People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 238

Page 238

“Then we will invite our current commander-in-chief, Zaemon-sama, to speak for everyone.”

Immediately after, Zaemon, who looked like a very brother, with a beard on his face, and even a crack in his eyes, walked to the stage.

After everyone saw it, they couldn’t help but be dignified. The momentum released by this person was really extremely powerful.

I saw Zaemon standing on the podium, and he took a deep breath later, but he didn’t expect that due to his age, in the next moment, he was directly choked by this breath and coughed violently.

Seeing this scene, even Mo Yu felt a little ashamed, is this guy here to be funny?

Kawashima Rei couldn’t help but glance at the commander-in-chief again.

The commander-in-chief waved his hand, “Don’t worry, I just choked.”

Then he returned again, looked at the person below calmly and calmly, took another breath and said.

“When I smelled the air in the venue, I could feel a particularly powerful force flowing freely in my body.”

But after hearing the commander-in-chief’s words, there were still people below who couldn’t help but complain.

“Obviously this guy was coughing just now.” But they were all compared with a shush gesture.

Just listen to the commander continue to say.

“This place was originally intended to be between the moon and the sky. This place was originally where the ten heroes competed against each other.”

“It also contains the right. The admiration of the winner of the first leaf of each generation of the ten heroes.”

“So it became a tradition to hang their portraits.”

While looking at the existences around, it also makes people have a good match.

The commander-in-chief said softly again.

“There are a lot of famous dishes here. So, there are also memories of battles here. Then the official competition in the fall is held here.”

Hearing this, Mo Yu instantly understood that they would be able to compete here only after they had obtained the qualifications.

And at this moment here, it is only used to make speeches.

Since he had heard so many things in his previous life, Mo Yu didn’t want to listen to this person anymore.

“You guys will write a new chapter here, let’s meet again next time here! Chefs.”

The commander-in-chief yelled, and everyone was excited and cheered at the last moment.

“Then I will explain to you the rules of this competition.”

Kawashima Rei spoke again, and the commander-in-chief also slowly ended.

“Just like the questions everyone received before, the question for this competition is curry cooking.”

“And the time is within three hours. There are 30 people in each group, and the number of people who advance is eight, which means that only four players from each group will be selected to participate in the final competition.”

Hearing that there were only eight people, even Mo Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

I didn’t expect to pick eight people out of 60 people, this game is really a bit difficult.

“647 is abominable, is there only so much? I didn’t expect so many people to be eliminated. It’s really scary.”

“Then let’s invite all players to go to their own arenas.”

Kawashima Rei said more.

Then the venue began to dissipate.

In Group A, Mo Yu was naturally here.Along with him were Mito Yumei and others.

In Group B, there are also three people.

So they will also go to different regions.

“Damn, no matter how nervous it is, it’s useless, we must work hard!”

Before leaving, the six of them also came to a gathering place and talked to each other.

All the people began to be full of confidence and competed in this competition.

Since Takmi was in Area B, he looked at Mo Yu and snorted coldly.

“Let’s meet again here.”

Mo Yu was noncommittal.

Inside the venue A, after 11:[*].Suddenly, a brown figure appeared on the big screen.

The commander-in-chief roared, “The competition begins!”

Under the cooking below, everyone is cooking.

Although there are a total of 30 people and 30 cooking tables, it is not full for this reason.

Everyone started a cooking competition.Begin to use their most familiar skills one after another. .

【233】Spice Competition!Ye Shan Ryo’s action! (Please subscribe!)

The same is true for Mo Yu, the vegetables were already broken into pieces in his hands.

Immediately after, a cauldron was propped up by Mo Yu.

In the cauldron, there seems to be no strange seasoning.

After finishing the treatment, Mo Yu sprinkled the seasoning in his hand into the pot.

Immediately there was an aroma.The judges present also immediately smelled the origin of the aroma.Exactly the taste of curry.

After all, this is more curry than the fact, so spices are essential.

In the same way, in field b, Takmi is also making his own dishes at this moment.

And in his dishes, he also stocked a stock of shank and bone-based broth.

The judges are also aware of this soup, but they just said it indifferently.

“It’s just a very normal practice.”

As for Takmi, next to him is his younger brother Isami, but the Isami pot is now full of tomatoes, and it looks like he is going to use tomatoes to make soup.

After all, tomatoes are also the most important ingredient for them.

Immediately afterwards, the same use of fragrant leaves was put into the pot, and the fragrance came out of the pot immediately.

The fragrance of the spice made the judges unable to resist, but they did not expect that the spice was fried with the oil contained in the duck.

Everyone’s approach is different. Next to Nakiri Alice, there are also various advanced tools, and she also focuses on molecular cooking.

Of course, there was another person in Area B, which was beyond everyone’s expectations, and that was Nao Sadazuka.

At this time, Nao Sadazuka was actually boiling a pot of soup, but the soup was dark. I don’t know what it was.

In the eyes of others, this soup may look like black magic. If someone drinks it, it may be directly poisoned and die.

Hojo Miyoko is also here, and every time she shakes, there are all kinds of charms coming from her body, which has won the blushing faces of countless men.

Such an approach was instantly noticed by Kawashima Rei, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

Seeing Miyoko Hojo, the judges also showed a pensive look, as if they knew who Miyoko Hojo was.

It stands to reason that there are also curry seeds in Chinese cuisine. It seems that the two are actually similar to curry. I don’t know what kind of dishes he can make?

“They are indeed some interesting children~ˇ.”

The leading female judge also said solemnly.

“If I could, I would take all these children.”

After hearing what the female judges said, the surrounding judges couldn’t sit still.

They also need fresh blood.If they are all accepted by this guy, how can they live?

But even so, they didn’t dare to say anything more, after all, the strength of the female judges was much more than theirs.

But the female judge then pointed to a person, this person is Tian Suohui.

Seeing Tian Suohui, the female judge shook her head.

“I don’t want this guy. She doesn’t seem to have any bright spots, and she always knocks things over. In my opinion, she should have little potential.”

But Isshiki, who was beside her, shook her head, which might be true.

Hearing this, even the female judges were a little stunned. Could it be that he really saw it wrong?

In the A group, the same direct hot competition.

I saw Mito Yumei put a lot of peppercorns in the frying pan and started to stir fry, I am afraid that the main ingredient for her curry is peppercorns.

The main function of pepper is to remove the fishy smell of meat.It is a rare spice for Mito Yumei, after all, Mito Yumei is a meat-based dish.

And not only that, when Mito Yumei stir-fried these pepper seeds, he also crushed the pepper seeds into powder.

Mito Yumei also said that she was looking at the surrounding situation at this time. When she saw Mo Yu’s leisurely appearance, there was a sense of disappointment in the depressed face of the water queen. It seemed that Mo Yu made The appearance, the collection of the appearance in his heart.

As for what she saw on the other side, this is the cool place of Kurokiba, and it is also Alice Nakiri’s little follower.

And Mito Yumei saw that Kurokiba Ryo was just smearing the coriander seeds at this time.

It doesn’t seem to have changed much in appearance.

But then Kurokiba Ryo turned down a red scarf from his wrist.

Then put it on the top of the head.

It was the change in this action, but then he, who was still tired, actually became excited at this moment.

He threw an extremely large lobster directly into the sky, and immediately after the knife fell, the lobster shell had been cut into powder, revealing the fresh meat inside.

Seeing this scene, Mito Yumei’s eyes widened immediately, this guy was still a lazy look just now, but why did he change a person completely in the next time, what happened?

Not only him, but even those around him felt the rush of blood, and couldn’t help but stare at Kurokiba Ryo with wide eyes.

The judges were also attracted by this kind of Lin Luo’s technique, and they became serious.

In another place, this is like a special performance by Ye Shanliang.

Because Hayama Ryo has a great relationship with curry.

But even so, Ye Shanliang is still making ordinary ingredients in a hurry.

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