Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3582 - Beitang was attacked (3)

More than twenty hours have passed since Pan Tao discovered Bai Jing. Li Tian is not sure if Bai Jing is still staying in this place.

But now that they knew that Bai Jing had appeared here, Li Tian and others would naturally not give up searching.

Li Tian and others began to look for the trace of Bai Jing in the Nanshan Imperial Garden Building.

It is really not easy to find someone in this 18-storey building with a construction area of ​​more than tens of thousands of square meters. Even if you know that Bai Jing once appeared on the fifth floor, it is still a big job. the amount.

Li Tian immediately summoned three Xiaoyashas secretly, Xiaotianyi, mutant bat and mutant crow. Let the three flying guys start investigating from high above the Nanshan Imperial Garden, while the others followed Li Tian and others into several groups and searched together.

But after searching several floors, Bai Jing was not found.

Now we have found the fifth floor.

“Everyone is looking carefully!” Li Tian shouted.

Soon, Li Tian heard Tang Xiaolong’s loud shout: “Little boss, come and see, this is the mark Bai Jing left us!”

Li Tian and others quickly surrounded Tang Xiaolong and saw that on a wall, someone wrote three characters on it with charred charcoal: “Tashan Temple”

“Tashan Temple? What do you mean? I saw a lot of these words on the wall downstairs. I thought these words didn’t have any meaning!” Dog nose looked at these three words and asked.

Before Bai Jing and the others came to Beitang, Li Tian had already told the captain Erha Manzi what happened in Tashan Temple, and after Bai Jing came, the manzi told Bai Jing these things again.

Before Li Tian left Beitang, Li Tian made special arrangements for Bai Jing to find someone to protect him from Tashan Temple. Therefore, Goubi and Pan Tao didn’t know the secrets of the Tashan Temple, and other zombies and bounty hunters could not know the secrets of the Tashan Temple, but Li Tian and other heavenly people did.

“Situ Ningbing, Xueji, Xiaolong, Goubi, and Pan Tao, you continue to look for Bai Jing’s whereabouts here! I’m going to Tashan Temple first!” Li Tian said with some worry.

“Little boss, don’t worry, we must find Bai Jing the master!” Tang Xiaolong said vowedly.

Li Tian was still a little worried, and left Little Tianyi, mutant bats, Dixing Yasha and Feitian Yasha by their side. In this way, even if it could not only increase the manpower for searching, even if there was some danger, there would be some danger. It can also guarantee their safety.

Li Tian brought the mutant crow to the window, kicked the glass beside the window, and jumped directly from the fifth floor.

“Why commit suicide!” Pan Tao said in surprise as he watched Li Tian’s movements, and hurried to the window and shouted.

However, Tang Xiaolong and others were used to it. No one stopped Li Tian, ​​but looked at Pan Tao amused.

Soon, Pan Tao saw that the bird named Mutant Crow next to Li Tian turned into the size of a big Peng bird in an instant, while Li Tian stepped on the mutant crow and flew away.

“This…is really…too…” Pan Tao didn’t say a word after speaking for a long time.

Tashan Temple is the home of mutant crows. It can be said to be a familiar road. Although there is a little distance from the South Gate to Tashan Temple, it does not take much time to fly in the air.

When there was still a few kilometers away from Tashan Temple, the mutant crow had discovered that the ground was somewhat different from that in Beitang City.

“Boss Li Tian, ​​have you found that as we get closer and closer to Tashan Temple, there are more and more zombies nearby, and the level of these zombies is getting higher and higher!” said the mutant crow.

Li Tian has also discovered this problem.

Flew forward for about one kilometer, Li Tian had already seen zombies everywhere on the ground, and those zombies had also seen mutant crows flying in the air, shouting one after another, and some zombies would even rush to the roof. They changed into bone spears, and wanted to throw the bone spears to knock Li Tian and the mutant crow down from the air.

It is a pity that the bone spears of these zombies began to fall after flying into the air. Some bone spears fell on the clearing, and some bone spears pierced the trees, and some bone spears fell down. After that, he directly stabbed the zombies below.

Among them was a hapless zombie who was sadly stabbed to death by this bone spear.

Li Tian and the mutant crow didn’t slow down because of the actions of these zombies, but speeded up and flew to Tashan Temple.

Standing on the body of the mutant crow, Li Tian saw that the North Square of the Tashan Temple was densely packed with zombies. These zombies knew the ants, and even occupied the square.

The few of these zombies are in the tens of thousands. Although the vast majority of these zombies are ninth-level zombies and tenth-level zombies, many eleventh and twelfth-level zombies can still be seen in these zombie groups.

At this time, these zombies have also discovered Li Tian and the mutant crow, but they have nothing to do with Li Tian and others!

“Boss Li Tian, ​​do you want to play an aerial bombardment with Broken Soul Palm, these corpse crystals of zombies are a lot of wealth!” said the mutant crow.

Of course Li Tian wanted to, but it was not the time now. Li Tian didn’t want to be extravagant and didn’t want to waste time. Now his heart is concerned about the whereabouts of his Celestial Legion, the safety of his brothers and women.

“Fly over and go to Tashan Temple!” Li Tian said.

The mutant crow chirped and flew directly across the square.

The surrounding wall of Tashan Temple was still broken after the last battle between Tang Xiaolong and Shen Yunyang and others. Standing on the body of the mutant crow, Li Tian saw through the dense forest of Tashan Temple that there were many in the courtyard of Tashan Temple. Zombies, the level of these zombies unexpectedly exceeded the twelfth level, but most of these zombies are surrounded by the Buddha Tower in Tashan Temple.

“Zombies over level twelve, these guys shouldn’t appear in this Beitang!” Li Tian thought in his heart.

And the appearance of the mutant crow quickly attracted the attention of these decided zombies, which zombies raised their heads and looked at the mutant crow.

These high-level zombies immediately moved, and the strength of these guys far surpassed those ninth-level zombies, and the body of the mutant crow trembled a little involuntarily.

“Boss Li Tian, ​​are you going to fly down?” the mutant crow asked.

“No, your role is to attract their attention, you must remember the altitude of the flight, so that they can’t hit you with a bone spear, but it seems that you can shoot you as long as you go higher!” Li Tian Said.

After saying this, Li Tian suddenly disappeared from the mutant crow.

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