People Are In Konoha, Devouring Uchiha Shisui At The Beginning

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: The Best Time, Tomb Raider Skill

It was at the time when Liu Sheng’s body returned home.

On the other side of the square, ‘Liu Sheng’ and Ino, two daughters of Hinata, Aburame Shino and Ino–Shika–Chō, as well as Naruto who helped him unlock the illusion, and Haruno Sakura who rushed over also received an A-level mission from Kakashi .

As mentioned earlier, Elite Jōnin is already the mainstay ace in the Five Ninja Villages.

When Five Kages have an accident, Elite Jōnin can represent Kage and issue tasks below S rank to ninjas.

The A-level task that Kakashi assigned to ‘Liu Sheng’ and others was to meet Uchiha Sasuke, who was chasing Gaara’s three siblings, just like the original book.

In order to help ‘Liu Sheng’ and others find Uchiha Sasuke, Kakashi also used Summoning Technique and asked his good partner Parker to help.

So under the cover of Kakashi and Might Guy, ‘Liu Sheng’ and others followed Parker and followed the scent to find Uchiha Sasuke.

On the way, they naturally encountered layers of obstacles.

Since there is only a Shadow Clone here, ‘Liu Sheng’ is very low-key and only serves as a support, using illusion and Water Style to help Ino–Shika–Chō and others from a distance.

Only Nara Shikamaru and Naruto, Haruno Sakura, and the trailing Aburame Shino are different from the original.

This time, it was the group A-level mission of Class 8 and Class 10, and Naruto and Haruno Sakura of Class 7.

After they join up with Uchiha Sasuke who is chasing Gaara, then except for ‘Liu Sheng’, all nine big and small powerhouses will be there.

By the way, because Hyuga Neji was eliminated by Liu Sheng in the qualifiers.

So, Hyuga Hiashi didn’t leave midway.

Hinata, who had his father to protect his sister and was not injured by Hyuga Neji, was the main combatant for this mission.

Most of the sound ninja and sand ninja encountered on the way were controlled by ‘Liu Sheng’, Nara Shikamaru, and Ino, and then hit by Hinata and Akimichi Chōji.

It didn’t take long for ‘Liu Sheng’ and others to catch up with Uchiha Sasuke and Gaara.

But now, the state of Uchiha Sasuke and Gaara does not seem to be very good.

Uchiha Sasuke, who was very proud of the square before, is now out of breath.

For twelve-year-old Uchiha Sasuke, using the A-rank Lightning Style Chidori twice is enough.

Used it once in the square, used it again in the chase, and now the positions of Uchiha Sasuke and Gaara have been reversed.

Because… One Tail Jinchūriki is about to explode!

Seeing this scene, ‘Liu Sheng’ immediately lowered his sense of existence, hid in the nine big strong, and only focused on Ino and Hinata. Once the two women were in danger, he would try his best to take them away.

As for the battle with Gaara, it is handed over to Naruto who is about to explode.

One Tail Jinchūriki VS Nine Tails Jinchūriki, one touch!


At this time, Konoha fell into chaos that was second only to the Nine Tails Rebellion since its creation.

Just like the knowledge taught in the ninja school, whenever the village is in danger and the highest-level siren is sounded, the first task of all ninjas in service is to escort the villagers into the refuge, and then use the strength of the whole village to repel the enemy.

Konoha is now in the stage of defense and escort.

After the villagers were escorted into the shelter, it was time to fight back.

Konoha was at its most chaotic moment before the horn of counterattack sounded.

And this most chaotic moment is the best time for Liu Sheng to “jump into the dragon’s gate”.

Since the first task of all ninjas is to protect the villagers now, including the ninja guarding the cemetery is no exception.

Therefore, the ninjas who were escorting and fighting did not find Konoha’s cemetery. At this time, behind each tombstone, a huge stone slab continued to rise, revealing the coffin buried below.

And the tombstone owners of these coffins are all ninjas with surnames.

Whenever a stone slab rises, a figure with a backpack will appear in front of it out of thin air.

Then these figures will take out a scroll from the backpack, and store the coffin under the stone slab into the scroll.

And when the coffin of an important person is dug up, the figure will open the coffin to check, and after finding that it is indeed the target, he closes the coffin and stores it in the scroll.

These figures, using the Transformation Technique, became the Liu Sheng Shadow Clone of Yakushi Kabuto, Zack, and Kenmisumi.

Coming to the tombstone with Senju Tobirama written on it, ‘Liu Sheng’ murmured expectantly: “I hope that apart from Senju Hashirama, all other shadows are in the cemetery.”

After finishing speaking, ‘Liu Sheng’ formed a mudra with both hands and patted the ground lightly: “Earth Style·Earth Shore Return!”

Yep, ‘Liu Sheng’ did Earth Style.

So, where did Liu Sheng’s body learn Earth Style?

The answer is… I got it from those wave ninjas when I performed the C-level mission for the first time.

In addition to A-level and S-level ninjutsu, elemental ninjutsu below B level is actually very common in the five major ninja villages and the ninja world.

Water Styles such as Water Style·Water Dragon Bomb Technique, Water Style·水冲波, etc. are not the exclusive ninjutsu of Kirigakure and Konoha.

Similarly, C-level low-level ninjutsu such as Earth Style·Earth Shore Return is not the exclusive ninjutsu of Iwagakure and the Five Great Ninja Villages.

Earth Style·Earth Shore Return is a defensive ninjutsu that can raise a large stone slab from the ground in front of it, but Liu Sheng is willing to call it a tomb-robbing skill.

“Aren’t you here…”

When the big stone slab was raised, ‘Liu Sheng’ opened Senju Tobirama’s coffin, looked at the empty coffin, and nodded without showing anger on his face: “It seems that we can only start plan B.”

If you ask whether Senju Hashirama’s body is in the coffin, then Liu Sheng is 100% sure it is not.

If you ask Senju Tobirama’s body, is it in the coffin?

Liu Sheng can only guarantee that there is a 50% chance of being there, and a 50% chance of not being there!

Although Senju Tobirama died at the hands of Golden Horn and Silver Horn, his body must have been brought back by Konoha.

Otherwise, Orochimaru would not have been able to get Impure World Reincarnation out of Senju Tobirama.

But it was also Orochimaru Impure World Reincarnation Senju Tobirama, Liu Sheng can’t guarantee whether the other party only took away part of Senju Tobirama’s tissue, or stole the whole body?

It now appears that Orochimaru may have stolen all his idols.

Of course, it is also possible that Senju Tobirama’s body is not in the cemetery.

The coffin in the cemetery is just an empty shell. The coffin that stored Senju Tobirama’s body was actually placed in a hidden secret room just like the coffin that Senju Tobirama stored Uchiha Madara back then.

If so, it is possible that Hokage’s body was stored in a secret room.

No matter which possibility it is, the idea of ​​obtaining Senju Tobirama’s body by grave robbers can only fail.

But that’s okay, Liu Sheng still has a plan B.

That is… obtained from Orochimaru’s hands.

After Konoha’s collapse plan is over, Orochimaru, who has lost the soul of his hands, will enter the weakest period.

Liu Sheng of Three Tomoe Sharingan can crush him without awakening Mangekyō Sharingan.

Then he revealed the soul fragments he hid in Uchiha Sasuke and Mitarashi Anko, not to mention Senju Tobirama’s body, even Hashirama cells, Liu Sheng can easily get them.

Even if Senju Tobirama’s body is not in Orochimaru’s hands, it doesn’t matter.

After death, the soul is the largest memory bank, and the brain only retains part of the memory.

As long as the Senju Tobirama Impure World Reincarnation is released, and then the soul of Senju Tobirama is devoured, Liu Sheng will be able to get the memory of the other party.

Compared with Senju Tobirama, Liu Sheng is now more concerned about…the corpses of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, are they in the coffins in the cemetery?

If Namikaze Minato’s body is not there, it means that Hokage’s body will not be in the cemetery.

If they are not there, then the inheritance of Hokage in the past can only be obtained from Orochimaru.

“Earth Style·Earth Shore Return!”

Maybe it was the favor of Goddess of Luck, or maybe the heavens didn’t want to see Liu Sheng’s nine-year wait, but in the end it came to nothing.

After the two large stone slabs were raised, ‘Liu Sheng’ opened the coffins of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twitched slightly.

I saw two corpses inside the two coffins.

However, there was a big hole in the belly of the two corpses, as if pierced by some huge sharp weapon.

And the identities of these two corpses are…the Fourth Hokage couple.

The big holes on their bodies were made by Nine Tails’ nails.

Seeing the corpses of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, ‘Liu Sheng’ immediately closed their coffins, and then put the coffins into the scroll, and used Earth Style together with the other two Shadow Clones who also robbed the tomb , Cover those raised big stone slabs.

If you don’t check carefully, it’s hard for others to find these cemeteries. In fact, they have all been passive.

After covering all the slabs, the three Shadow Clones head towards the secret base.

The strength of Shadow Clone is too unstable to avoid accidents, resulting in a waste of effort after nine years of waiting.

Liu Sheng didn’t dare to let them go back to the village after stealing the tomb.

Instead, let them release their senses to avoid all enemies after robbing the tomb, go to the remote waterfall place with the penetrating escape, and store the backpack full of scrolls in the secret base built when they were young.

Then after washing off the smell, continue to the Nanhe River, jump into the river and release the Shadow Clone Technique.

“……found it!”

That’s when the second batch of Shadow Clones, possessing Transcendence, headed to the Land of the Falls with the scroll.

The third batch of Shadow Clones with Todun and White Eyes finally helped Liu Sheng find that big fish!

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