People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 13

Page 13

Instead, he almost sat on the ground himself.

Obviously, the actual weight of this pot is far beyond their imagination.

Everyone tried to move the pot, but out of a dozen people, only three or four were able to lift the pot with both hands.

Even so, they were so tired that their hands were about to go numb.

Thinking of this, everyone involuntarily looked at Mo Yu with terrifying eyes.

They just saw Mo Yu holding this pot, and it looked very relaxed.

But who would have thought that this pot was actually so heavy? !

Like them, Mo Yu was only fifteen or sixteen years old, right? How could it be so easy for him to lift this pot?

“This is your first test.”

Mo Yu announced expressionlessly.

“The weight of this pot is [*] kilograms, which is [*] catties. If you are physically fit, you can pick it up with both hands.”

“My request is that you use this pot to complete a stir-fry dish.”


Everyone opened their mouths in surprise.

“Frying with such a heavy iron pan?! What’s the joke?”

“It’s hard enough just to lift this pot, and you have to use it to turn a spoon?”

“It takes a weightlifting champion to do it!”

They were chatting in a row.

『:”若”;?水:资:”源.’,群”?’』?,:6,!”5!;:6″6:?1?8!:8′:9″‘!6:’?『:.?若;:水.,中’转;’群;.?』;:.3::,0’0:?0′!!3??1.?;4;2′,7  “如果觉得自己做不到的话,现在就可以退出。”

Mo Yu didn’t react at all to their doubts, just said so calmly.

“This assessment will not only test your physical fitness, but also your perseverance.”

“In other words, if your desire to pursue power is strong enough, you can persevere no matter how difficult the assessment is.”

“On the contrary, if you can’t persevere, then you don’t deserve to join my dark cooking research club and get the power to make yourself stronger.”

“I’ll give you ten seconds to think about it, and if you think you can’t keep going, quit.”

After speaking, Mo Yu sat aside and waited for them to make a final decision.

After listening to Mo Yu’s words, those people glanced at each other and struggled emotions flashed in their eyes.

“Anyway, I can’t pass the assessment, and I’m not going to be dropped from the academy in the end, it’s hard work!”

Finally, someone made up his mind, gritted his teeth, and stepped forward. .

[15] An assessment that no one can complete!This is the price of becoming stronger! (3 more, please collect!)

Seeing that someone dared to be the first to try crabs, the rest of the people also looked at each other.

“That’s right, anyway, if you don’t pass this assessment, you won’t be able to become stronger. If this goes on, the only way is to be dismissed by the academy.”

“Try it!”

They all stood in front of a pot and made up their minds.

Mo Yu, who was sitting in the chair, glanced at them.

Determination is there, but how many people can be qualified is not only achieved by determination.

“The cooking table is behind you, and the ingredients are ready. Remember, if you accidentally damage the equipment in the classroom, you will be responsible for compensation yourself.”

Mo Yu lightly dropped this sentence.

After hearing this, the people who were trying to move these heavy pots froze.

“This pot is really heavy…”

Some people even dragged these pots on the ground and walked to the cooking table because they were too thin.

While complaining, they quietly glanced at Mo Yu.

“This person doesn’t seem to be particularly strong. Why does he move these pots so easily?”

Everyone whispered.

Mo Yu was too lazy to answer them.

Ever since he activated the Dark Cooking God Cooking System, he has been training hard and tedious day after day.

The difficulty of training is hundreds of times more difficult than what these people are going to experience right now.

However, thanks to the results of such a rigorous special training, the current Mo Yu’s physical fitness is dozens of times stronger than his peers.

Not only the five senses, but also the physical endurance, even those genius-level students, in terms of physical fitness.

There is absolutely no way to compare with Mo Yu!

This is also the reason why Mo Yu said those words after giving these students what seemed to be a very difficult assessment.

Because this is the truth!

If you can’t even endure some hardships, what kind of power do you dare to pursue!

Is it really cheap to pick up Chinese cabbage that falls from the sky?

The Dark Cuisine Research Association will not accept waste that just wants to sit back and enjoy it.

So when these guys are still worried about the pot weighing hundreds of pounds.

What Mo Yu did was to watch from the sidelines.

“Mo Yujun looks serious and looks really charming and cold.”

Nao Sadazuka appeared in the classroom at some point, and looked at Mo Yu with admiration.

At the same time, she was secretly rejoicing in her heart.

Fortunately, I was the first member to join the Dark Cuisine Research Association, so I didn’t suffer the cruel test that these students are going through now.

Otherwise, with one’s own physical strength, even moving these pots would be as difficult as reaching the sky.

Mo Yu glanced at her.

In all fairness, Nao Sadazuka’s talent is not that outstanding.

But that is relative to the existence of the quasi-top ten talents such as Yukihira Soma and Yeshan Ryo.

If Nao Sadazuka is placed in a group of ordinary people, then her talent is not bad.

Mo Yu, who saw her strength early, avoided the part of her assessment and included Nao Sadazuka into the club.

“I’m exhausted!”

Less than five minutes after the official start of the assessment, some people began to complain.

He was so weak that he even had the strength to suckle, but the pot remained motionless on the stove.

When he moved the pot before, he still asked the people around him to help move it.

Rubbing his sore wrist, he looked at the indifferent Mo Yu next to him.

The boy felt more and more that he was being played.

“What about cooking with a pot, such a heavy pot, it’s impossible for anyone to turn it over!”

“What a broken society, I won’t join!”

After speaking, he strode out of the classroom.

Everyone stared blankly at the direction he left, and then looked at Mo Yu subconsciously.

“Why, if you also want to give up, you can leave at any time.”

Mo Yu didn’t even bother to give a glance to the departure of the person just now.

“But I can guarantee that the time until he is expelled from Togetsu Academy will be shorter than yours.”

After listening to Mo Yu’s words, everyone’s heart sank, and they hurriedly continued their assessment.

Even though he was sweating profusely, as long as he thought that if he could pass this special training, then hope was in front of him.

With this belief, they surpassed the limit of physical exhaustion again and again, and persevered in sweat on the stove.

By the end of the first round of assessment, [*] of the [*] people who originally participated in the assessment finally persevered.

Looking at the fifteen people who were leaning against the stove and were about to lie down, Mo Yu nodded slightly.

“Today’s assessment is over, you can go back and rest, and continue tomorrow.”

After listening to Mo Yu’s words, someone couldn’t help complaining.

“What, can this kind of pot really be flipped by humans?”

“After just flipping it twice, I felt like my wrist was numb.”

“Using a [*]-kilogram pot to turn spoons is not something a human can do, right?”

Everyone was talking with all kinds of thoughts.

In the past few hours, their strength was almost exhausted.

For Mo Yu who arranged this kind of assessment for them, their mood was also very complicated.

After all, what Mo Yu said before the assessment was right.

How can there be a pie in the sky?

However, in this case, it also aroused their curiosity about Mo Yu.

Since you said this is just a primary assessment, let everyone see your strength as well?

Mo Yu glanced at them.

“In that case.”

Seeing Mo Yu walking to the stove, those people cheered up.

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