People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 6

Page 6

“Let’s all have a taste.”

The members who had been drooling long ago by the aroma of this long-awaited special mapo tofu came over with chopsticks.

“Wow, looking at the way the tofu vibrates on the chopsticks, you can imagine how tender it will be.”

“The chili sauce wrapped in tofu also looks mellow.”

Everyone can’t wait to put the tofu in their mouths.

“It’s so hot, so hot… Huhu… Wow, the tofu seems to melt on the tip of the tongue along with the sauce.”

“Yeah, you don’t even need to bite, it feels like a puddle of water has melted between your lips and teeth.”

“The spicy and fragrant taste is so appetizing, it is indeed the proud work of our president for a long time!”

“This is the best Mapo tofu I’ve ever eaten!”

As everyone spoke, they kept sticking their chopsticks towards the plate until their lips were slightly swollen from the spicy food, and they refused to stop the chopsticks.

“I see, this game, there is no need to compare anymore.”

Someone patted their stomach and said with a burp.

“That’s right, the mapo tofu from our president is so delicious that no one can surpass it!”

Everyone said it meaningfully.

“is it?”

At this moment, looking at these people with flattery written all over their faces, Mo Yu only thought that they looked ridiculous.

And his gaze made those who have been flattering me for a long time feel inexplicably guilty.

Those eyes that were as sharp as lightning made them appear naked in front of Mo Yu, with no possibility of hiding.

Any small thought will be seen through at a glance.

Some people coughed, half trying to be brave, half trying to cover up.

“I advise you to admit defeat early…”

Before the words were finished, a spicy aroma that was more intense than that of Jiuga Zhaoji’s Jiuwoliu’s special mapo tofu suddenly erupted.

“It smells so good, what does this smell like…”

“It’s almost like being soaked in a hot spring pool filled with Chinese prickly ash, chili peppers and various spices, and even the lungs are filled with this fragrance.”

Everyone can feel the fragrance in disbelief.

Even Koga Teruki smelled this fragrance and opened his eyes in surprise.

Sichuan cuisine pays attention to the heavy mouth, so it also adds a lot of spices to the dishes.

After a long time, I can feel that there are many spices beyond his knowledge in this fragrance.

But the two of them obviously have the same ingredients, how did Mo Yu use these spices to concoct such an incredible fragrance!

Not only Jiu I followed the rules, but everyone else also looked at Mo Yu’s frying pan.

There, it is where the fragrance comes out.

Under the extremely fragrant aroma of spicy oil, Jiuwo has made special mapo tofu.

The aroma has been almost completely suppressed!

“Next, try my cooking.”

Putting the steaming hot Mapo tofu on the dinner plate, Mo Yu raised his head and swept across the venue lightly.

With just one look, everyone already felt that mountain-like feeling full of strong oppression and self-confidence.

“Shiquan Mapo Tofu.”.

【7】Don’t laugh!I don’t want to lose face in the eighth seat? (2 more, please collect!)

“Shiquan Mapo Tofu…”

Jiuga Teruki muttered the name while being lured by the aroma, and took two steps forward unconsciously.

On the dinner plate, each piece of tofu has been stir-fried with fire, but there is no sign of it being broken at all.

Instead, it retains the integrity of the original cut!

Not only that, but the tofu is coated in a thick sauce.

Different from their usual brown sauces, the sauces of Sichuan cuisine are often due to the addition of chili peppers.

And looked shiny and rosy.

Even on the surface of the tofu, they could see sizzling oil bubbles.

“This looks really makes me want to eat…”

A female member of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association couldn’t help expressing such emotion.


Even other people who had confidence in Kuga-Toriki’s Kuga-ryu’s special mapo tofu before looked at this plate of Shiquan Mapo tofu and swallowed involuntarily.

If it wasn’t for the fact that I was by my side for a long time, they might not have been able to resist.

Of course, what they didn’t know was that even Kuga Kazuki himself had the same thoughts as them.

“Damn…such a rosy and shiny sauce, and tofu that you can tell at a glance how tender it is, it really makes people completely unable to resist…”

After a long time, I tightened my face according to the discipline and looked at the mapo tofu on the plate.

And he could clearly feel that Mo Yu’s plate of Mapo Tofu was ten times stronger than the plate he made just now!

“I don’t know how it tastes.”

I thought about it for a long time and looked at Mo Yu.

“Hey, I said, classmate Mo Yu, can we eat?”

He tried his best not to look too greedy.


Mo Yu folded his arms, and when he heard Jiu I Zhaoji’s question, he nodded slightly and agreed.

Before I waited for a long time, I acted according to the rules, and I had already gathered around, and the members who were about to endure the limit rushed up with chopsticks.

“Hey, damn, wait, you guys just leave me a mouthful!”

Seeing the members who surrounded the cooking table in the blink of an eye, I was so angry that I shouted loudly after a long time.

For fear that if they are one step behind, these people will be able to give themselves the whole plate of tofu.

At this time, the few people in the front row of the cooking table have carefully and impatiently picked up the tofu on the plate.

“Just by touching the chopsticks, you can feel the tenderness of the tofu!”

Seeing the tofu trembling like a cloud between the chopsticks, the members all showed expressions of surprise.

This level of tenderness is even more shattering than the special mapo tofu that Jiu I had just made!

They even wondered if this piece of tofu could be broken just by blowing a breath.

The sauce on the tofu still exudes steaming white air, although there were quite a few of them just now, they all ate the special Mapo Tofu for a long time.

But in front of the tempting aroma, many people couldn’t help but put the tofu in their mouths.

For a moment, the pain of burning the tip of the tongue made them scream.

“It’s hot, it’s hot!”

They hurriedly hissed and sucked in the cool air, and waited until the temperature of the tofu in their mouths dropped before they dared to taste it carefully.

To the shock of others, the Shiquan Mapo Tofu made by Mo Yu is even more tender than the one I have been following for a long time!

The sauce is evenly coated on top, and the taste is even richer.

Sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty, fragrant, crispy, hot…

All kinds of wonderful feelings are mixed in the sauce and the tofu that has been turned into a puddle of water, and spread on the tip of the tongue.

“Ten flavors, this tofu really has ten flavors!”

“The sauce is sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty, and numb, and the tofu is crispy and fresh.”

“The taste of this tofu is incredible, it’s like eating ice cream!”

“Yeah, it melts with a sip of the tongue, softer than cheese!”

“Woooooo, I seem to scoop a spoonful of this tofu on top of white rice to eat.”

“Yeah, I can eat ten bowls of this rice bowl in one go!”

Everyone who has tasted Shiquan Mapo Tofu has a rosy glow on their faces.

It was as if their mood was also surging because of this Mapo Tofu.

“Get out of the way, let me taste it.”

Jiuga Zhaoji, who finally squeezed into the crowd, with complicated thoughts, also took a bite of Shiquan Mapo Tofu made by Mo Yu.

The moment he entered, his eyes widened!

“Although this taste is exactly the same as the Mapo Tofu I’ve eaten before, it is so perfect that one can’t pick out a single fault!”

“It’s hard to imagine that the sweet, sour, bitter, and salty flavors that are clearly not characteristic of Sichuan cuisine can be perfectly integrated into Sichuan cuisine!”

“The perfect combination of ten flavors, is this the origin of the name of Shiquan Mapo Tofu?”

For a long time, I never imagined that even though I was good at cooking, I would be defeated!

He lowered his head and held the chopsticks tightly in his hands.

And Mo Yu just stood there calmly.


“Yes, your Shiquan Mapo Tofu is indeed better than mine.”

After a long time, I took a deep breath.

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