People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 11

Page 11

“This dark game curry soup must have used a lot of game to concoct such a rich and layered dish, right?”

The judges asked Nao Sadazuka.

“Hey, of course, in this dish, I added snake, frog, hare, pheasant, scorpion and other game to cook.”

“And with their different textures and flavors, this dark flavored dish was created!”

Nao Sadazuka said proudly.

And hearing that she used these ingredients to make this dish, the expressions of the judges changed.

A look of vomit but reluctance.

After all, as far as what they had just tasted, this dark game curry soup.

Apart from the fact that it looks a little darker on the outside, it is indeed one of the top delicacies they have ever tasted!

Even under the tempting aroma, it is hard to resist tasting it again and again.

It’s like being poisoned.

Shinto Hiisako’s mutton soup curry has a healing taste.

But in front of Nao Sadazuka’s dark game curry soup.

Simply unbeatable!

“In this meal, I decided to vote for Nao Sadazuka.”

“Me too.”

“I also voted for Sadazuka-san.”

“Three to zero, Nao Sadazuka, in this halberd, he defeated Hishako Shinto and won!”

The cold sentence, which seemed to have no emotion, slammed heavily on the hearts of everyone in the venue.

Their eyes widened in disbelief.

lost?Shinto Hishako actually lost?

Hishako Shinto, who can make medicinal food that seems to purify the heart, lost to Nao Sadazuka, who loves to cook dark dishes?

Not to mention them, even Hiizako Shinto couldn’t believe it would be such a result.

“It’s impossible, there must be something wrong!”

Shinto Hishako took two steps back with a pale face.

How could she believe it?

A person whose strength has been crushed by himself since the middle department, suddenly one day, he defeated himself like a god!

And more importantly, if he is defeated by Nao Sadazuka, it will be for Hishako Nito.

Doesn’t that mean that from now on, he will no longer be qualified to stand beside Erina-sama? !

Thinking that from now on, I can no longer follow the side of that beautiful and noble person.

Nito Hishako felt that he could barely stand on his feet, and the world was spinning in front of him.

“you win……”

Shinto Hishako looked at Nao Nao, who was in front of him, with a reluctant and pale smile.

“Now, you are more suitable to stand by Erina-sama’s side, and I…”

Just when Hiishako Nito said these words sadly, she saw Nao Sadazuka look at her suspiciously.

“Following Erina-sama? I’m really sorry, I don’t have this idea anymore.”


Nao Sadazuka’s understated tone made Shinto Hishako stunned for a moment.

“Don’t want to follow Erina-sama? Are you kidding me, isn’t that what you and I have always dreamed of?!”

Thinking of what Nao Sadazuka had done to Erina Nakiri before, Hishako Nito didn’t believe anything she said.

But Nao Sadazuka mentioned Nakiri Erina’s expression at this moment, but she couldn’t help but begin to doubt.

Nao Sadazuka seems to be really no longer interested in Erina Nakiri.

“Erina-sama, indeed, that’s what I wanted to pursue my whole life, but now—”

“Lord Mo Yu, in my eyes, is the existence that can really make me give everything and follow.”

At the mention of Mo Yu’s name, Nao Sadazuka’s pale face showed a slight blush.

Shinto Hishako couldn’t help but be taken aback.

“Mo Yu, who is that…”

In the venue, some people turned their heads blankly and looked around.

Obviously, the name Mo Yu is still a relatively unfamiliar existence to them.

However, there are many people who are impressed by this name.

“Mo Yujun, isn’t that the handsome, well-cooked student Mo Yu who has won the favor of many teachers?!”

“Hey, it’s him, I heard that the cooking he made last time made Teacher Roland Schappel laugh!”

“What, to be able to cook dishes that make Chapel-sensei laugh…”

Just as everyone was talking, a person in the shadowed seat had already stood up and left the venue silently.

Compared to the chatter of those people, what Mo Yu wanted to do at the moment was to find a place with no one.

Take a good look at the rewards you just got from the system. .

【13】The cornerstone of the empire!Basic cook! (1 more, please collect!)

[Ding——The host successfully completed the mission and helped Nao Sadazuka defeat Hishako Nito. 】

[Sadazuka Nao gains talent growth value +300, and the chef level is increased to a five-star first-class chef. 】

[The host is rewarded, the talent growth value is +3000, and the chef level is increased by one star! 】

Nao Sadazuka was originally only a second-rate chef, but in the past few days, after Mo Yu’s special training and the transformation of the dark cooking world.

Now she is also among the top chefs.

The original cooking skills of Shinto Hishako should be a three-star to four-star first-class chef, and Nao Sadazuka can defeat Shinto Hishako.

It shows that her strength has gone beyond this category.

It is also reasonable to obtain the judgment of a five-star first-class chef.

Compared with the talent growth value obtained by Nao Sadazuka, the reward Mo Yu received was based on her reward, multiplied by ten times.

And the one-star increase in the chef’s level seems to be far from the improvement that Nao Sadazuka obtained.

But in fact, for Mo Yu, who was already a super chef, the further back he went, the more he wanted to improve his strength.

The more talent growth value is required.

In this way, the reward of one star is directly increased, but it saves a lot of talent growth value for him.

Along with the reward of rising stars, Mo Yu’s various attributes in cooking will also be significantly improved.

Overall, the rewards of this mission are not as rich as the previous one.

But it was just a small task to help the members realize their wishes, and getting these rewards was not bad for Mo Yu.

And just after receiving the reward, Mo Yu quickly received a new task in the system.

[New task: Recruit a member of the seven-star first-class chef for the Dark Cuisine Research Association. 】

Five-star first-class chef, this is placed outside, and can also become the level of the owner of a shop.

In Totsuki Academy, those with first-class chef standards are at least first-year students who have just entered the academy.

Those ordinary students, most of whose strength level, just like Nao Sadazuka before, are only between the second-class to first-class chef level.

Like Xinto Feishazi, the talent is not bad, but it has not reached a particularly good level, and it is currently hovering around four stars.

After this time, observations in cooking class.

Mo Yu has already estimated that among the first-year students, they have reached the level of a seven-star first-class chef.

Only like Soma Yukihira, Ryo Hayama, Ryo Kurokiba, and Alice Nakiri, the new talents who will be considered top ten in the future.

As for the Totsuki Top Ten Masters like Rujiu I Teruki, they are at least at the level of a quasi-special chef.

After returning to the Dark Cuisine Research Association, Mo Yu, who had a mission in mind, was thinking about who he should recruit next.

“Excuse me…is this the Dark Cuisine Research Society?”

A timid voice sounded, and I saw a man in a first-year uniform, quietly sticking his head out of the door.

“Is there a problem?”

Mo Yu sat on the seat and asked lightly.

He didn’t get up to greet the other party, but because of the coldness on his body, it seemed to be a thousand miles away.

Therefore, there is always a feeling that the person in front of him is doing the right thing.

“You, hello…”

Although Mo Yu did not deliberately exude his mountain-like aura that was so oppressive that people couldn’t breathe.

But when he was swept by his eyes, it still made people feel like their hearts were about to freeze.

The other party could not help but stammered.

“I, I came here because of this, and wanted to join the Dark Cuisine Research Association!”

“Yes, and we…”

“And I!”

Immediately, several heads appeared one after another from behind the door.

The moment they saw Mo Yu, their heads shrank in unison, as if they were very scared.

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