Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3622 - Banquet

After Qinling Mountains, Guanloutai, Li Tian and others returned here, they immediately received a warm welcome from the Lost Monkeys.

Although the male lost monkey now has the body of a lost monkey, after all he has a human soul in his body, and he naturally understands the truth of the grace of dripping water as a spring.

Even if he had given the moral truth to Li Tian, ​​he still couldn’t resolve his gratitude to Li Tian.

“I don’t need to say any extra words of thanks. You know I’m here to ask the secret of the entrance of the Qinling Labyrinth! As long as you tell me the entrance of the Qinling Labyrinth, we will clear them!” Li Tian said.

The male lost monkey knew that Li Tian did not intend to control him and the mother lost monkey. He said with gratitude: “The entrance of the Qinling Labyrinth is far in the Great Qinling Mountains. I will tell you that it is not clear for a while. I will take you there myself.”

“Then let’s go now!” Li Tian said anxiously.

The mother wandering monkey smiled and said, “Don’t worry, don’t worry, knowing that you are coming back to find us, I have sent our wandering monkey clan to prepare food and wine, and prepare a banquet for you! By tomorrow, I will be with my boyfriend. Take you to the Qinling Labyrinth!”

It turns out that after the male and female monkeys returned to the viewing platform, the two monkeys discussed and agreed that Li Tian had a lot of benefits for their clan of monkeys, so these two monkeys were Make up his mind to befriend Li Tian.

Therefore, while Li Tian was still on the road, these two wandering monkeys had already sent other wandering monkeys to find food and drinks.

Knowing that Li Tian and other humans could not eat the corpses of other mourners, the wandering monkey clan immediately ordered the mourning monkeys to divide into two groups, and one of them went all the way into the Qinling Mountains to pick fruits.

The other way is to go to nearby areas where humans once lived to find edible food and wine.

The hospitality was unbelievable, and Li Tian and the others had no choice but to accept the hospitality of these lost monkeys.

Soon, there were surviving monkeys jumping from the trees in all directions into the courtyard of the viewing platform, throwing the wild fruits they picked on the square in front of the main hall.

The nature of these monkeys is difficult to change, even if they know that they are already bereaved and cannot eat fruit, these fruits are still bitten by those monkeys.

With embarrassment on the faces of the male and female monkeys, they kept apologizing to Li Tian and others, and kept picking out the fruits that were bitten by the monkeys and throwing them away.

Fortunately, the wandering monkeys who were sent to the human settlement area to look for food were more upbeat. These guys seemed to have swept a supermarket and brought a lot of snacks in a mess. There were even two wandering monkeys carrying a box of white wine.

Needless to say, many of these snacks have expired, but it is already a very happy thing to be able to eat these expired snacks in the last days.

Look at the box of liquor, it turned out to be Xifeng liquor, a famous brand in Beitang.

This Xifeng wine began in the Yin and Shang dynasties and flourished in the Tang and Song dynasties. According to TV commercials before the end of the world, it has been passed down for three thousand years and is one of the country’s four famous wines.

These wandering monkeys already think that these wild fruits and snacks are the best food that can be found in this era. If there is white wine, it can be said to be a wealthy night banquet!

Seeing fine wine, how can there be no delicacies, these expired snacks are not enough as side dishes, how can it be said that it is a feast!

Li Tian immediately instructed Tang Xiaolong, Manzi, Goubi, and Bai Jing to act separately. Tang Xiaolong, Goubi and Bai Jing were responsible for hunting. According to Li Tian’s request, it was enough to pick up some game, provided that the funeral was not returned.

The barbarians are responsible for cutting down trees and setting up a bonfire in the square.

In less than an hour, Tang Xiaolong, Gou Bi and Bai Jing returned home with a full load. They hit a wild deer, two hares, four pheasants, and also caught a few fish from the stream. Since they have taken all these game meats and washed them by the creek, they can directly burn them for barbecue.

At this time, the barbarian had already chopped a tree with a mouth-thickness into firewood, and several bonfires had been lit in the square of the main hall.

Situ Ningbing, Xueji, and Wei Wei had already set up a few iron pots, and some wild vegetables, mushrooms and other wild vegetables were already in the pot.

After Tang Xiaolong and the others returned their game, they immediately started to make soup, barbecue, or stew.

For a time, the whole square overflowed with fragrance.

The two lost monkeys swallowed their saliva involuntarily, but unfortunately they, like the captain and Xiao Tianyi, could not enjoy this kind of food.

“Bear’s paw! Bear’s paw!”

Xiao Tianyi didn’t forget to remind Li Tian to roast the bear paw next to him. Li Tian told the barbarian to distribute the four bear paws to the captain, Xiao Tianyi and the two monkeys. It was a kilogram meal.

As for the other lost monkeys, after the bonfire in front of the main hall was lit, they immediately dispersed, hiding in the trees and on the roof of the house from a distance, watching Li Tian and others curiously.

In this way, the banquet and entertainment that was originally a group of lost monkeys has become the self-entertainment of Li Tian and the group.

But fortunately, everyone’s mood at this time was completely different from when they first entered Qinling, and the whole dinner party was full of laughter.

This night, a box of liquor was drunk cleanly.

The dog’s nose was already drunk and unconscious without much drunk, lying on the ground and sleeping, Li Tian could only tell Tang Xiaolong and the barbarian to throw the dog’s nose into the tent.

Except for the dog nose, everyone else drinks a lot.

Barbarian and Tang Xiaolong are fighting wine. Both of them are cultivators. Their current achievements in cultivation are comparable to those of martial arts heroes. Although these white scenes are very powerful, they have not been able to make them both. Drunk.

Bai Jing was already a little drunk.

Her cheeks are blushing, and under the shining of the flames, she looks particularly moving. If it weren’t for the two beauties, Situ Ningbing and Xueji, who had remained absolutely sober, and looked at Li Tian from time to time, Li Tian would definitely borrow Come to a good show of chaos after drinking.

Li Tian can only sigh: “Sometimes it may not be a good thing to have more women!”

This dinner lasted until midnight before it ended.

Xue Ji helped Bai Jing into the tent to rest. Tang Xiaolong and Manzi hadn’t drunk enough, but the wine was gone, and then the two goods began to compare food.

Li Tian didn’t care about them either.

After so long, it’s rare to relax, so relax once. When the sun comes out, they will start a new adventure and a new journey.

As for safety, Li Tian is absolutely assured now.

Captain, Little Skywing, Mutated Bat, Mutated Crow, and other 360-degree guards.

Li Tian came to Situ Ningbing, took out the moral scriptures and handed them to Situ Ningbing, and said, “This is the moral scriptures given to me by the lost monkeys. See if it is useful for our cultivation!”

After receiving what Li Tian handed over, Situ Ningbing’s gaze just glanced over it, and he couldn’t help but show joy, and said excitedly: “Li, this…this is not moral truth at all!”

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