Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 53: Bad news comes in threes 1

Zhu Fengyin was seated when she returned to the banquet, Su Liya draped the shawl on her shoulders and stepped back. Su Liya had taken a while to get bad which got Zhu Fengyin worried. She was about to enquire about that from Su Liya when Zhu Feifei was led in by madam Xu. 

Zhu Feifei sat next to her mother, all the other Madams present got over their shock at her presence at the banquet. That all began to get on her good graces, Zhu Fengyin didn't join the adoring fans and continued to watch the play.

A short time later, Zhu Fengyin felt some movement at her right, she turned to find Zhu Feifei seated next to her. Zhu Fengyin rolled her eyes and faced forward, choosing to avoid talking to Zhu Feifei.

Zhu Fengyin and Zhu Feifei never got along, they usually avoided each other's company when they could. Zhu Fengyin didn't have the brain cells to waste talking to this senseless sister of hers. Zhu Fengyin's rude treatment didn't stop Zhu Feifei from talking to her.

"Sister Fengyin, it's been a while how is married life treating you," Zhu Feifei said rubbing her baby bump. As if to tell Zhu Fengyin that we are both married for a while now and I already have a child on the way. Where is your child?

Zhu Fengyin noticed her actions but pretended otherwise, she rolled her eyes. She replied with a sunny expression "The Lu family and the Duke treats me well thanks for your concern".

Zhu Feifei snared at her while thinking 'who is concerned about you. Keep pretending like you aren't concerned. We will see how long you can act this way. She glanced at Su Liya who stood a few steps behind Zhu Fengyin and smiled.

Zhu Feifei grabbed Zhu Fengyin's hand and place it on her hands. Patting her hands gently she said "You have only been married for a few months so you must still be in the honeymoon phase but that doesn't mean that you should slack even for a second.

" I will advise someone with more experience I these matters_"

Zhu Fengyin's eyes narrowed as soon as she heard that but she held back to see where this unpleasant conversation would lead to. There was no smoke without fire.

"You are just newly married but you should be careful of these greedy maids who like to seduce their betters" Zhu Feifei looked at Su Liya as she said this.

Zhu Fengyin was amused to hear that, she understood the sentiment behind Zhu Feifei's words because she had experienced what Zhu Feifei was currently facing in her marriage in her past life.

In the three years, she had been married to Zhongshan Cheng, she had been forced to deal with the never-ending line of Zhongshan Cheng's concubine. No one was safe from Zhongshan Cheng's hands, she was forced to be suspicious of every single female servant in the sixth Prince mansion. 

Back then she had been madly in love with Zhongshan Cheng and kept making excuses for his actions. She blamed the maids for seducing him by using various underhanded moves. She had done that because she didn't want to accept that Zhongshan Cheng wasn't an honourable man.

It had taken her a year before she could finally accept that the women were not the problem. It took two to tango and Zhongshan Cheng wasn't all that innocent. Once she became at peace with that thought, she stopped worrying about all his affairs and paid more attention to her health.

While she understood where Zhi Feifei was coming from, she couldn't tolerate this attitude from her. Zhu Fengyin looked around, when she saw that no one was paying them any mind, she pulled her hands out of Zhu Feifei's hands. 

She hissed and said in a low tone "I do not need your concern, don't ever try to interfere in my marriage. You should pay more attention to your marriage and stay out of mine". She picked up her cup of wine and moved down the table completely ignoring her younger sister.

Zhu Feifei snared at her silently before returning to her seat. By the end of the banquet, while Zhu Fengyin went home in high spirits, Zhu Fenfang and Zhu Feifei went back on a horrible.


Two weeks later, At the court hearing for the investigation into the widespread of opium in northern Wei.

After two weeks of investigation, minister Yao and Minister Hua submitted a report requesting that the case be discussed at a special court session. Minister Yao was aware of the seriousness of the accusations about to be brought up against the Shi family and wanted to ensure that justice be found.

When the case was called out by the presiding eunuch, Minister Yao and Minister Hua stepped forward and stood side by side. They bowed in unison and submitted their evidence. The entire court was shocked when the Shi family was accused of illegally distributing opium and embezzling public funds.

The accusations couldn't be contested since all the evidence and eyewitnesses pointed to the Shi family. No mail how favoured the Shi family was, the Emperor was forced to investigate their dealings.

The investigation was transferred to the hands of Inspector Mu Yitze. Mu Yitze was a very thorough Investigator, within a few days evidence supporting the accusations were discovered. A few other minister's and merchants were discovered to be involved in the deal.

Minister Shi, the other Ministers and merchants were arrested and locked up for questioning. Imperial Consort Shi was getting a foot massage from her maid when one of the Eunuchs she had left at the court ran into the room.

"Your highness we have an emergency!" He cried out falling to his knees.

Imperial Consort Shi didn't open her eyes at all, she just sat still eyes closed as the maid massaged her foot. She felt irritated by the Eunuchs little actions, "you had better have something better to report you are dead", she said in a bored tone.

The Eunuchs next words made her seat forward.

"Your highness, master Shi and the first master has been arrested!"


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