People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Richmond Is Full Of White Flags! The Prestigious Fox Hunting Corps!

“When encountering unkillable monsters on the battlefield, we are still helpless. If I want to say, let those people take the lead. We will follow behind. Fishing in troubled waters is safer

After the officer left, Jackler said in a low voice in the barracks.

The corner of Pan Tuosi’s mouth twitched, this guy took others for a fool.

The superior officers have said more than once that they want to take down Richmond before the Fox Hunting Corps, and everyone will get a lot of spoils by then.

Glancing at Jack Le, he was no longer distracted, and continued to maintain the firearm in his hand.

A 30-year-old veteran sitting diagonally across from him took out a silver and White cross from his arms, holding it piously in his hand and praying continuously.

“God bless, don’t touch those monsters!”

Listening to the veteran’s chattering prayers, Pan Tuosi couldn’t remember which broken army he was integrated from, and he was even more upset when he wanted to stop and worried about causing conflicts.

“General Pope has an order, the whole army is assembled!”

Suddenly a sharp whistle sounded outside the barracks, and the officers repeated their orders loudly.

Among the hundreds of barracks, the big soldiers were in a hurry to put on their clothes. Several of them put their pants on backwards and didn’t know it. They fumbled for a gun and ran away.

Pan Tuosi and the others lined up, and under the leadership of the officer, they followed each other to form a square formation.

It was completely dark, and it stands to reason that At the moment shouldn’t launch an attack. Those monsters that cannot be killed are stronger in the dark, and everyone knows this.

The soldiers in the phalanx looked around nervously. They relaxed a little when they saw more and more familiar faces. They winked at each other, trying to get some latest news from others.


There was a crisp sound of whipping, and someone somewhere in the crowd let out a muffled grunt, not daring to call out the majesty of the military law.

Under the scolding of the officer, the soldiers lined up according to the infantry drills. Pan Tuosi was holding the gun in his hand nervously, and the “760” in the palm of his hand oozes hot and humid sweat, which is a little slippery mixed with the gun oil left on the gun body.

After a short period of noise and confusion, the phalanx suddenly quieted down, and according to the command of the commander, it moved towards Richmond, and the Fox Hunting Corps on the left with the vicious fox banner raised their guns to guard

Pan Tuosi looked left and right, on the left was the talkative Jackle, and on the right was the veteran who had been chattering before, they were all as puzzled as he was.

Both the Union Army and the Fox Hunts are fighting the Confederate Army, shouldn’t they be allies?


Behind the barracks of the Fox Hunting Legion next to it, there was a dull mechanical roar, as if a titan was running, and Pan Tuosi could feel the slight vibration of the ground at a distance of hundreds of meters.

huge amounts of the ferocious fox flag began to move, and there was no light in the barracks next to it, but the footsteps became more and more dense and clear.

In the northern army lined up in a phalanx, all the officers in front of the queue raised their hands, and amidst the sound of bullets being loaded, the soldiers collectively set up their rifles and aimed in the direction they were facing.

The ferocious fox flag of the Fox Hunting Legion came out of the main gate of the barracks. The arms of the soldier holding the flag were swollen, but his expression was very relaxed, as if the flagpole weighing more than 100 kilograms in his hand was as light as a feather

Behind the flag bearer is a group of soldiers neatly lined up. The firearms they shouldered have never been seen by the Northern Army. There is a disc-shaped magazine stuck on the top of the gun body, and an unknown number of bullets are stuffed. It is conceivable that Mieli will have How fierce.

After the continuous queue walked out of the gate of the barracks, it spread out along the first line of defense in Richmond in a semicircle, and more than 30,000 people almost filled most of the defense circle.

More than 300 Shenwuwei came out after them. Although the number was pitifully small, they were several times more powerful.

Every fighter is wearing a thick titanium alloy armor, and the mask is transparent but thick bulletproof glass. Stepping on the ground is a deep footprint.

The commander of the Fox Hunting Corps, Chadson, rode a tall horse and led a group of guards to the front of the Northern Army formation. He glanced at the dense phalanx and sneered.

“Where is John Pope? We have been waiting for you here for so long, and you ended up sleeping in the barracks when you came. I really don’t know whether this war is fought by Meijian or by our Fox Hunting Corps. up!”

“Master is right, everything depends on oneself, others cannot be relied on!”

“I’m here to tell General Pope that the minefields won’t bother you. We’ve found a way to crack them. The ugly thing is, since you didn’t work hard to crack the minefields, don’t try to get ahead of the Fox Hunting Corps to reap the benefits.” !”

Chadson smiled coldly, showing his white teeth, and locked his eyes on a major general in his forties or fifties among the officers.

“General Pope hides very deeply, please remember my words, if you dare to violate it, don’t say it was unexpected!”

After he finished speaking, he took out a pistol with a strange shape, pulled the trigger towards the sky, and a signal projectile with a red tail flame shot into the air, exploding a ball of light several meters in size

Even if it is several kilometers away, it can be seen clearly.

Heavy-duty transport vehicles rolled out from the back of the barracks. The whole body was made of steel with a thickness of 3 cm. The lampshade of the headlights was bulletproof glass. There seemed to be a faint metallic luster in the six huge rubber tires with a height of 2 meters.

The Warriors of the Northern Army trembled. They had never seen these steel monsters in front of them, and they seemed to be somewhat similar to carriages.

The huge amounts of roaring engine made their eardrums tingle. Inside the tall and spacious compartment, there were also strange creations. There were two pure steel rollers with a diameter of 2 meters at the front and rear. If the spring of the arm trembles slightly.

After a while, the heavy-duty transport vehicle also came to the front of the line of defense. The soldiers of the Fox Hunting Corps went up and lowered the rear compartment panel, pulled a pull rod on the side, and a slightly thinner and smaller half-meter-long metal plate protruded from the compartment panel to rest on the ground. , The road roller in the carriage rumbled down.

Wouldn’t they use this strange vehicle to break through the long and far-reaching minefields?

Strange thoughts popped up in the minds of countless soldiers and officers of the Northern Army. Even if steel is not afraid of landmines, the drivers who drive vehicles are also flesh and blood!

Sure enough, not long after, the Fox Hunting Corps blew the attack horn.



Everyone stared dumbfounded. The dense landmines in front of the defense line were easily crushed and detonated. The two-meter-diameter steel roller vibrated slightly in the flames of the explosion. A few white scratches.

The general of the southern army was terrified and waved his arms to order concentrated artillery bombardment, but most of the shells fell on the rollers of the road roller, but it stopped and swayed for a while.

Before they could adjust the angle to bombard the cab, the artillery of the Fox Hunting Corps came in for a violent counterattack. The flames sprayed from the muzzles of the Southern Army were their best positioning, and countless shells roared down.

In an instant, dense explosions sounded, and under the firelight soaring into the sky, gunpowder smoke curled up, and the broken limbs and remains were thrown away like rag dolls.

The artillery position of the first line of defense of the Southern Army was wiped out before a round of artillery fire. The artillery fire of the Fox Hunting Corps extended to the second and third defense lines behind. “The new artillery with a longer range overwhelmed the southern artillery.” The position can’t lift its head.

The soldiers fired in a panic, and the bullets rained down on the road roller, leaving mottled pits.

Ten Titan rollers side by side advanced slowly, opening a broad road for the soldiers of the Fox Hunting Legion at once. All the mines along the road were crushed, and most of the bullets were almost blocked by the huge vehicle body.

Rows and rows of soldiers of the Fox Hunt Corps held Stirling 5-V submachine guns, hid behind huge steamrollers, and approached the trenches of the Southern Army step by step. The barbed wire was crushed like straw under huge amounts of steel rollers. And pass.

This is the reason why the Lin family is focusing on scientific research, and clearing all obstacles with more advanced weapons and engineering equipment.

This is the victory of science and technology, the advanced crushes the backward!

General Robert E. Lee would definitely not do nothing and let the Foxhunters, under the cover of steamrollers, tear apart their carefully laid defenses.

After a while on the military sand table, he beckoned to call the guards and conveyed a strange order to the rear line of defense.

His fingers fiercely drew a groove in the direction of the road roller. He discovered the weakness of this steel monster. It can only drive on flat ground. Under a trench that is deep enough and wide enough, the heavy body cannot climb over the trench.

After having a clear idea, Robert Lee decisively ordered to abandon the second and third lines of defense, and dig a trench 5 meters wide and 3 meters deep outside the range of the artillery fire of the Fox Hunting Corps, which can prevent the advance of the steamroller and prevent artillery fire. attack.

Seeing the brave soldiers of the Fox Hunting Corps were about to break through the first line of defense, there was gradually movement in the woods beside them, and the shadowy figure of Black shuttled through the woods.

The footsteps were light, but they became more and more dense. The officer raised his hand, and immediately a group of soldiers turned to face the woods, and collectively set up their guns to aim in the direction of the woods.

The enemy was getting closer and closer, and their silhouettes became clearer and clearer. Their speed seemed to be comparable to that of the soldiers of the Fox Hunt Corps, and their physical fitness was much higher than that of the soldiers of the Southern Army.

“Change the silver bullet!”

The warrior at the front had the best eyesight, he had already seen the face of the enemy clearly, just like the monster he had hacked to death countless times before, the veins on his face were black and blue, and the sharp fangs were bared from the corners of his mouth.

The soldiers quickly ejected the common magazine, pulled out a magazine full of silver and white bullets from their waists, and inserted it into the bayonet of the gun body.

With Mr. Wu Zhe present, no matter how fierce the monster’s surprise attack is, it is impossible for them to even have time to change bullets. Thinking of this, the soldiers are gradually relieved.


When the officer gave an order, tongues of flame spewed out from the gun barrel in the dark night, and the flickering fire light illuminated the scene in front of him in an instant.

Dense figures ran out from the woods. They were wearing the uniforms of the Southern Army, but they didn’t have the sails of the soldiers at all. The loose uniforms were crooked, and the black and blue faces were twisted and twisted. They ran forward with their mouths wide open and their fangs exposed.

Lin Ruixiang clearly saw that the bullets of the field soldiers hit the enemy’s chest accurately.

Sparks emerged from the bullet holes, and the ash Black quickly spread across the enemy’s body. After being hit by a few more bullets, the enemy howled and turned into a mass of ashes…


He opened the mask and spat!

What rushed out now was cannon fodder, inferior blood slaves hastily made by the vampires, their only function was to consume the silver bullets of the Fox Hunting Legion.

Only when the cannon fodder rushed close enough, the vampires hiding in it would appear and attack the soldiers and warriors.

As he expected, when the Blood Servants rushed to 100 meters against the rain of bullets, one-third of the soldiers began to change their magazines, and several figures jumped out of the enemy, and it took 10 seconds to leap over ordinary people like lightning. distance run.

Leonardo had just changed the magazine, raised his head and was about to continue shooting, when an alliance soldier rushed in front of him.

In desperation, he swung the gun in his hand, trying to stop the enemy’s pounce.


The monster in front of him howled miserably, and the upper and lower body were cut into two after a flash of cold light, and turned into a cloud of flying ash before landing.

A warrior in heavy armor turned and jumped, cut off the head of a vampire again, and looked at the next target with cold eyes.

“Don’t be dazed, boy, keep shooting these monsters!”

Seeing Leonardo in a daze, the officer kicked him unceremoniously.

The sneak attacking vampires are much smarter than last time, knowing that the distance is too far to steal

Attacking the soldiers of the Fox Hunting Army, this time they did not hesitate to kill a few soldiers of the Fox Hunting Army even though thousands of blood slaves were smashed into flying ash by silver bullets.

But they still underestimated the warriors of Shenwuwei. Even though they were wearing armor weighing tens of kilograms, the warriors were still light and fast when running and jumping.

The soldiers were killed by the warriors like cutting melons and vegetables.

The few vampires who broke through the fighters’ interception were beaten to ashes by the soldiers as soon as they killed the target in front of them.

There are companions who dare not fire, but they have no scruples once their companions die. Few vampires can survive after killing the first target.

The warriors wandered around the entire battlefield, and immediately supported the hidden vampires when they encountered a surprise attack.

Their attacks were simple and rough, beheading or beheading, one by one vampires died under their swords.

Coupled with the soldiers of the Fox Hunting Corps, they are well-equipped and well-trained, and their precise marksmanship is equipped with silver bullets, killing monsters on the battlefield extremely efficiently.

On the other hand, in the phalanx of the Northern Federation Army, the Blood Servants and vampires who broke in killed all directions, and the Common bullet was just a bullet hole on the body. If a soldier was caught and sucked a few mouthfuls of blood, he would quickly die.


After seeing people around them being bitten to death by monsters, many federal soldiers were so frightened that they threw down their guns and fled in all directions. John Pope shot more than a dozen deserters in succession, but he was powerless

To prevent the defeat of the federal army, in the end he himself could not help but be wrapped up in the wilderness by the defeated army, exhausted.

“What a goddamn piece of trash! You’re only making trouble for me, and these Yankees might as well not come!”

Desen cursed angrily, and had to send a reserve team of 1,000 people to destroy the Blood Servants and vampires who were chasing and killing the federal army. He didn’t want to be attacked from behind.

Except for a small part of the Fox Hunting Corps who were stopped by the vampires, most of the soldiers had broken through three 0.6 lines of defense with the steamroller, and came to the first trench with huge amounts of


General Robert Lee looked proudly at the stopped steamroller, and he had already figured out how to ask the president for credit.

But the next moment, his smile froze on his face, and he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Those heavy-duty transport vehicles unloading the road roller were rushing to the ditch at an extremely fast speed. The soldiers climbed into the carriages and removed the panels in two or three times, and erected them on the ditch as a bridge.

Tens of tons of road rollers passed the temporary bridge, and the car panels were only slightly bent. After the road rollers passed, they were restored to Yiping.

One after another, the road rollers passed through the erected bridge, and the heavy transport vehicles followed closely behind. After all the vehicles passed, the soldiers lifted the panels and put them in the bucket of the transport vehicles.


Robert Lee closed his eyes in pain, completely desperate in his heart. Since the first trench didn’t work, the trenches that were still being dug later were just useless efforts.

“Go tell the President, we can’t win this war!”

“I…..I decided to surrender, I can’t let the soldiers die in vain again!”

As if he couldn’t feel his legs, Robert Lee knelt down on the ground trembling, and murmured the final order.


Trembling, he took out his pistol and decisively ended his life.

As the orderlies entered Richmond, the senior officials of the Confederate Union were in a mess, and soon the frontline soldiers also heard the news, and White flags were erected on the battlefield.

With the intervention of third-party forces, the Meijian Civil War came to an end at an extremely fast speed.

The reputation of the Fox Hunting Corps spread throughout the world in telegrams.

In the White Palace, Abraham Lin* looked at the telegram in his hand with a complicated expression, and muttered to himself.

“I hope Meilijian will always be your friend, my dear Mr. Lin!”

“But…..the future…..who knows?”.

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