Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 48: It is not easy being married 2

After getting dressed Zhu Fengyin accompanied by Su Liya went to Madam Lu's courtyard. The invitations sent by the Xu family to was addressed to the ladies of the Duke's residence. Zhu Fengyin was leaving with Madam Lu and Lu Yiling.

Madam Lu was still getting dressed when she arrived. She had been informed by a maid as she walked in, Zhu Fengyin sat on a seat while waiting for Madam Lu.

A few minutes after she got seated, Lu Yiling arrived dressed in a light pink banquet gown. Her makeup and hairdo were much simpler and brighter since she was still an unmarried young lady.

The unmarried young lady left their hair down and wore lighter colours as opposed to the married madams who were allowed darker colours and packed their hair up. Lu Yiling frowned slightly as she saw the maid accompanying Zhu Fengyin.

She had become on guard at Su Liya presence. 

This was a huge banquet with a lot of Madams from high families. There was absolutely no room for mistakes of any kind, Lu Yiling feared that with a social climber like Su Liya present mistakes were eminent.

Madam Xu was a tigress, it wouldn't do to get on her bad graces. She wouldn't tolerate one of Su Liya's underhanded moves. Zhu Fenfang let it slip a few days ago that Su Liya seduced the Xu family's only legitimate heir Xu Jingting during a polo match two years ago.

Xu Jingting was so bent on marrying her that he refused to eat or drink. Old master Xu was so mad at the first branch of the Xu family and threatened to kick him out of the family. In the end, Madam Xu had to send him away on a tour to stop him from causing her any more trouble.

It was such a touchy subject for Madam Xu that she got rid of all the servants that knew about that event. She didn't let the news leak and instead informed everyone that Xu Jingting had gone to study under an old Master. Zhu Fenfang had only heard of this because she was close to the third daughter from the first branch of the Xu family Xu Shishi.

Based on the history between Su Liya and Xu Jingting she was reluctant about bringing Su Liya with them. Her presence could make Madam Xu misunderstand them, she looked from Su Liya to Zhu Fengyin before finally saying

"First Sister-in-law I don't think it is a good idea to go with this maid of yours. I find that her appearance isn't so good. Madam Xu prefers servants with a much calmer appearance".

Zhu Fengyin's eyebrows furrowed slightly when she heard those words. Zhu Fengyin glanced at Su Liya and smiled "Young mistress shouldn't listen to gossip, they are just tales made up by envious person's with malicious intent. Madam Xu is nothing like that".

"You should listen to Fengyin, Ling'er" Madam Lu said as she walked into the room proofed up by her maids. She stopped in front of her daughter and let go of her maid Nanny Liu's hands. "Ling'er, what did I tell you about listening to gossip, you are no longer a child but an adult. Don't listen to baseless gossip" she gave Lu Yiling a sharp look.

Lu Yiling's proud expression immediately disappeared. She stood and said in a low tone "sorry about that mother, it won't happen again".

"En" Madam Lu nodded.

Zhu Fengyin stood from her seat, bowed and said "good health and long life to you mother"

Madam Lu turned to Zhu Fengyin and asked "did you wait long?".

"No mother, I just came in" Zhu Fengyin replied.

"Alright, it is getting late. Let's get going" Madam Lu placed her hands on her maid's arm. Lu Yiling rushed to her other side and took her mother's hands. 

They left in two carriages, Madam Lu and Lu Yiling were in the carriage behind while Zhu Fengyin and Su Liya occupied the carriage at the front. It was a very bright day, the sun wasn't very hot so Lu Yingjie followed them on horseback. 

The mansion of the main branch of the Xu family wasn't that far from their house, it was a ten minutes journey. Zhu Fengyin brought up Lu Yiling's strange statement when they were alone 

"The Young mistress's words were all targeted at you, she seems to have an axe to grind with you. I wonder why".

"I don't know what I did to get on Lu Yiling's bad side this time, so far I have avoided Lu Yaozhu like the plague. Don't know why she is still mad at me!" Su Liya grumbled.

"I fear that Lu Yiling's anger with you goes beyond your little fall with her brother. She has been getting closer to Zhu Fenfang of late. Every time Zhu Fenfang visits Madam Lu, she spends an hour is less with Lu Yiling".

"So it is her doing? Should have guessed so when I kept seeing that white lotus female lead at the residence".

"This is out of character for Zhu Fenfang, you must have gotten on her bad side. She never treated Su Liya this way, all her anger was always focused on me".

"Nothing, I always avoid that little snake".

"It can't be nothing Yaya, Zhu Fenfang wouldn't just be attacking you for nothing".

"Maybe she hates me by association with you"

"If that was so, then she would also hate Tian Tian and all my other servants. No, I think she is deliberately targeting you. All her attacks have been personal. If she were targeting me, I will be at the receiving end of Lu Yiling's rage not you"

"That is true but I haven't had much_ it can't be because of that ... She wouldn't be so petty at to do this" Su Liya said.

Zhu Fengyin looked at her eyes narrowed as she asked "what happened between you two?" 

"Well... nothing significant"

"If it was nothing significant, we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we"Zhu Fengyin said in a scary sweet voice.

"No we won't, well it wasn't anything major, at least I didn't see it as anything major. It was just that two days to your mother's memorial ceremony, Zhu Fengyin overheard a conversation between Zhu Faye and I. She tried to threaten to reveal it to Madam Zhu if I didn't report everything you did to her. She promised to put in a good word for me with madam Zhu and get me married to Zhu Faye as a concubine"

"Ha! Like third brother will ever let that happen. Let me guess you refused to help her and she is now angry and taking it out on you".

"Well yes, but I didn't exactly refuse her gently. I might've insulted her for not being favoured"

"Why would you do that!"

"I was angry and didn't know when that came out. Too bad that was a bad move on my part, it is not good to hurt people with one of their biggest insecurities".

"I am glad that you know that, there is nothing that can be done. Even if you apologize, she wouldn't let you go easily. Just avoid her alright until she has gotten over the whole thing"

"Of she ever gets over it. I am doomed" Su Liya said resting her head back on the carriage wall.

Madam Xu stood at the door welcoming her guest when they got down from the carriage. After treating their host, Zhu Fengyin followed madam Lu into the garden.

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