People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 241

Page 241

Everyone looked at these players, and they were full of solemnity, sure enough.The judges are very strict.

More and more players came to the stage to be tasted, but until later, there were a lot of people, and none of them exceeded 50 points.

The highest score is only the first player, but that is only 33 points, and even the lowest is only nine points.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Because so far there is no one that exceeds 40 points.

That was very shocking for them.Even Kawashima Rei abandoned her previous naughty character at this time.

Watching this one scene after another become heavier, he said with some solemnity.

“At this moment, the scoring is still strictly continuing.”

Immediately after that, a bunch of players joined the group, but they were immediately passed by everyone.

And then it was finally Nao Sadazuka’s turn to play, and a purple aroma spread all over the judges.

Purple smoke, and the entire judges suddenly became solemn, what kind of food is this cooking?

I saw Nao Sadazuka carrying five dishes and placed them directly by the hands of the five judges, and said lightly.

“Please try Nao Sadazuka’s special curry.”

Look at this curry!All the judges suddenly became a little nervous.Although the curry was full of aroma, it seemed that the curry was still a little unsatisfactory.

Seeing this American look made by Nao Sadazuka, everyone was amazed, and it really looked different.Even their water is somewhat difficult to open.

But the quality of the food is just yet to come. If the appearance is also included, it will naturally not make much difference.

Sure enough, after seeing their faces, Hojo Miyoko and Tiansuohui both smiled awkwardly.

They had long expected that the food made by Nao Sadazuka would definitely be evaluated like this.

That kind of ugly food, I don’t know what it tastes like, everyone is puzzled.

“Damn, you bastard, what kind of mess did you put in the curry?”

One of the judges couldn’t help but say.

After all, it was the first time they had seen this kind of curry.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this.The things inside are all rare materials.

Of course, that kind of rarity does not all refer to the rare species of food, but some rare foods in the world that are rated as unpalatable.

So when Nao Sadazuka made this dish that day, everyone was a bit muddled. Even the five judges didn’t dare to make a fool of themselves, but they were judges, and there was no way they could still give the taste of this dish to the audience. Taste the 660.

Of course, all they do is their duty.

This bowl of noodles was slowly added by the female judges, but looking at the dark noodles, none of the female judges had the desire to eat them.

Even though there was an inexplicable fragrance in the noodles, she couldn’t help it.

So he closed his eyes and put the noodles in his mouth.It also slowly slipped into his mouth.

Then he slowly tasted it, but at the next moment, the female referee seemed to be touched by something. She was very surprised and stared at the bowl of noodles with wide eyes.

Although the noodles looked dark and lacking in appearance, they were surprisingly delicious, and she couldn’t even express the deliciousness in words.

At this time, the female referee was swimming in the water with the cuttlefish as if she was wrapped in a cuttlefish.

And beside her, why are all kinds of fish floating non-stop?

The feeling of water gave her a refreshing look, and the cuttlefish sprayed ink again at this time, the kind of Mo Shi who shrouded himself in.

When enveloped, the female referee let out a coy voice in the water.

This strange smell left her with endless aftertastes.

This is also the strange food made by Nao Sadazuka, the real dark food food. .

【238】Pineapple Fried Rice!New Chinese Cuisine! (Please subscribe!)

After the female referee took a bite, she clamped it again.

The one who made the hissing sound was putting it in his mouth.

Seeing this scene, the people around were also a little surprised, only Tiansuohui and Hojo Miyoko were extremely indifferent, but they also showed a wry smile on their faces.

I don’t know when Nao Sadazuka’s cooking can be cooked, and it makes people want to eat it.

The other judges couldn’t help but put the noodles into their mouths as they watched the crazy wind inhaling the female judges.

Suddenly, all the judges felt the taste of the sea.

This deliciousness is even better than the previous one.

In this face, in addition to a scent, there is a faint smell of fishy smell, and everyone’s faces are serious.

That kind of first can’t be stopped for them, even if they have eaten a lot of food, but this is the first time they have eaten this kind of food. Under the constant inhalation of the storm, the noodles in the bowl have disappeared.

The witch in front of the boiler was also smiling at this time. Although she was no longer a witch, she still said lightly.

“The real aesthetics class is not in those dishes that are only cosmetic. The real cooking is just to taste good, and aesthetics is not just about looking good.”

For Nao Sadazuka’s extremely creative idea, the judges also thought it was true, so delicious that they even thought it was delicious.They were already trapped and couldn’t stop at all, and they even wanted to try the bone soup.

In the last five judges, they finally gave their evaluations. When everyone saw the ratings, everyone was very surprised, because there was a high frequency of 96 points above the ratings.

Nao Sadazuka was not only the first person to emerge with a high score, but also a direct score of 96, which surprised everyone.

When he first saw this appearance, Nao Sadazuka was a little disappointed, but he didn’t expect that his score was not 100 points.

It surprised her, but she didn’t care, 96 points might have really entered the final, and the fact was as she expected.

Of course, where did those four points go?I’m afraid it’s really because of the color and ugliness of the food she made.

After all, that dark dish is really hard to taste if you are not brave, and if you don’t try it, how can you know whether the food made by Nao Sadazuka is delicious or delicious?

When looking at his score, Nao Sadazuka could only give up, and then he went down.

“Then the next one, please serve the dishes~ˇ!” Kawashima Riku said again.

She didn’t expect Nao Sadazuka to be so powerful, but she still calmed down and said.

And the voice of the next one was very familiar to Nao Sadazuka, and when it appeared, he even looked at Hishako Shinto who had been waiting for her for a long time.

Nito Hiisako is already her best and biggest rival. Although she has defeated him last time, in fact, now she also really wants to see what great achievements Nito Hiisako can make with her cooking.

However, at this time, Hishako Shinto also saw a dignified expression on Nao’s face. She also wanted to hit Nao to the ground again, but it seemed that Nao’s strength was getting stronger and stronger. animal.

I saw Shinto Hishako slowly bring her own dish to the five judges, and the dish looked very fresh.

In stark contrast to Nao Sadazuka’s, one is black and the other is gold.

It doesn’t look like much has changed, the food is all in the middle and the soup is wrapped around it.

It’s like boiling water.

This food made the five people a little puzzled.

The female referee even said.

“Doesn’t this food look like a lot of sauce? And it’s more water than sauce. Is this a soup?”

But she was sure it was curry. Although she was a little confused, the female judge just put the food into her mouth.

And then when a spoonful of ginger soup was put into his mouth, the fragrance instantly spread from his throat.

Then it slowly fell into the body, as if adjusting the breath.The judges were at a loss for words, and one of the judges was muttering directly.

Seeing this appearance, the judges did not know what happened.

Unexpectedly, there is a lot of Chinese medicine mixed in this dish.

Chinese herbal soup.They were even saying that this soup turned out to be Siwu soup.

No way, Hishako Nito is best at making medicated meals.

All the judges were also tasting this dish, and they felt that they were full of power. After all, the medicated food made out of it has a great tonic effect on people.

Unexpectedly, medicinal diet and curry can also be combined, but the judges were a little shocked. Unexpectedly, after Nao Sadazuka, there are extraordinary people.

“¨’God, it’s really galloping, my body is constantly galloping like it’s on fire.”

A sense of energy suddenly filled the bodies of the five people.

And then I saw the judges after eating their own medicated diet and giving a lot of comments.Shinto Hishako also looked back at Nao Sadazuka, with a smile on her face.She felt that this competition must be won by herself.

But Nao Sadazuka watched this scene quietly, and there was no fluctuation in his eyes, as if he didn’t care too much about it.

In the end, the judges finally gave their evaluation.

Unexpectedly, it is also as high as 92 points.

But when they saw this score, although everyone was serious, because they already had 92 points, but (Wang Wang’s) was Xinto Feishazi, but he gritted his teeth. He didn’t expect that his most proud herbal meal turned out to be defeated. Under Nao Sadazuka who scored 96 points.

When Nao Sadazuka looked at 92 points, the smile on his face also increased, and sure enough, just as she expected, Hishako Nito was getting farther and farther away from her.

Another 90 points made all the members on the field vibrate.Cheering sound continued.

And the next one is Hojo Miyoko’s turn.

I saw that what Hojo Miyoko took out looked like fried rice, like a pineapple.

In front of it, there is also a pineapple accessory on the plate, which looks very bright and eye-catching.

The golden fried rice made the judges’ eyes shine brightly.

And after eating this fried rice, the judges were even more like an outburst of beauty.

Pineapples are constantly being cultivated in the fields. .

【239】Takmi’s Brother Showdown!Pairing with curry…! ? (Please subscribe!)

Not only that, but the judges could feel that after each grain of rice burst, the juice it turned into flowed into their mouths.

Among the sweet and sour, there is actually the aroma of cooking curry.

Fragrant and sweet and sour together, it is a different taste.It turned out that there was a person present who broke his clothes directly.The deliciousness made them unforgettable.

And at the end, Miyoko Hojo also got 95 points of evaluation, even only one point lower than Nao Sadazuka, and got the second place.

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