Opening Express Rewards Top Sports Cars

Chapter 50 - Shangguan Ningya attends classmates birthday party




“Oh my god, he really paid the deposit and blinded my titanium dog eyes!”

“Which **** is this? I have bought a set of the most common one. I have already bowed down. However, he bought the most expensive one. It’s crazy.”

“Sister Song, calm down. It is very likely that this person is here to make trouble. He pretends to be a courier and then pays the deposit. Then he will check out and leave some evidence. Then he can take the opportunity to slander our Tomson Group. , Reducing the influence of our Tomson Properties.” Xu Meizhi narrowed her eyes slightly.

This kind of thing, she used to be done by people in other companies before.

With a careful heart, save the abdomen of a gentleman.

“Meizhi, what you said is reasonable, calm down, and I find something is wrong. The emperor can randomly put out 580 million to buy this suite, I counted it with both hands, and we waited for Wei Xin to be ugly. Bar.”

But when Wei Xin didn’t think so, she believed that Ye Ran would buy it. Seeing Ye Ran’s confident and calm eyes, she unswervingly believed. There was no reason.

“Tomorrow you take me to see, I’m still in a hurry to get off work.” Ye Ran checked his watch, and it was five o’clock.

“Off work?? Are you still at work???” Wei Xin looked dazed.

She thought Ye Ran was a courier just now, but now she doesn’t think so.

She looked at it seriously just now, Ye Ran’s clothes were very expensive at first glance, but they looked like SF Express clothes.

The watch Ye Ran was holding was not simple. Wei Xin didn’t recognize this brand, but the extravagance that Patek Philippe showed could not be concealed.

“I delivered the courier, is there any problem?”

“No problem, sir, go slowly, waiting for your visit tomorrow.” Wei Xinyi respectfully bid farewell to Ye Ran.

She can’t understand the big brother’s world, and she doesn’t need to understand, just do the best service.

Ye Ran hurried back to the courier site, and later he had to send Guan Ningya to the party.


After working out of sweat, Ye Ran first went home to take a shower and put on a set of Chanel clothes.

This dress was bought by Shangguan Ningya with him before. Shangguan Ningya said that this suit suits him well, so I put it on today.

Sure enough, Ye Ran did a few poses handsomely, quite stylish.

For Ye Ran, who graduated from the School of Drama majoring in dance, walking and posing on stage is as easy as he can do at his fingertips.

Every time you are in a school art party, Ye Ran simply poses a few poses, which will cause the girls in the audience to scream, which is much better than those who shout at Mai hoarsely.

The reason is simple, Ye Ran is so handsome.

A fairy-like appearance, calm, no lack of sunshine, and kindness, with coldness.

In a hurry, Ye Ran drove the Bugatti Veyron to pick up Guan Ningya’s.


Shangguan Ningya had already stood under the dormitory, waiting for Ye Ran to pick her up.

Seeing Ye Ran’s eye-catching clothes, Shangguan Ningya had little stars in his eyes. Ye Ran’s rhythm was dating her.

This feeling is so fragrant, she loved, loved, loved.

Ye Ran’s eyes lit up when he saw Shangguan Ningya.

With big watery eyes and long black hair, it is rare to show long white legs today.

Shangguan Ningya wouldn’t buy such enchanting clothes. This was the last time Ye Ran bought it to Shangguan Ningya at the Chanel store.

Since the male **** bought it for you, you have to put it on and show it to him.

Ye Ran quickly turned his head and looked away, unable to keep watching.

He has been slightly hard, showing respect.

Shangguan Ningya also saw it inadvertently, her cheeks flushed hot, she really liked it.

If Ye Ran could react like this, she was already content.

Shangguan Ningya decided that she would wear more SEX next time, and a woman is a person who pleases herself.

“Ye Ran, I’m going to the scholarly Qinyuan Pavilion for a gathering.”

“Where to go to the party? It’s a place where literary and artistic pretends to be.”

“Today I have a college roommate’s birthday. All the girls in our class are going.”

“Oh, sit down.”

Boom boom boom~~~~

The roar of the top broken car resounded on the green trail.

After half an hour, the bright white sports car slowly stopped at the gate of Shuxiang Qinyuan.

Ye Ran had already sent Shangguan Ningya to him, and waited for Shangguan Ningya to get off.

“Are you doing something tonight?”


“Well, I’m going up, you slow down.”

Looking at the back of Shangguan Ningya’s departure, Ye Ran noticed that there was something in Shangguan Ningya’s words.

In the box 456 of the scholarly Qinyuan Pavilion, a group of beautiful women sat with their boyfriends by their side.

This is the birthday of the monitor Ding Lingling. Everyone has agreed to bring her boyfriend.

They brought them all. It’s very possible that some people don’t have boyfriends, but that’s okay. It’s not difficult to borrow one to support the scene first.

Zhu Yuanyuan, who was as long as a pig, brought a handsome boyfriend. These female classmates couldn’t believe it was true.

But since they brought it, you can’t ask Zhu Yuanyuan if you rented it.

Shangguan Ning Ya originally wanted to borrow Ye Ran, but she couldn’t speak. Ye Ran hadn’t determined the relationship between Ye Ran and her. She spoke boldly because she was afraid that Ye Ran would be unhappy.

“Only Ningya is not here. I don’t know if she has found her boyfriend.”

“I think it’s difficult, she is looking for a fairy man, and Blue Star does not exist.”

“Hey, it’s so big, I haven’t fallen in love yet, I can’t imagine it.”

“Poor Professor Lu Dawei, for the sake of Xiaoya, is always single.”

“Lu Dawei is an old cow who eats tender grass. He has a bad reputation and Xiaoya will not accept it.”

While everyone was discussing Shangguan Ningya, the door suddenly opened.


Everyone took a closer look and found that it was the heroine they had just discussed.

“Sorry, I’m late.”

“Xiaoya, you are here, quickly sit by my side.” Squad leader Ding Lingling said hello.

The appearance of Shangguan Ningya caused a twitch on the scene.

The boyfriends of those female classmates were dazzled by Shangguan Ningya’s looks.

It’s so beautiful. My girlfriend and this beauty are just one world at a time.

A group of scumbags swallowed a mouthful of water, and the voice became a little louder.

Then all of them groaned painfully, and their thighs were pinched secretly by their girlfriends.

The female classmates of Shangguan Ningya were all angry. Her boyfriend had no resistance to the school girl, which directly proved that these men were the scumbags among the scumbags.

“Ning Ya, didn’t you say you have a boyfriend? What about people?”

“He is very busy today and can’t come.”

“What does your boyfriend do?”

“Express delivery.”



“Gosh, you like this taste.”

“It turns out that your school flowers like to deliver express delivery, so I will also send express delivery.” A man couldn’t restrain his inner scum, and said directly in front of his girlfriend.

“Are you owed, in front of me, show courtesy to other women.”

“My boyfriend is a manager of a foreign trade company with an annual salary of 300,000 yuan.”

“The annual salary of 300,000 is not bad. My boyfriend is the president of a bank and his annual salary is only 600,000.”

“I am currently opening a restaurant with my boyfriend. Two of them are exhausted, and they are only 1 million a year. It’s too difficult.”

“Okay, okay, you guys are here to celebrate my birthday today, not to show off my boyfriend.” Ding Lingling said in a nice voice.

In fact, when she saw Shangguan Ningya’s face embarrassed, she was very happy.

“Squad leader, I heard that your boyfriend is very profitable.” Zhang Hong staged the best assist. She is Ding Lingling’s roommate.

“My boyfriend, he started a company with a net income of 15 million in the first half of the year.” Ding Lingling said proudly, and by the way, she kissed her boyfriend affectionately, which caused the audience to scream.

She had thought about this scene before, and the purpose was to show it to Shangguan Ningya.

Faced with these cynicism, Shangguan Ningya seemed calm.

But she was very helpless, Ye Ran was not his boyfriend, otherwise, she wouldn’t be as helpless as she is now.


Shangguan Ningya’s cell phone rang suddenly, and when she took it out, she immediately beamed with joy. It was Ye Ran who called and didn’t know what she was looking for.

As long as it was Ye Ran calling, no matter what it was, she was happy.

“Hey, in which box.”

“I’m in Box 456, are you coming?”


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