle lamp on the table behind him. He placed one end of the paper in the open flame, as soon as the end of the paper caught fire he threw it into the ask tray beside the table. He was in a good mood after reading through the report, he had been irritated when the Crown Prince was found but luckily fate was in their side.

The amputation was an angle be could work with, public opinion was easily manipulated. People were fickle with the right stimulation, they could finish the Crown Prince coming off permanently. 

A'Bao stood a followed his master's a time with his eyes a few steps away. He waited for his master to move to the small chair by the side door before coming forward. Zhu Faye glanced at his guard, "is there anything else?"

"Yes, this came in minutes earlier", he said and pulled another letter from inside his tunic and presented it to his young master. 

Zhu Faye took the letter from his hand, "ah looks like another anonymous letter".

A'Bao frowned slightly when he heard that, he didn't like this Anonymous writer. He wasn't a fan of things he knew nothing about, he felt like this anonymous writer was highly suspicious. It could be a ser up by the other side, to find out what they knew. For the past few weeks, a letter was sent in once a week. His distrust was valid considering the tough what they had been through together 

"The frequency of the messages has increased, Young master. I don't feel comfortable with the sudden familiarity between you too. These letters have been sent frequently enough that tracking the source of these letters won't be hard unlike when the letters were first sent. Should I look into this?" A'Bao asked quickly.

Zhu Faye chuckled at his irritated guard, "there is no need for that A'Bao. Since the gas been a rather helped ally of late, let her be."

A'Bao gazed at her master with a raised brow, "Her? Have you discovered her identity already?"

"Well, you can say that. Not like it was very hard, her writing style was a dead giveaway. Based on her soft stylish brushstroke, a characteristic feature attached to literate female writers. As opposed to the firm and thick writing style particular to males. I already have a solid suspicion of her identity based on the tactics she uses, she seemed to have a strong grudge against the Lu family.

"The fact that she made use of Noble consort Tong's issues and also knew quite a few intimate information shows coupled with her method of execution and modern writing style. This shows that she is of the younger generation and since her writing still although passable lacks the refinement and style thought by the expensive tutors hired to teach the Di daughters of noble houses. 

"I deduced that she could only be a concubine born daughter and since there are no concubine born daughters old enough to arrange this on the Tong family main and side branch. Then she must be the child of one of the Tong females married into other families. I had someone look into their family records and discovered that the Noble consort had two younger sisters both of whom were more than five years younger than her.

"One of them was her biological younger sister that is currently married to the left vice-chancellor of Linzhuo and a concubine born sister of who unsurprisingly was married as a concubine to a silk merchant. The silk merchant died two years into their marriage, while the younger Madam Tong was pregnant with her only child. There was a lot of dispute between the Merchants male heirs and other relatives.

"After Madam Tong died during childbirth the child was adopted by one of her childhood friends married to the left vanguard general surname Jiang serving under the deceased Duke Wu. The girl is called Chen Yao, she just turned 17 this year's and is the most likely person behind these anonymous letters."

"But she cannot be the only daughter born of the married Tong daughters, there is still that the other Madam Tong married to the vice-chancellor," A'Bao said.

"The Vice Chancellor's wife has an only daughter of about 10 years old, which leaves only Miss Chen Yao. She is the most likely suspect, it also helps that she has an obvious grudge against the Lu family."

A'Bao glanced at the letter in Zhu Faye's hands and pursed his lips, "the Jiang family has only been back in the capital for a month and a half, young master. As far as I am aware although the Jiang and the Lu Family have a marriage alliance, they have not interacted much these last few weeks. How can a mere foster child like her hold grudges with a powerful family like the Lu family"

Zhu Faye set the letter on fire and held it up in his hands watching as the yellow flames moved down the rolled-up paper. "With a mother as shameless as Madam Jiang, one could annoy even Buddha in just a few minutes. Madam Jiang overestimated her importance to the Lu family during one of many visits and suggested to not just madam Lu but Lu Yaozhu to marry her daughter as the main wife and then take her niece as a concubine for the general. All in Su Liya's presence".

A'Bao's nose wrinkles as his lip curled, "Shameless"

Zhu Faye just chuckled, "Madam Jiang couldn't let such an embarrassment slide, while she couldn't afford to go against the Lu family. She could only take her anger out on her powerless niece, funny isn't it?"

A'Bao shook his head, "while I understand that she must have gone through a lot in Madam Jiang's hands. I think that her methods are too malicious, how could turning the Crown Prince against his only solid protection be considered revenge for a harsh punishment? I think that there is more to this girl than meets the eye, it might not be a good idea to trust her".

Zhu Faye looked down at the open fire in the ashtray and smiled. "While her motives are questionable, I chose to ignore that since our goals are currently aligned. In the end, she is not someone worth worrying about, just let her have her fun with the Lu family. The moment she becomes a problem, I will take care of her".


Ningzhuo, Northern Wei.

The pure white snow on the ground had long turned crimson, thanks to the continuous bloodshed every day. Village in the outskirts of the north had been we're destroyed and inhabited since all the villagers abandoned their homes and travelled up to Ningzhuo for safety. Lu Yaozhu tightened up security as soon as he arrived at Ningzhuo. He didn't need to do much since Ningzhuo was already constructed as a stronghold.

Su Liya housed the refugees in the governours mansion, they arranged for proper feeding and ti ensure the comfort of the refugee. After settling the refugees in the governor's mansion. Su Liya together with the medical team moved ti the temporary military camp a few miles away from Ningzhuo. 

The Camp was set up at an abandoned village at the edge of the northern borders. There were over a thousand tents to house the soldiers. A clinic was set to treat the injured soldiers and citizens. The first attack took place two days after they arrived at Ningzhuo, at night. While there was a change of shifts, the attack was sudden and fast. I just a few minutes a few of the tents was set on fire.

They were completely taken by the attack but quickly caught back pushing the enemies back until to the other side of a frozen lake. By daybreak, the enemy was completely pushed back and they can't a brief truce. By mid-morning an army of fur, clothed soldiers appeared at the edge of the lake. Lu Yaozhu didn't waste any time, he quickly led the soldiers to the back of the lake to meet their enemies.

Lu Yaozhu was on horseback in the middle of the soldiers in his full armour with his commander facing their enemies. 

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