Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 69: Acupuncture and Moxibustion (1/2)

In the evening, Ning Fei was giving acupuncture to Grandma Wang.

Although the acupuncture technique is miraculous, it is not that a few needles will immediately cure the disease, it definitely needs time to recover.

The role of acupuncture is divided into unblocking the meridians, adjusting brain and mind, and supporting the positive and dispelling the evil.

The reason for this is that the eyes of Wang’s grandmother are blocked by her own dirt because the meridians are not working.

Chinese medicine and Western medicine have certain differences, Chinese medicine is the sages with thousands of years of clinical practice, creating a theory, method, formula, medicine closed loop theory, Western medicine is from the laboratory to the clinical, with the development of science continue to refine and branch.

Both have their own benefits, such as blood transfusion and laboratory tests, open surgery Western medicine is better. However, for the treatment of fractures and anti-inflammation, Western medicine is based on hormones and chemicals, while Chinese medicine is the application of herbs, which is less harmful to the body.

When it comes to major diseases, the difference between the two is even greater.

The disadvantage of Western medicine is that it consumes a lot of energy in the human body.

Chinese medicine is slowly conditioning the body, gradually eliminate the harm of disease.

For example, Jiang Xue’s disease.

Because it involves many organs throughout the body, so Western medicine cannot be treated, can rely on only acupuncture.

The acupuncture technique to treat her also requires several courses of treatment, spending at least half a year to slowly restore her to health.

“Grandma Wang, pay more attention to your eyes in the next few days, there may be some dirty things coming out, when the time comes, you can use this bottle of eye drops to clean them.”

Ning Fei pulled the silver needle out of Grandma Wang’s face, took out the eye drops again, and said with a smile.

“Fei Fei, my eyes can’t be cured by the big hospitals in town, so don’t bother.” Grandma Wang said with a kind smile.

She had no hope for her own eyes, but was afraid of causing trouble for Ning Fei.

“Grandma Wang, in a short while you’ll be able to see clearly, I promise.” Ning Fei smiled kindly.

These few days Ning Fei was repairing the Sanqing Hall, and when he was free, he teased the little fox and touched the little falcon.

It’s strange to say that Little fox is cute and well-behaved on weekdays, but he only gets close to Ning Fei. When the other villagers saw the cute little fox and wanted to touch it, the little fox ran away dexterously, only to feel a little better in Ning Fei’s arms.

The fox is very spiritual, as if it can understand human language, Ning Fei “beast taming” is not how to use, the little fox is obedient.

Rhubarb and the little fox also get along very well.

Ning Fei also made a special trip online to buy a luxury pet house for pets, made of pure wood, covered with cotton, and let the little fox live in it.

Now the little fox also gradually adapted to the life of the Taoist temple.

Counting the time, it was time to make an appointment with Jiang Gongzi, and they agreed to meet at the Qincheng Xuanhu Medical Centre.

On this day, Ning Fei informed the netizens early that there would be no live broadcast today, and then drove the Shepherd and spent an hour or so to the Xuanhu Medical Centre.

After entering, Jiang Gongzi had been waiting for a long time. In addition to Jiang Gongzi, there was an old man who looked fit and healthy, with crane-haired face, obviously over the age of old, but his eyes were extraordinarily bright, so people couldn’t help but look at him a few more times.

“Master Ning Guan, thank you for your hard work.” Jiang Gongzi’s expression was full of expectation and eagerness as he introduced him again.

“This is an old Chinese doctor from the Xuanhu Medical Centre, Han Cheng, Mr. Han.”

“Uncle Han, this is the Taoist Guardian I was talking about.”

“Hello, Mr. Han.” Ning Fei nodded his head at him in greeting.

Han Cheng smiled cheerfully and said: “There is no need to be polite, Master Ning, I’ve seen quite a lot of news about you on the internet this time, blood strain Lingzhi, South China Tiger, Bell’s Milk, etc., Lord Ning is really a person with great qi na.”

“Thank you.”

“Master Ning, can I take the liberty to ask, you said you know where there is someone who knows acupuncture, I wonder where this divine doctor is now?” At this time, Jiang Gongzi couldn’t wait to ask a question.

Upon hearing this, Ning Fei smiled helplessly, then explained, “Mr. Jiang, I can’t say much else, I can only say that I know acupuncture and I can cure your sister’s illness.”

“You?” At those words, Jiang Gongzi obviously froze for a moment.

Even Han Cheng, who was at the side, had a touch of consternation spring up between his eyebrows.

One had to know that Ning Fei was too young after all, and at this age, he dared to say that he had mastered one of China’s secret arts, acupuncture?

This is simply not possible!

Jiang Gongzi and Han Cheng were both unbelieving in their hearts, thinking to themselves that they guessed Ning Fei had learned a little bit of fur somewhere and thought he knew acupuncture.

“Master Ning Guan, are you serious?” Jiang Gongzi asked.

“Yes.” Ning Fei nodded his head.

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