Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3580 - Beitang was attacked (1)

Li Tian and the others drove into Beitang City from the northeast of Beitang. At this time, they were standing in front of Beitang’s Beicheng Gate.

I saw hundreds of corpses hung densely on the wall of the northern city gate. Li Tian’s sight slowly swept over the corpses of these zombies, and found that these corpses, without exception, were directly stabbed with bones. Nailed to the wall.

The surface of the city wall was already covered with black mucus, and the mucus flowed down from the city wall and even dyed the entire city wall black.

However, at this time, the mucus has dried up, and around the corpses of these zombies, a group of flies are flying, and there are even a few black zombies jumping around on the corpses of these zombies, picking and eating the carrion on these zombies. .

Less than a month after Li Tian left Beitang, before leaving Beitang, Li Tian had specially mobilized a legion from the heavens to guard Beitang.

Moreover, Yin Yang, the master of Yinyang Gate at that time, had also reached a cooperative relationship with Li Tian’s Celestial Realm, and was responsible for assisting Celestial Realm to defend Beitang City on the periphery.

But what is going on right now

What made Li Tian feel a little relieved was that the corpses of zombies were all on the walls of the city, and the corpses of Bai Jing, Barbarians and others were not found, and of course there was no body of the captain.

Situ Ningbing also got out of the car and came to Li Tian. He stretched out his finger to the surface of the city wall and said with some worry: “Li, look at the corpse. If I remember correctly, the zombie was caused by you. Zombie appointed as deputy captain.”

Li Tian took a closer look, and he saw that it was the corpse of the deputy captain’s corpse, and the zombies near the deputy captain’s corpse were all conquered by Li Tian.

However, these zombies were not controlled by Li Tian’s nine-color corpse crystals.

“What happened? Could it be that these high-level zombies who had stayed in Beitang rebelled?” Li Tian asked anxiously.

“On the contrary!” Situ Ningbing said firmly.

“Li, look carefully. The gate of this city wall was repaired before we left, and at this time the huge iron-clad gate has been breached from the outside. From this, it can be inferred that these zombies did not have a betrayal. , But was killed by other stronger forces while guarding Beitang City.”

“Also, the height of the city wall is more than 20 meters, and the corpses of the zombies are nailed to the wall. If someone did not use external force, such as a ladder or a rope, to deliberately nail these zombies to it, it can be inferred. The guy who can kill the deputy captain is conservatively estimated to have the strength of a level 12 zombie or higher.”

“Zombies above level 12? Then Bai Jing, Captain and Barbarians are not in any danger?” Tang Xiaolong asked anxiously.

Situ Ningbing shook his head slightly, and said, “This is not easy to say for now.”

At this time, suddenly, a dozen zombies emerged from the city gate. The level of these zombies was generally not high, and the highest was only level five or six.

Afterwards, zombies continuously poured out from nearby buildings. Like the zombies that emerged from the city gate, the levels of these zombies were generally low.

And these low IQ zombies just smelled the meaty smell of Li Tian and others, and began to rush towards Li Tian and others with their teeth and claws.

Without Li Tian’s hands, Tang Xiaolong, Situ Ningbing, and Xue Ji immediately rushed out. In less than five minutes, nearly a hundred low-level zombies were all beheaded by them.

The dog nose is like a happy harvester, constantly cutting off the heads of those zombies with a knife, and digging out the corpse crystals of the zombies.

Looking at these corpse crystals, the face of the dog’s nose was happy.

Suddenly, the dog’s nose twitched a few times, and then said: “Little boss, there are people on the wall!”

Li Tian suddenly raised his head, and he saw a dark figure dodge above the city wall, hiding behind the crenellation.

Li Tian didn’t speak any more, but quickly rushed towards the city gate. Situ Ningbing and Xue Ji took out their weapons and followed Li Tian.

When rushing to the gate of the city, Li Tian and others found that the zombies could be seen from time to time on both sides of the road. From the muzzle of a black hole on the heads of these zombies, it can be seen that most of these zombies are Suffered a shooting and died.

However, the levels of these zombies are relatively low, and the highest is only the third-level zombies, and although these zombies are dead, the corpse crystals in their heads have not been taken away.

At this moment, a head protruded from the city wall, and along with this head, a black hole sniper rifle was aimed at Li Tian.


The sniper rifle sounded, and the bullets roared towards Li Tian.

Li Tian sneered, his body suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

The guy who shot saw Li Tian suddenly disappear, exclaimed, turned around and fled, but how could Li Tian let him escape easily.

As Li Tian’s figure flashed several times, Li Tian had already rushed onto the city wall and appeared in front of the gunman.

The gunman saw Li Tian suddenly appear in front of him, sat down on the ground with a thump, and then kept backing back, holding a sniper rifle and tremblingly shouted at Li Tian: “No Come here…Don’t come, or I will shoot!”

Li Tian sneered and said, “You can try again!”

The man was frightened by Li Tian’s sneer. He threw the gun aside, squatted on the ground with his head and said: “Well, I surrender, but I will not kill. Did you kill me?”

Li Tian was worried about Bai Jing and others at this time, walked up to this person and said, “If you can answer a few questions for me, maybe I can consider not killing you!”

“You ask, you can ask, as long as I Pan Tao knows, I must know everything!” The man raised his head and looked at Li Tian and said.

“I ask you, wasn’t there a legion in Beitang before? Where is the legion now?”

“Legion? You mean the Celestial Legion, right? Did you also see the Celestial Legion’s recruitment order before coming to Beitang?”

“Recruitment order?” Li Tian asked with some confusion.

The guy who claimed to be Pan Tao took out a cloth scroll from his arms, opened the scroll and handed it to Li Tian.

When Li Tian saw this recruitment order, it probably stated that Beitang City has been occupied by the Celestial Legion, and Beitang has become one of the areas under the jurisdiction of the Celestial World. Now bounty hunters and chambers of commerce are recruited aggressively to settle in Beitang, and the Celestial World will jointly build a new Beitang. city.

Seeing this recruitment made Li Tian nod his head slightly, it seems that Bai Jing and others were not idle during the time when Li Tian and the others left.

“Tell you, we were all deceived. There is no Celestial Legion here at all. This is still a corpse city!”

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