People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 24

Page 24

“My name is Kuraki Kahori. This time I came here at the order of Mr. Erina, and I want to talk with your community about cooperation matters.”

Mo Yu listened to her quietly.

“You should know the name of Nakiri Erina-sama. She is also the commander-in-chief of this academy, and the granddaughter of Nakiri Senzaemon-sama, who has the Demon King of Eater.”

“If you cooperate with us, you will get a lot of…”

A cold and playful smile appeared on the corner of Mo Yu’s mouth, and he interrupted Cangmu Kahori, who was talking incessantly.

“Do you think it is necessary for you to cooperate with the Dark Cuisine Research Association?”


Kuraki Kaho was stunned for a moment.

“Can cooperating with you bring better benefits to dark cooking research?”

Mo Yu folded his ten fingers in a leisurely manner and looked at Cangmu Kaholi.

Cangmu Kaholi glanced at Mo Yu in disbelief.

This person, did you listen to yourself just now?

Throughout Togetsu Academy, I don’t know how many people want to cooperate with Erina-sama.

The five words Nakiri Erina alone are like being plated with a layer of gold.

The future is limitless.

There are only bumpkins like Soma Yukihira, who seem to be from the countryside and don’t know anything.

That’s the stupid question of “Nakiri Erina, who is that?”

The leader of the Dark Cuisine Research Association in front of him doesn’t look like someone who has never seen the world, no matter how he looks at it.

Moreover, there was a feeling in Cangmu Kaho that Mo Yu didn’t look like a sixteen-year-old student at all.

He seems to be a high-level elite who has experienced many battles. He should be holding a red wine glass in the most high-end party.

Chatting casually with people is a million-dollar transaction.

Kuraki Kahori shook his head, skimming these thoughts out of his mind.

“Let’s not say anything else, your dark cooking research society, so far, should be only a one-star society?”

“In addition to the most basic club equipment, the club funds you can get from the school are also the least in the club.”

“If you cooperate with Lord Erina, your club wants to be promoted to two stars, or even a three-star higher level, but it can be done with a word from Lord Erina!”

In Togetsu Academy, clubs and clubs also have a clear hierarchy.

The newly created community can often only be at the one-star community level.

At this time, the society could only have a stove and some basic kitchen utensils.

And every month, Totsuki Academy will issue different levels of club activity funds for each club based on the star rating of each club.

As the lowest one-star club, the club funds that can be obtained are undoubtedly the least in the academy.

It’s not even enough to support the club’s club activities for a month.

If you want to apply for better and more cooking equipment, and more funds for social activities.

Then you need a star.

In addition to obtaining more funds for club activities, the two-star club can also apply to the school to deploy some relatively rare kitchen facilities.

The privileges owned by the three-star and four-star societies are also layered upon layers.

If the star level of the club is high enough, sometimes it can even be on an equal footing with the top ten heroes, which will have a decisive impact on the academy.

However, it is not easy to promote the star of the club. One is that the number of members of the club meets the specified requirements.

Another condition is that the club has achieved enough outstanding results in the academy.

For example, some people in this club have become the top ten, or they have won a very good ranking in the cooking competition of Togetsu Academy.

The more of these achievements, the more likely it is that the club will be promoted to stars.

At present, the highest-ranking club in Togetsu Academy is the French Cuisine Research Association where Shi Yingshi, the chief of the ten heroes, belongs.

It is also the only four-star club in Totsuki Academy.

Other large societies in Togetsu Academy, such as Chinese Cuisine Research Association, Fried Cuisine Research Association, Soba Cuisine Research Association…

Because of the existence of ten heroes such as Yukuga Teruki and Eizan Eizan, they also became a very rare three-star club in Togetsu Academy.

And the rest of the societies are mostly hovering between two stars and three stars.

Small societies such as the previous research society for rice bowls and the research society for standing soba noodles are the same as the current dark cooking research society.

Only one star society level.

It can be said that with the lowest subsidy, every day I worry about whether the club can survive until tomorrow.

As for the highest-level five-star club, there is currently no club in Totsuki Academy that can have this level.

Of course, in addition to the above two methods, there is another way to upgrade your club from one star to two stars.

That is through some people who have the right to speak in Togetsu Academy.

Like Nakiri Erina, her words can often decide the life and death of a society or a restaurant.

Although Nakiri Erina herself did not join any clubs at Togetsu Academy, the human resources she had were all the students who followed her faithfully.

But the identities of the granddaughter of the commander-in-chief and the ten heroes of Yuanyue are enough to make her stand above everyone in the academy!

If Mo Yu agreed to cooperate with her, then the Dark Cuisine Research Association wanted to be promoted to a star, but it was just something she casually said.

“Mo Yujun, what do you think?”

Kuraki Kahori said confidently.

Such an easy-to-get benefit, she doesn’t believe that the other party doesn’t like it!

However, after Mo Yu listened to her words, he just sat on the seat and looked at her with a smile that was not a smile.

As if she just said something like an idiot.

“Go back and tell Erina Nakiri that I have no intention of agreeing to her cooperation invitation.”

“The Dark Cuisine Research Association is going to be promoted to a star. For me, it’s just something that can be done with a raised hand.”

“Don’t think that just a word from her can decide the life and death of other people or the community, and it is also useful to me.”

Mo Yu left this sentence lightly.

Erina Nakiri thinks she needs to work with others to do things.

It doesn’t mean that you need to cooperate with others.

Cangmu Kaho heard his words, and was so shocked that he couldn’t say anything for a while.

When she brought these words to Erina Nakiri, the latter stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, staring silently at the scenery outside.

After a long time, Nakiri Erina let out an unusually cold sneer.

It was the sign of the Ice Witch, who was thoroughly provoked because of provocation.

“Mo Yu, isn’t it? Since you are so confident, you can turn clouds and rain in Yuanyue Academy.”

“Then I want to see if you really have this ability.”

“Call me and contact Mito Yumei.”

“Yes, Erina-sama.”.

[29] Mito Yumei, the food supplier who delivers to your door! (2 more, please collect!)

Today, there seems to be an unusual atmosphere in the corridor of the first year of the Totsuki Academy.

Accompanied by a slender figure, he appeared from the corridor.

Originally, during class break, those who were chatting in the corridor, both boys and girls, all stopped what they were doing and quietly looked at the person in front of them.

“Wow, what kind of wind is it today, it actually blew her into the academy.”

“Yeah, it’s usually hard to see her appear, right? What happened?”

“But then again, Mito-san, she’s still as sexy and beautiful as ever…”

After the people passed by, everyone couldn’t help but talk about it.

The girl who seemed to be the same age as them was not wearing the uniform of Togetsu Academy.

It is a typical western style clothing that is sexy and handsome.

The corners of the white shirt on the upper body were knotted, revealing a school uniform with a clearly beautiful mermaid line, and the lower body was a plaid skirt with a brown base.

Her skin was not as fair as other girls, but the color of honey.

However, in line with her well-developed figure, her whole body is filled with a mature and sexy style that does not match her age.

And the corners of her mouth that are always raised from time to time make her look wild and confident.

She came to an office door and knocked gently on the door.

“Come in.”

A cold and arrogant voice came from inside, like an order from an empress.

“Sir Erina, I heard that you specifically called me here, what’s the matter?”

Mito Yumei pushed open the door and entered.

When she saw the golden figure standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, her eyes were full of passionate worship.

“I told you last time about the abolition of the Donburi Research Association, do you remember?”

Nakiri Erina folded her arms and turned her head slightly.

Speaking of this, Mito Yumei’s eyes immediately turned cold.

“Yes, I still remember, but later, the event venue of the Rice Bowl Research Society was plundered by the organization of the Dark Cooking Research Society.”

“The plan that led us to abolish the donburi research society also failed.”

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