Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3595 - The purpose of the monkey (2)

Entering the range of these buildings, the running speed of the wandering monkeys obviously increased. After turning a mountain gate, the wandering monkeys lost the captain and quickly disappeared into the magnificent buildings.

Li Tian took the barbarian and hurriedly fell from the sky, and collected the mutant crow and the mutant bat.

Concerned about the safety of the captain in his heart, Manzi rushed in with the Azure Dragon Sword. Li Tian looked up at the three big characters above the mountain gate, and said to himself: “Guanloutai!”

Li Tian once heard of this place.

This viewing tower is located in the middle of the northern foot of Zhongnan Mountain in the Qinling Mountains. It is the earliest important holy place of Taoism. Rumor has it that Lao Tzu is here to teach the Tao Te Ching 5,000 words.

After thousands of years of development, before the end of the world, it has developed into a famous tourist attraction with terraces, temples, temples, courtyards, pagodas, caves, ponds, furnaces, stones, and trees.

After the end of the world, there has been some destruction here. Although there are pavilions and pavilions, they have been ruined. Several towers and temples have even been destroyed. The entire courtyard has been ruined, and the whole courtyard has a bleak feeling.

Of course, Li Tian and Manzi were brought here by a lost monkey, and their purpose is not to travel.

“My God!”

Suddenly, a barbarian scream came from behind the gate. Li Tian used teleportation, his body flashed several times, and he immediately passed through the mountain gate.

I saw the barbarian sitting on the square with about tens of thousands of square meters behind the mountain gate. The barbarian was sitting in the middle of the square with the captain in his arms. Hundreds of lost monkeys have appeared one after another around the square.

These wandering monkeys were on all fours, slowly surrounding the barbarians and the captain. From time to time, these wandering monkeys would make squeaky and squeaky shouts. In this empty midnight, they looked strangely strange.

When the lost monkeys saw Li Tian, ​​they didn’t show any fear at all. Instead, they had excited expressions on their faces, dancing and screaming in excitement.

There were even a few brave monkeys rushing to a distance of less than two or three meters from Li Tian, ​​sticking out their tongues and slapped buttocks at Li Tian making various grimacing faces.

Until now, Li Tian could see these lost monkeys clearly.

These monkeys are a little bigger than ordinary monkeys. The hairs on their bodies have fallen out, revealing khaki skin. Their heads are still small, about the size of an adult’s palm, and their two red eyes are round and round. In the darkness it was like two small lanterns.

And the teeth of these lost monkeys are protruding out, a bit like the teeth of the orcs in the game before the end of the world. However, the size of these wandering monkeys is too far from that of the orc. Moreover, their claws are also quite sharp, shining with cold light under the moon pass.

Li Tian believed that if these lost monkeys showed their might, they could even kill a calf with one paw, let alone ordinary people.

And the level of these monkeys is not low, at least the level of the surrounding monkeys is above level 9. Most of the monkeys have reached level 11, and there are even higher levels of level 12. .

“God… Brother Tian!” After seeing Li Tian, ​​the manzi was a little calmer, but it was so, he saw them surrounded by so many lost monkeys, and his voice calling Li Tian still trembled.

Seeing that these lost monkeys were slowly surrounding, but there was no sign of rushing hands, Li Tian did not rush to send the barbarians and the captain into the space of Void Yasha, but asked calmly: ” How is the captain? Is there a serious problem?”

“I…I’m fine, I just feel weak, as if the power of the corpse in the body has been emptied!” said the captain.

The barbarian was a little worried, looked at the captain affectionately, hugged the captain’s body tightly, and muttered to himself: “It’s okay! Nothing will happen!”

Uh, Li Tian looked quite nauseous, this guy with a heavy taste could sink so deeply.

At this moment, there was a crisp sound of metal dragging on the ground and hitting the ground.

In front of the hall, the expressions of dozens of lost monkeys who were still laughing and joking immediately became serious, and there was even a look of fear on their faces. Suddenly, these lost monkeys stepped back a few steps to each side, giving out a two-meter-wide one. Channel out.

Then, a person walked out of the hall. No, he was actually a lost monkey.

However, this lost monkey even wore a set of human child costumes and a certain yarmulke. It’s just that the clothes are obviously a little small, and the wandering monkey feels a little tight when worn on the body, and the yarmulke is a little big, which is buttoned on the head of the zombie. The zombie needs to pull up with his paws from time to time .

Seeing this scene, Li Tian couldn’t help but think of an idiom: Muhou and Guan.

Li Tian thought of one of the ancestors of these monkeys, who had worn this way. However, after a arduous career in pole dancing, the great power gradually led the new trend of monkeys and monkeys. He experienced ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties and even became a Buddha!

Of course, these are legends, and Li Tian didn’t see it with his own eyes.

This monkey also has a steel pipe in his hand, which seems to be thinking of paying tribute to the ancestors, but the steel pipe of this monkey is much longer. It hits the ground with a hand, and there is a clear sound of metal crashing.

“I’m really sorry, I have invited you all here in this way, and I hope to forgive you!” The lost monkey walked out of the hall, probably less than a hundred steps forward. It was only a short distance from Li Tian, ​​Manzi, and the captain. Stopped at a distance of less than 100 meters and said.

Li Tian’s brows jumped slightly, and this lost monkey was as capable as Li Tian’s mutant crow.

Moreover, this lost monkey turned out to be a female lost monkey, because the voice turned out to be the voice of a woman.

The lost monkey saw Li Tian, ​​the barbarians and the captain heard him speak without the slightest surprise. Instead, she looked at Li Tian and the others with a little astonishment, and asked: “I can speak human language, don’t you feel surprised? Huh? I have become a spirit monster!”

“You monster, sister! Animals are not allowed to become fines after the founding of the People’s Republic of China! You are just being detained by the soul of a woman in the body of this female monkey!” Li Tian said in his heart.

However, at this time, this female wandering monkey is going to be a demon, and Li Tian will not expose him.

Li Tian’s face immediately pretended to have a shocked expression, and a finger pointed to the surprise of holding a mother wandering monkey and said: “Ah! You…you…can speak human words! It’s terrible! This is the rhythm of becoming a spirit. what!”

Only then did the female wandering monkey show a satisfied look, and the other wandering monkeys immediately screamed in joy. It seemed that they were very happy that Li Tian was scared.

The barbarian almost vomited, and said in a low voice, “Brother Tian, ​​can you act more fake?”

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