Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 67: Counterfeiting? That's it? (2/2)

The netizens would have been easily incited, especially nailed to the “violation of morality” label, there will be countless netizens stand on the moral high ground to criticize.

For example, the famous “My father is Li Gang” incident, the person’s original words were: “My father is Li Gang, I will not run, do not be afraid.”

However, for the sake of popularity and page views, the marketing account only chose the first half of the sentence, and added fuel and vinegar, which caused countless netizens who didn’t know the truth or could not know the truth to scream, and all of a sudden there was an uproar.

This time, too, many netizens saw the words “anchor in order to accumulate popularity, fake pretend to have found the bell cave”, and immediately felt a sense of justice in their hearts, have taken up the keyboard to accuse this improper behaviour.

On Douyin, there is a well-known internet celebrity called “Aaron Fighting Counterfeit”, who usually fights counterfeit marketing products.

In fact, he is also self-directed with those sellers, either threatening sellers, not to pay you, or to cooperate with sellers, get money to help promote.

But he has a very large number of fans, about 2 million.

This time, Aaron was employed by the Tianjun Trade Union, and he also posted a video to crack down on “famous anchors”.

“Look at the replay carefully. Is the stalactite hole completely dark? Only the light of the flashlight can see it. Why is this anchor not daring to show the whole picture to netizens? What is he afraid of!”

There is no logic in what Aaron said. Ning Fei wants to illuminate the stalactite cave and there are not so many flashlights, but netizens just think that Ning Fei is hiding something.

“I suspect that the mountain is also fake, it must be made of special effects!”

In addition, there are several other water forces on Douyin also talking about this matter.

And the marketing account loves hot spots. Many people who are not naval forces see this matter raging on the Internet, and they also joined the critics to accumulate popularity.

This matter actually more and more intense.

Ning Fei’s fans are angry.

Is the stalactite cave fake? The South China Tiger is also fake? After climbing the mountain for so long in the live broadcast, is it fake to climb the rock? The live broadcast has never been interrupted, how can it be faked?

Anyone with a brain will not say these questionable words.

But the facts have proved that many people do not use their brains driven by the rhythm of the marketing account and the navy.

They only use the keyboard.

In a flash, countless netizens came to Ning Fei’s live stream and began to mock.

“Is this the fake anchor? Love it!”

“Hahaha, it’s a long one, how can you do such a thing?”

“Internet scams?”

“So unscrupulous for the sake of red?”

Countless barrages came, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room suddenly changed for a while!

Of course, Ning Fei’s fans were also trying their best to defend.

At this time, Ning Fei was still at the Taoist temple inspecting the project.

The super manager [Adu] gave him a call.

“Hey! Ning Guanzhu? It’s not good. Suddenly, a lot of black posts appeared on the Internet. You should be hacked!” A Duo’s voice was very concerned.

“Black me? What is black me?” Ning Fei frowned.

“On the Internet, it is said that the stalactite cave you found in the live broadcast was faked and prepared in advance. There is no stalactite cave on the mountain! Now many people are talking about you online!”

“Fake? That’s it?” Ning Fei smiled helplessly.

Ado: “…….”

Ning Fei and A Duo’s conversation was also live-streamed in real time in the broadcast room, and seeing Ning Fei’s reaction, many of the spammers who had heard about it were also full of consternation.

What is this anchor’s reaction? Was found to be so calm about fraud?

“It’s okay, don’t worry, thanks for your concern.” After Ning Fei and A Duo finished speaking, they hung up the phone.

Immediately, Ning Fei glanced at his phone, and as expected, there were many pop-ups that hacked him.

Ning Fei looked at the camera and calmly said, “Discovering such things as stalactite caves, people from the geological bureau must develop and research, whether it is true or not, just wait for the people from the geological bureau to announce it, what are you guys spewing here?”

Hearing Ning Fei’s words, many netizens just reacted.

Right! If it really is a stalactite cave, then the people from the Geological Bureau must be involved!

Ning Fei’s words really didn’t have any black points.

For a while, there were a lot less black fans. But there are still some sprayers who are born to spray people, and they still bring rhythm in the live stream. For such people, the administrators of Ning Fei’s live room ruthlessly blocked the number.

At this time, only to see not far away, the village chief Qin is leading three people straight to this side of the Taoist temple came, followed by several reporters.

Looking at their appearance, they all looked like local public officials.

“Here they come.”

After seeing them, Ning Fei suddenly smiled.

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