People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 Ghana Belongs To Lin Feng! The Twins Are Not Born Are Highly Anticipated!

Daming Palace Group, Yufu Palace.

Lin Feng was supporting Maria for a walk, using the Healing Ability to comb her body all the time.

Pregnant women had to take rest before giving birth, but Maria had been lying in bed for more than half a month before he came back.

Both the doctor and the maid forbade her to go out and walk around. When Lin Feng came back, she couldn’t hold back anymore and begged her husband to move around in the garden.

“Your body looks a bit like Jenny’s when she was pregnant with her first child. The doctor said it might be twins. No wonder they dare not let you out and walk around. It’s dangerous to give birth at any time with such a big belly, but now that I’m here, you can rest assured Walking, the mood is not depressed, and the baby is healthy.”

Lin Feng gently put his arms around Maria’s waist, and his heart was filled with happiness.

Twins already have more rewards than ordinary heirs, and with the addition of the 100th and 101st heirs, it is really unreasonable not to give a super reward to the dog system.

He thought about what the female doctor said just now, and he was glad that he came back in time.

Before he came back, Maria was always in a bad mood, irritable and irritable, and sometimes sighed and listless, showing signs of depression during pregnancy.

The female doctor also suggested to Lin Feng that she should spend more time with her to do what she wanted to do, so that the pregnant woman can maintain a happy mood, so that the child in her womb can grow healthily and rapidly.

After walking around the garden, Maria felt much better, and her pretty smile was more beautiful than flowers.

After returning to the room, she said thoughtfully.

“Sir, don’t hang around me, or the other sisters will be unhappy. If you have time to come and see, I will be satisfied. I just don’t know when these two children will come out, and I can lighten the “May 17″ Hurry up.”

Lin Feng put his hands on her chubby belly, feeling the children who are connected by blood waving and kicking inside, and couldn’t help feeling that he had a deeper bond with this world.

After comforting Maria for a while, he left Yufu Palace.

In the past few days, I have been patronizing my concubine to relieve my mood. The family affairs are handled by the housekeeper Lin Shuhao. It is estimated that this workaholic lives in the office and does not go home, so he is not afraid of being blamed by his wife.

After entering the Hall of Martial Heroes, Lin Feng saw Lin Shuhao who was working hard in the office, and coughed lightly twice.

“Ahem, Shu Hao, you haven’t been home for a few days, are you afraid that sister-in-law won’t let you go to bed in the future?”

He smiled and joked, there is no need to see outsiders with these old brothers, the etiquette is for outsiders to see.

Hearing the sound, Lin Shuhao raised his head, and there were faint dark circles around his eyes. Fortunately, he had already practiced Wuji True Kungfu to complete the second set of movements, so he didn’t die suddenly while working all night for three days and three nights.

“My lord, you are joking. No matter how high your subordinate’s status is in the family, you can say that he is not inferior, but he is also gentle and virtuous. It is impossible for what you said to happen!”

“You came just in time, here are a few big shot congratulatory telegrams, you need to take a look and decide how to reply!”

As he spoke, he took out a few telegrams marked in red from the mountain of documents on the table, and presented them respectfully with both hands.

Lin Feng took the telegram and glanced at it briefly, and it was indeed from a heavyweight.

Abraham Lin* first sent an official congratulatory telegram in the name of President Meilijian. The content was very long and the core was congratulations on the birth of his 100th son, and hoped that the friendship between the Lin family and Meilijian would last forever.

The telegram sent in a private capacity is much more cordial. Mr. President is envious of Lin Feng’s heir, Ding Xingwang. At the end, he is not convinced that Mary is also pregnant, and his child’s achievements will not be worse than his heirs in the future. .

“This little old man is pretty cute, but I’m afraid you won’t even think about hugging him in your life!”

“Just reply to the official congratulatory telegram as usual. After I finish writing the private telegram, you can send it to Abraham.”

Lin Feng casually ordered the butler Lin Shuhao.

He raised his hand and threw aside the official telegram of Meijian, and folded the personal telegram of Mr. President.

The next few telegrams were from the royal family of the British Empire, and also from the Dominion of Ghana. They were all bureaucratic. He glanced at them and threw them to the butler.

The last telegram was beyond Lin Feng’s expectations. It was sent by Queen Victoria, the royal family of the British Empire.

Her Lady Queen actually canonized him as a baron, and what is even more outrageous is to treat Ghana as a fief, which means that from then on, he is not only the actual controller, but also the true master of this vast land.

This means that Lin Feng is the actual direct ruler in his own fief, with full power to practice all affairs in the territory.

Officials who had taken refuge in the Lin family in the past still had great freedom to govern, and they were said to be vassals more like collaborators with unequal status.

From today onwards, their official careers and official careers are all in the hands of Lin Feng. I believe that the officials will serve the Lin family more loyally and carefully than before after they get the news.

In addition, he also has the right to try civil and criminal cases in the fief, has the right to enlist the people in the fief to establish his own standing armed forces, and organize private courts independent of the Ghanaian judicial system.

What makes Lin Feng most happy is that all the minerals, mountains, rivers, animals and plants in the fief belong to him, and he enjoys the land ownership and hunting rights of the entire Ghana, the right of private taxation, fiscal exemption, tax assessment and The right to approve tax collection has almost all the autonomy equivalent to the government.

“Shu Hao, look at this telegram. The old woman Victoria is crazy. The British Empire is not ready to live. I have been given such a large fiefdom and so many rights, and only one condition was put forward. .”

Lin Feng thought about it carefully for a long time, but he couldn’t figure out whether it was a trap or not.

On the contrary, Lin Shuhao, who has been dealing with family affairs for the past few days, put forward his own views based on the current world situation.

“My lord, you don’t know. The British Empire fought with our neighbors in our motherland. It is said that many soldiers died in the Kagoshima battle. The royal family and the cabinet are in a state of distress. They have to pay for the wounded soldiers, and they have to face criticism from the up-and-coming Japanese. .”

“Also, after the British Empire took the lead in completing the industrial mission, it was busy dumping industrial products to the world, and it didn’t deal with Gaul and Germany very much, and the trade war between them was in full swing. 27

“At this time, they can only stabilize us first, otherwise there will be another accident in Ghana, and the majesty of the empire on which the sun never sets will fall into the mud.

Hearing that the butler said that the British Empire and the Orientals were fighting, Lin Feng immediately became interested, took a look at the map with great interest, and asked.

“Do you think we should also send troops to send some souvenirs to the Orientals, and thank the Queen for her generosity by the way?”

Lin Shuhao gave him a strange look.

Why is it that the master is much happier when he hears that the people of the East are unlucky than during the Chinese New Year?

“Master, calm down, we are thousands of miles away! When our fleet rushes over, I’m afraid they will have already finished their peace talks!”

Lin Feng sighed regretfully, knowing that the housekeeper was right.

Ghana is 8,082 kilometers away from the East Ocean. With the current internal combustion engine warship at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour, it will take about 7 days to run without rest or ashore for supplies.

The British Empire did not start a full-scale war with the Orientals, and the small local wars were at the end stage. It was really too late to send warmth to the neighbors who lived a good life.

Not being able to join in and beat up the Japanese is more uncomfortable than losing a million pounds.

“Do you have anything else to do? Master, I’m in a bad mood. I’m going to have a good rest today!”

Lin Feng asked weakly.

Unexpectedly, Lin Shuhao actually took out a stack of documents and placed them heavily in front of him.

“Master, you don’t dare to be lazy, these matters are very urgent, and the important matters can only be decided by you!”

As he spoke, he found the most important document, marked with 3 red marks, which belonged to the highest level urgent matter.

“You arranged for people to go to the home country to recruit refugees earlier. With the coordination of the British Empire Consul General Meldow, the Qing court finally agreed. But their conditions are a bit outrageous. One Daxia person wants 10 taels of silver, and they don’t give it. Qian Qingting won’t let anyone go.”


Lin Feng took the case and cursed angrily.

“A barbarian with a mouse tail behind his head, what do they think of me as a Daxia? Do you think the dignified descendants of Huang Yan are those dark-skinned guys who can buy and sell at will?”

“You send them a telegram, let them go or go to war!”

“The Fuhai Fleet has been training for more than half a year, so it’s time to pull it out and try it out. If you want to save face for them, you’ll even kick your nose in the face!”

Lin Shuhao nodded, drew an asterisk on the document, and recorded what he just said.

“It doesn’t matter if we fight one game, our Lin family’s ability on land has been spread to all countries. The reputation at sea will not be established without a fight.

He also agreed to fight a war, not because he was filled with righteous indignation like the master, but because the ocean trade of the Lin family was always squeezed out and suppressed by those ocean powers.

This situation will not change if you don’t play a great role in the ocean. Those big powers are used to the theory of guns, but it doesn’t matter whether you have a reason or not.

Lin Feng was still angry, but Lin Shuhao didn’t seem to notice, and handed over another document.

“I figured it out. I shouldn’t be here today. The donkeys in the production team should take a breather. You won’t let the master take a breather one after another.”

Saying so, he took the document and glanced at it, and asked softly.

“Didn’t I arrange the establishment of immigrant villages and towns a long time ago? Why do you…”

Lin Shuhao pointed to the following article and said helplessly.

“My lord, those rules of yours were made before the knighthood. Now most of Ghana belongs to you, and it will be a big loss to divide the land.”

“The method of immigration should also be changed. Immigrants in the form of clans are not allowed! We only accept innocent families with a single family. You should be very clear about the chaos in the southern part of the old country.”

“In the end, we have to mix immigrants from all over the world, and we can’t let people from one place gather together, lest the township party run rampant and destroy our good situation.

Each of his countermeasures has something to say, and they are formulated in a targeted manner by drawing lessons from history.

Some things are difficult for the master to say, so the people below need to take the initiative to bring them up.

Lin Feng nodded repeatedly and patted his shoulder in admiration.

“Shu Hao is really my son-in-law, I can rest assured that you are with me!”

“My lord, after I change the law tomorrow, I will take a concubine for you as a reward.

After he finished speaking, Lin Shuhao’s face turned pale with fright.

The roar of the east lion at home is too scary, no matter how itchy my heart is, I have to hold back.

“Master, please forgive me. I can’t bear it recently. It’s really not because I’m afraid of my wife. Trust me!”

Lin Feng snorted, Hua Jin Wu said that he was hypocritical, this is really a joke.

Promise True Kung Fu integrated the Yi Jin Jing and the Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Practice Golden Bell Cover, and the trained body is like iron, with inexhaustible energy and strength.

Not afraid of his wife, which man would refuse to take a concubine?

“Okay, I won’t make fun of you, and the resettlement will be done as you said. Are you okay now?”

Lin Shuhao sighed and nodded resignedly.

He didn’t dare to keep the master here anymore, he almost scared him to death just now.

“You can have fun on your own, and the rest of the affairs will be handled by you.”

Putting down the documents in his hand, Lin Feng walked out of the Hall of Martial Heroes humming a little tune with his hands behind his back, and walked towards the Jinyu Palace.


Si 5.0 and Cabrina have just arrived, and I haven’t been able to take care of them these few days. I just went to see if their singing skills are rusty.

The news of the birth of Lin Feng’s 100th and 101st sons, as well as the news that Queen Victoria of the British Empire canonized him as a baron, immediately spread throughout North America.

It shocked the entire North America, and countless people were envious of it.

The people in Ghana are the purest, and they are all excited about the two news.

The new inventions in the hands of the Lin family have greatly improved the lives of the general public in Ghana, and the many factories and enterprises they have opened have also provided hundreds of thousands of jobs.

The government that only knew how to collect taxes during the governor’s period was much stronger.

“A happy event, what a happy event! Master Lin has done good deeds, so naturally he will have more children and more blessings!”

“It’s a great achievement. The University of Ghana has become Lord Lin’s fiefdom. Our children and grandchildren are all blessed.”

“The foundation of the eternal world has been forged, and our Shenwuwei and Fox Hunting Corps no longer worry about being disbanded one day.

It wasn’t just the people who were happy. After hearing the news, members of the Shenwuwei and the Fox Hunting Legion laughed and set off firecrackers to celebrate.

The stability of one party’s power lies not only in how much foundation the first monarch created, but also in the strength of the monarch and successors.

For the current Ghanaian University, the descendants of the Lin family are more important than the British royal family. After all, the fief is to be passed on to the heirs.

Maria didn’t know that the unborn twins in her womb were already highly anticipated in the University of Ghana. .

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