People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 25

Page 25

Although the results were not bad, the Donburi Research Association, which lost its club activity venue, ended up disbanding.

But thinking that the person who caused such a situation was not himself, Mito Yumei was still a little unhappy.

“You sounded unhappy in your tone.”

Mito Yumei’s reaction hit Nakiri Erina’s arms, and she slightly raised the corners of her lips.

“In that case, I’ll give you a chance to vent your emotions.”

“To vent your emotions?”

“Go to the Dark Cuisine Research Society, find their leader, and ask him to abolish the Dark Cuisine Research Society.”

As long as I think of the words of the man named Mo Yu that Cangmu Kaho just conveyed to him.

Nakiri Erina felt a sense of unhappiness in her heart.

Compared to that bumpkin, Yuki Ping Chuangzhen, this Mo Yu was arrogant on another level.

Although Nakiri Erina knows that, in the eyes of many people, she also looks like this.

However, when others treat her with such an attitude, this is Nakiri Erina’s pride and must never happen.

Since you think your dark cooking research club can do everything without me, then I want to see how powerful you are!

However, Nakiri Erina did not say these words in front of Mito Yumei.

After all, in front of others, he had to maintain the image of the ice witch with no emotions.

“If he doesn’t agree, it doesn’t matter if he eats the halberd.”

“If it’s you Mito, there must be no problem, right?”

Nakiri Erina walked gracefully to Mito Yumei, and gently lifted her chin with her fingers.

He looked at the pupils that were as noble as amethyst, just less than two feet away from him.

A flush of excitement stained Mito Yumei’s face.

“Yes, please rest assured, Erina-sama, I will definitely complete the task you gave me!”

After hearing Mito Yumei’s promise, Erina Nakiri raised the corners of her mouth in satisfaction.

“very good.”

An hour later, the Dark Cuisine Research Society.

“Mr. Mo Yu, it seems that the funds for our club activities this month are not enough.”

Nao Sadazuka looked at Mo Yu with some worry.

Although basic kitchen utensils can be reported to the school.

However, as the number of people recruited by the Dark Cuisine Research Association increases, the demand for the ingredients that the community prepares every day is also increasing.

The little community funds distributed at the beginning of each month are usually spent less than half a month.

Thinking of this, Nao Sadazuka was a little puzzled why Mo Yu had rejected the cooperation intention proposed by Nakiri Erina before.

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If you can cooperate with her, it will bring much beneficial development to the study of dark cuisine.

It’s just that she didn’t say these words in front of Mo Yu.

Although she didn’t know what Mo Yu planned to do, her loyalty to Mo Yu made her unconditionally believe that Mo Yu must have his own plans and judgments.

“Is there any food that is not enough?”

After Mo Yu listened to her report, he didn’t react, just asked lightly.

“Vegetables are still left, but the more expensive ingredients such as beef and pork have been unable to buy.”

Nao Sadazuka said.

Although they are saving money, the meat they usually use for training are all discounted products in the supermarket.

But even so, it is still unable to maintain the current consumption demand.

Nao Sadazuka was even worried if the newly recruited members knew that their club was so poor.

Are you going to run away right now?

Mo Yu glanced at her.

“I see. I will find a way to solve the problem of the ingredients soon. You don’t have to worry about it.”

Mo Yu said calmly, as if he already had a solution in his mind.

Although he didn’t know the exact method, Nao Sadazuka’s heart calmed down inexplicably when he heard him say that.

“I understand, Lord Mo Yu.”

Nao Sadazuka looked at Mo Yu with respectful and adoring eyes.

As expected of Mr. Mo Yu, he seemed to have expected this to happen.

“Is this the Dark Cuisine Research Society?”

At this moment, a lazy and slightly hoarse sexy female voice sounded outside the door of the Dark Cuisine Research Society.


A sense of crisis suddenly rose in Nao Sadazuka’s heart.

She turned her head and looked at the girl who opened the curtain of the door and walked in.

It looks like they are about the same size as them, but the body is so good that it is enviable.

When she walked in and set her eyes on Mo Yu, her originally arrogant expression seemed to show a hint of consternation, but it quickly disappeared.

“You are the legendary mysterious leader of the Dark Cuisine Research Association, Mo Yujun, right?”

“I came here today because I have something to look for you.”

“What do you have to do with Mr. Mo Yu?”

Nao Sadazuka looked at Mito Yumei vigilantly, but not only her, but many girls had a natural hostility towards Mito Yumei.

Mito Yumei glanced at her.

“The purpose of my coming here is to hope that Mo Yujun can think about it and dissolve the Dark Cooking Research Association.”


Compared to Nao Sadazuka, whose eyes widened in surprise because of Mito Yumei’s words.

Mo Yu seemed to have expected it long ago, and the expression on his face did not change in the slightest.

He even looked at Mito Yumei with some interest.

Just now Nao Sadazuka told himself that the preparation of meat ingredients in the club was insufficient.

Mo Yu had expected it.

No, the supplier immediately sent it to the door on his own initiative. .

[30] Losing business!I will not do it! (3 more, please collect!)

Among the first-year students, Mito Yumei was only slightly less famous than Nakiri Erina, and when he was in the middle school, he was already famous for the existence of the campus.

Not only because of her amazing figure, but also because of her outstanding talent in meat cooking.

Mito Yumei’s home is the “Mito Meat” company that sells top-grade beef.

It is known as the leader in the beef industry.

Coming from such a family, Mito Yumei naturally has extraordinary skills in meat cooking.

It is said that although she is a girl, her strength is so strong that she can easily control the whole heavy corbel.

Since the middle department, Mito Yumei’s achievements have been in the upper stratum.

Regarding the course assessment of meat cooking, all of them got A grades!

In addition, she has a much better developed figure than girls of the same age, so the first graders secretly called her “meaty” in secret.

At this moment, Mito Yumei was looking down at Mo Yu with a condescending expression.

Although at the beginning, when she saw Mo Yu’s appearance for the first time, she was indeed shocked by the coldness in his eyes and the aura emanating from his body.

Erina Nakiri, known as the Ice Witch, has so many fanatical followers.

It is precisely because in addition to her own excellent talent, there is also a fascinating temperament that is as arrogant and cold as the Snow Queen.

But after seeing Mo Yu, Mito Yumei suddenly felt that.

Nakiri Erina’s icy temperament, when she met Mo Yu, was like an arrogant little girl, looking a little mature and childish.

“Disband the Dark Cuisine Research Society.”

Mo Yu repeated the words in a gentle tone.

There was no expression on his face, but it still made people feel like falling into an ice cellar.

“What qualifications do you have to come and talk to me like this.”

Mo Yu looked at Mito Yumei.

Mito Yumei was taken aback.

No one had ever dared to speak to her in such a tone.

Even Nakiri Erina, a person who thinks he is above everyone, seems to be able to boss around everyone.

He would never speak to her in such a contemptuous manner.

But even so, Mo Yu’s attitude made her feel that it was a matter of course.

It seemed that no matter what the person in front of him said, it was right.

But this thought only flashed in Mito Yumei’s mind for a moment, and soon, she was because of Mo Yu’s contemptuous words.

And there was a trace of anger in his heart.

“Erina-sama is right, he really is a guy who doesn’t have enough oil and salt.”

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