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Chapter 17 - Whoever has more money is the father

Lu Jiejie glanced at Ye Ran.

“It’s your kid again, a courier is just like that, is there still Wang Fa?”

“It’s Lu Jiejie who is here to disturb my guests, so please don’t spit people!” Cheng Nini guarded Ye Ran.

“Cheng Nini, Ye Ran delivers express delivery. I know this better than you. I had a blind date with him some time ago. What’s the use of being long and beautiful? Look at him so poor.”

“Also, you think I really want to take him to be my client. I’m just kidding him. You didn’t see him coming empty-handed. You look like a pauper, hehe.”

Ye Ran is not wearing express uniforms today, but the clothes he usually wears, but it looks more shabby than express uniforms.

All clothes and shoes were bought online from head to toe, which cost him less than 200 yuan.

“Don’t judge people by their appearance. I believe that Ye Ran is a rich man. Even if others have no money, we can’t make fun of him like that.” Cheng Nini is still a person who knows how to protect customers.

But after listening to Lu Jiejie’s words, she really believed it. Ye Ran’s dress was indeed a sign of a pauper.

Cheng Nini was a little suspicious of her friends, whether they made a mistake, Ye Ran did not feel like a rich person.

Lu Jiejie sneered and said, “If you don’t have money, you can’t invite him to the VIP room to do business. You are seriously affecting other VIP customers, so you can handle business normally.”

Wu Fei was very cooperative and said, “Jiejie is right. I am in a hurry. Let me deposit the 2 million yuan in first.”

2 million yuan to let you first? Ye Ran had a dazed expression on his face, and there was no moral quality left.

And Cheng Nini was embarrassed by what they said. In case Ye Ran really has no money, then Lu Jiejie will definitely stir up troubles with the leader and speak ill of her.

“Ye Ran, how much did you withdraw?” Cheng Nini asked in a low voice.

Lu Jiejie and Wu Fei, both of them looked at Ye Ran with a sneer, and waited to see the joke.

“Time is too tight, and my money is stored in multiple banks, so I took a little over.” Ye Ran said embarrassedly.

“Huh???” Cheng Nini showed disappointment, it seems that Ye Ran really has no money!

“Multiple banks…so rich.” Lu Jiejie said sarcastically.

“How much is one point? There is always 10,000 yuan, ah ha ha ha…” Wu Fei laughed wildly, as if he didn’t put Ye Ran in his eyes at all.

“Several times more than you!” Ye Ran said lightly, and took out a promissory note from his pocket.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Cheng Nini, Lu Jiejie, and Wu Fei looked blank after hearing what Ye Ran said just now.

Kids, are there many question marks on your head?

Wu Fei intends to deposit 2 million yuan, several times that means that Ye Ran’s promissory note is several million, even tens of millions! ! !

After hearing what Ye Ran said, Lu Jiejie furrowed her brows and reduced her temperament as a green tea bitch. She wanted to see the amount on the promissory note.

In case there are so many, then she is really going crazy. This is not the rich person she knows, it should be like it, it is impossible for a rich person to deliver express delivery like Ye Ran.

So Ye Ran shouldn’t be so rich.

Similarly, Cheng Nini looked incredible, she didn’t believe it either. If Ye Ran said that she had taken one million, she might believe it.

“I don’t believe it, show me it!” Wu Fei reached out to grab the promissory note in Ye Ran’s hand.

Ye Ran’s skill is not bad, and he directly stretched out to block Wu Fei’s snatch.

“Why do you look at my things? There are surveillance videos here, and I can sue you for the robbery.” Ye Ran’s rare look was sharp, mainly because Wu Fei, this kid, made him displeased.

Wu Fei was shocked by what Ye Ran said. It was indeed illegal to take other people’s valuables without the permission of the person involved.

“…I won’t believe what you said, if you have so much money, I will kneel down and call your father!! If you don’t… then get out of here and just ask Do you dare…” Wu Fei said loudly.

Ye Ran smiled calmly. He waited to see Wu Fei kneel down and call his dad, even though this son was very unbehaved.

Wu Fei started to panic when he saw Ye Ran’s calm appearance.

The protagonists on the court were Cheng Nini and Lu Jiejie just now, but now the protagonists have become Ye Ran and Wu Fei.

At the same time, it also attracted some onlookers, including bank president Jin Shuiling.

She happens to have her own clients, and she comes here to do business.

“Young people nowadays are really boastful, with their eyes closed and talking big.”

“It’s good for young people to be confident, but blindly self-confidence makes people laugh.”

Jin Shuiling was chatting with her client. This client was also her good friend for many years. It was Jiang Yunlong, a bureau for maintaining public order.

Seeing so many people coming to watch, Ye Ran felt even happier. He wished more people would come.

“Ye Ran, let’s not get familiar with him. Let’s go to my office and sit down. We will do business later.” Cheng Nini thought about Ye Ran very much.

Ye Ran is 24 years old. It is normal for Wu Fei to brag about such a mad dog’s provocation.

Ye Ran didn’t speak, but shook his head with a chuckle, and looked at Wu Fei jokingly.

“Wu Fei, since you want to be my son, I will fulfill you today.” Ye Ran raised the promissory note in his hand, and he turned the promissory note to Wu Fei so that Wu Fei could see it clearly.

The promissory note presented Wu Fei and Lu Jiejie well.


Lu Jiejie couldn’t help but sucked in a big breath.

The amount on the promissory note is too long for her to count for a while.

One 0, two 0s, three 0s, four…

There are a total of 8 zeros, the first one is 1, one hundred million! ! !

I went, it was 50 times more than Wu Fei’s 2 million, Lu Jiejie’s heart completely collapsed.

Having worked in a bank for many years, judging from the bright color and stripes of the promissory note, this promissory note is not forged.

What’s more, who would be so stubborn to forge a fake ticket worth 100 million yuan? Isn’t this looking for death?

Lu Jiejie no longer dared to question Ye Ran. As for why Ye Ran was so rich, I am not a god, how do I know.

“This ticket is fake.” Wu Fei didn’t believe it.

“It’s ridiculous, it’s up to you to tell the truth?” Cheng Nini said angrily.

The VIP window in front of Ye Ran now has no customers. Ye Ran directly handed the promissory note and ID card to the female teller.

The machine will verify the authenticity and leave everything to the facts.

Jin Shuiling, the president of the Imperial Capital Branch, also has a faster heartbeat, with a deposit of 100 million yuan, but it is not a small achievement.

Although she did not bring this business, her employees performed well, which indirectly proved that she, the president of the bank, managed well and that she was also a beneficiary.

And the director next to Jin Shuiling felt that he had slapped his face this time. This young man is not bragging, he is a real cow.

“Dear and dear Mr. Ye, your 100 million deposit has been credited. Do you have any other business to handle?” A few minutes later, the female teller’s cordial service came out from the intercom at the counter.

“Xiao Yu, help Mr. Ye transfer the 100 million deposits to Supreme Wealth Management!!” Cheng Nini was very excited at the moment.

One billion! !

“Papa!” The bags of money in Wu Fei’s hand fell to the ground, and he had no strength to grasp it.

Then he was paralyzed on the ground with all four limbs, he should be kneeling on the ground.

What he didn’t want to kneel down was because he was shocked by this amazing number. After today, he has another father.

If this father is real, most people are very happy, so rich.

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