Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Conflict


Tezzolo was stunned.


Then there was a laugh, Tezzolo couldn’t straighten his waist with laughter, and looked very painful while covering his stomach.

“Me? Hahahahaha!”

“Vlad, you are so interesting!”

Tezzolo burst into tears when he laughed, and it was obvious that Vlad would make him laugh hard.

“Come on, tell me,” Tezzolo finally stopped laughing and said softly, “Vlad, come and tell me, why do you think I will still cooperate with you?”

“Why do you think I will cooperate with a bereaved dog who has nothing? Vlad, come on, please come and tell me! Why do you think I will cooperate with you?”

“You seem to have looked down on me from the beginning?” Vlad wasn’t angry, it wasn’t a big deal.

“No, no,” Tezzolo waved his hands in denial, “not at the beginning, after you left big-mom, when you were still a member of the Charlotte family, I still attached great importance to you, after all, that The cooperation with you has brought me a lot of benefits.”

“However, what qualifications do you have for me to pay attention to you now?” Tezzolo’s expression was playful. “What else do you have that deserves my attention when you have lost everything?”


Vlad smiled and said: “There are still things, Tezzolo, I still have things worthy of your attention, no, there should be things worthy of your fear.”



Tezzolo laughed: “What nonsense are you talking about? Vlad, do you think you can bring me into submission with your force?”

“I know, when you escaped from Charlotte’s house, you defeated Snag, one of the four dessert generals, er, no, now you are three generals, do you think this kind of record can make me terrified? ?”

“No, Tezzolo, that’s not what I’m talking about,” Vlad shook his head. “Strength is important, but I don’t think I’m strong enough to frighten a man like you by myself.”

“So, what do you rely on?” Tezzolo felt a little uneasy.

“Tezolo,” Vlad said comfortably, leaning on the soft sofa, “Have you heard of the Murloc Pirates?”

“The Murloc Pirates?” Tezzolo was a little puzzled, why did he suddenly get involved with the Murlocs?

“Yes, the Murloc Pirates, the Murloc Pirates commanded by Hai Xia Jinping, one of the Seven Kings of the Sea, is not a little-known faction. I think underground tycoons like you, Tezzolo, have heard of it. Right?” Vlad whispered.

“Of course, I have heard of it. Haixia Jinping is not a trivial person. I still know his intelligence very well.” Tezzolo didn’t know what medicine Vlad’s Gourd was selling, but he still replied.

“Then you must know the characteristics of the Murloc Pirates!”


“That’s right, all the fish-man pirates have the characteristics.” Vlad said softly.

“You mean,” Tezzolo suddenly palpitated and replied softly, “You mean the sun tattoos that every Murloc member will have on their bodies?”

“That’s right, right,” Vlad said repeatedly, “this is it, this is it!”

“So what?” Tezzolo couldn’t understand. “What’s so great about that?”


Vlad whispered: “This sun tattoo is not easy.”

“What do you mean?” Tezzolo asked in confusion.

“Tezzolo, you must be very aware of the fact that Fisher Tiger climbed to the red soil continent and rushed into Mary Joa to free the slaves, right?” Vlad glanced at Tezzolo lightly, right? , said softly.

“Ah,” Tezzolo was even more confused about what Vlad meant. “Of course I do. It was a major event that shocked the world back then. I’m afraid not many people don’t know about it! When it was revealed back then, it was scary. A bunch of stupid people.”

“No one could have imagined that there would be people in the world who would dare to challenge the authority of the world government. Dare to show their minions to the Tianlong people.”

“That’s right, it’s this,” Vlad continued: “You know, the Dragon people are used to stamping their possessions, it’s called, it’s called, eh, what’s it called?”

“Hey, what’s it called? Tezzolo, I suddenly can’t remember.” Vlad chuckled.

“The Hoof Tracks of the Nine Sky Dragons!” Tezzolo spat out these words as if gnashing his teeth.

“That’s right, that’s right, the name of Jiutian Xianglong’s hooves,” Vlad continued to tell the story: “But you probably don’t know, Tiger was very distressed in order to accommodate those slaves, especially the fish. Human slaves, after all, are their own countrymen and cannot be ignored like slaves of other races.”

“What do you mean?” Tezzolo understood what Vlad was talking about.

“Listen to me,” Vlad was a little dissatisfied: “Tiger is very distressed, after all, these marks are so obvious that anyone with a little knowledge will recognize them as the former Tianlong people slaves, so, what should I do? What? How to cover up this scar?”

Tezzolo’s eyes were a little erratic, and Vlad’s words had a great impact on him.

“In the end, Tiger came up with a way. Since the imprint cannot be removed, then simply print it on the basis of it~www.readwn.com~ to cover up this ugly imprint.”

“So, the Murloc Pirates was born, and then, the Sun Mark was born.” Vlad ended the storytelling mode.

“So it is,” Tezzolo looked calm: “So there is such a story about the Sun Mark of the Murloc Pirates.”

“This is a big business opportunity. Even if the Tianlong people don’t want their slaves, they are not willing to let them be free. Do you think so?”

Vlad chuckled: “Tezolo!”

“That’s right,” Tezzolo laughed. “This information is very valuable, but if you think this will get me to agree to cooperate with you, then you are too naive.”

“What are you thinking about?” Vlad looked a little surprised. “What are you talking about? Didn’t I say it? I’ll make you terrified.”

“Fear?” Tezzolo’s unease became more and more obvious: “Is it just you?”

“Of course not,” Vlad laughed. “It’s not realistic to want a man like you to be feared by my power.”

“Then what do you mean?” Tezzolo said solemnly.

“Of course it’s not me who will make you afraid,” Vlad said softly, “Aren’t you the ones who should be afraid of those dragons?”


The surrounding environment changed dramatically in an instant. Everything that was originally turned into gold in an instant, and countless golden tentacles and thorns emerged from all directions. Pointing at Vlad sitting on the sofa.

“Oh,” Vlad sighed softly without moving, “Are you awake? Just do your best as soon as you come up.”

“Tell me, Vlad,”

Tezzolo’s expression was extremely ferocious, and he wanted to choose someone to devour: “What do you know?”

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