Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3590 - Enter Qinling (1)

However, at this time a tide of corpses had formed.

The zombies rushing to the front of the tide of corpses still chased Li Tian in the sky at first, but as the zombies behind kept pouring in, the zombies running at the forefront in the narrow street couldn’t be like Li Tian in the sky. The same changes direction at any time, and in the end it becomes completely subconsciously running.

This corpse tide running scene is spectacular, just like wildebeest running wild in the migration on the African savannah.

Standing on the body of the mutant crow, Li Tian kept blasting the broken soul palm to the ground, wanting to rent the tide of zombies.

However, Li Tian broke his soul with more than a dozen palms, and only shot a dozen zombies to death. For the huge tide of corpses, it was nothing more than a drop in the bucket.

Li Tian also thought of using the broken soul palm to smash the buildings to block the path of the zombie tide, but the buildings in Beitang City from Tashan Temple to Nanchengmen are basically not particularly tall, these low buildings Even if the thing is collapsed by Li Tian, ​​it is of no avail.

As for those buildings that are too tall, Li Tian’s soul-broken palm can be bombarded, just like worms shaking a tree, and it won’t do anything at all.

There was no longer any possibility of blocking, Li Tian immediately issued an order to make the mutant crow speed up and fly towards the south city gate.

Fortunately, although the zombies are fast, they must run along the street and the road, and the mutant crow can fly directly over any building. Soon Li Tian and the mutant crow separated from the tide of corpses.

Li Tian breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily, causing the mutant crow to speed up and fly towards the south city gate.

At this moment, in Li Tian’s mind, Feitian Yasha came and said: “Master Li Tian, ​​we have found Bai Jing and the others! We are now preparing to head to Tashan Temple!”

Now the three little Yachas have recognized Li Tian as the master, and since they have the same mind, as long as they are still in the same city, Li Tian and the three little Yachas can communicate with each other attentively.

But if the distance between the two is too far, they will have difficulty in direct communication, or even no way to communicate at all.

“No, you go back to the wall of the South City Gate and wait for me, we will come right now!” Li Tian said to Feitian Yasha.

The city map of Beitang City is not small. In case Situ Ningbing, Xue Ji and others missed Li Tian when they drove from the South City Gate to Tashan Temple, then they would most likely hit the corpse tide directly. At that time, even if Li Tian wanted to save them again, it would be a little troublesome.

However, in order to avoid causing them panic, Li Tian did not tell Feitian Yacha that a corpse tide had occurred in Beitang City, and the tide of the corpse tide was heading in their direction.

Na Feitian Yasha immediately delivered instructions, and Situ Ningbing, Xue Ji, Tang Xiaolong, Bai Jing and others rushed to the south wall of Beitang City.

After some fighting, Bai Jing, Situ Ningbing and others quickly boarded the city wall.

Of all the people present, only Bai Jing, Shen Tao and Wei Wei knew the situation of Beitang City best. Those high-level zombies had already occupied the vicinity of Tashan Temple.

Li Tianneng rescued the barbarians and the captain of the Tashan Temple, I am afraid that he will inevitably start a war, and may even fight directly with the zombies.

Now, since Li Tian wanted Feitian Yasha to tell them not to go in the direction of Tashan Temple, Bai Jing immediately guessed what was going on there.

Sure enough, the dog’s nose twitched twice, looking at it in horror, and said tremblingly: “There are so many zombies… so many zombies, I am afraid that there is a corpse tide over there! Brother Tian will not be in any danger, right? What do we do?”

“The corpse… the tide of corpses?” Pan Tao’s body was a little trembling, and he couldn’t help but said tremblingly: “Should we retreat while waiting for Li Tianjun Commander? This… the height here is okay for ordinary zombies. , If we deal with high-level zombies, I am afraid we will be in danger!”

“Don’t be afraid! Since the little boss told us to wait for him here, then the little boss must have absolute self-confidence. We just wait here!” Tang Xiaolong calmed Pan Tao and said.

Soon, Tang Xiaolong and others could hear the “rumble” sound from the far south of the city, which seemed to be a thousand horses galloping. The sound was low and dull, and the sound was like a drumbeat. It was as if every sound was knocking on their hearts, making them a little fidgety.

Fortunately, with the exception of Goubi and Pan Tao, everyone else is basically experienced in battle, even if they are afraid of the corpse tide, they will not show it.

About less than this minute later, a small black spot appeared in the southern sky, and the small black spot was flying towards them quickly.

“It’s the master! The master is coming!” Feitian Yasha immediately opened her wings and flew up to meet Li Tian.

Xiao Tianyi also greeted him riding a mutant bat.

A few minutes later, Li Tian was sitting on the mutant crow, flying to the sky above the city wall, jumped directly off the mutant crow, and landed smoothly on the ground.

As soon as Li Tian landed, he immediately released the barbarians and the captain, while Bai Jing, Situ Ningbing and others immediately surrounded them.

“Little boss, is there a tide of corpses chasing you behind?” Tang Xiaolong asked.

“Li, what happened to Tashan Temple?” Situ Ningbing asked.

Li Tian said: “After I arrived near Tashan Temple based on the clues left by Bai Jing, I found that it was already occupied by high-level zombies, and there were high-level zombies everywhere. And when I rescued the barbarians and the captain, I was with those high-level zombies. Encountered, we killed several thirteenth level zombies and ran out.”

“Thirteen…Thirteen…Zombies? That’s amazing!” Pan Tao was shocked and speechless.

Li Tian continued: “Now you can also see the dust flying in the distance, and the tide of corpses has rushed in this direction.”

“Little boss, shall we fight?” Tang Xiaolong clenched his fists and said.

“War ass! The corpse tide has tens of thousands of zombies, and among those zombies there are a large number of zombies above level 10. At that time, we will have a battle with these zombies, but now, we are advanced to the Qinling Mountains!” Li Tian said.

Situ Ningbing, Xue Ji, and Tang Xiaolong all nodded heavily and entered the Qinling Mountains, which meant looking for the fourteenth-level mutant mourning bear.

This is definitely a big challenge for them.

“Yes, we advanced to the Qinling Mountains, and our legion is still waiting for our orders in the Qinling Mountains! Wait until we and the legion round, then we will take Beitang back.” The man who still didn’t know the situation vowed. Said.

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