Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Fire Dragon Vlad

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and it seemed that a heavy rain would fall at any time. The clouds looked very low, and the distant sky on weekdays seemed to be within reach at this time.

Suddenly, a streak of golden color appeared in the gloomy clouds, and it was fleeting, like an illusion.

However, in the blink of an eye, a golden pillar of fire broke through the clouds, whistling and swept across the endless sea below the clouds, causing thousands of waves, and a huge amount of water vapor spread out, as if the nearby The sea suddenly became like a heavy fog.

There is indeed something in the clouds. It seems to be moving at a high speed, and the speed is very fast. Even the most keen seabird can only vaguely see a fiery red figure, a very huge and slender figure of fiery red.


A huge roar resounded through the sky, and a terrifying momentum radiated in all directions. It was not an exaggerated description, but a real momentum that actually existed.

The seabirds that were originally flying in the sky seemed to have seen some indescribable horror, and instantly lost consciousness. It looked like it was raining, falling one by one.

On the sea, large and small sea fish floated up with their stomachs up, floating on the sea, and even huge sea beasts, also lost consciousness, their bodies involuntarily floating on the sea, take a closer look, there are even a few It was an amazing sight to see only the astonishing Neptunes mixed in.

The cloud layer twisted violently and began to oscillate unstoppably. Immediately, the cloud layer spread out, and a huge void was born under the roar of the creature. At this time, the true face of the mysterious creature was also exposed.

How noble!

How beautiful!

What a stalwart!

How powerful!

The fiery red scales on the whole body wrap the slender and strong body, and a pair of huge wings are stretched wantonly behind the back, and a slight flap can bring a gust of wind.

The slender and sturdy tail swayed gently to maintain balance, and the sturdy limbs had sharp and curved sharp claws, which seemed to have the terrifying power of tearing gold and cracking rocks.

The huge head is at the front end of the long and thick neck, and two sharp and slender curved horns grow on the top of the head, spreading recklessly, with an aura that pierces the sky.

There are countless sharp teeth in the huge mouth, golden flames sputtering out from time to time between the thick nostrils and breathing, and the golden eyes are narrow and long pupils, which have their own dignity.

This is a dragon, a real fire dragon!


The huge roar resounded through the sky, and a layer of black material instantly wrapped the huge body of the fire dragon. If someone was there at this time, they would definitely be able to recognize it easily. It was the domineering of the armed color.

The originally fiery red dragon suddenly turned pitch black, and the purple luster flashed on its body, and it suddenly took on a different style, looking extremely domineering.


A flame emerged from the dragon’s wings, and immediately swept the whole body in an unstoppable trend. Every scale of the fire dragon had golden flames surging out!

The originally pitch-black dragon was immediately wrapped in a raging flame, hanging in the air like a small sun.

The huge dragon’s huge wings fluttered, and the huge and slender body suddenly shot out. It is really hard to imagine that such a huge body would have such an amazing speed.

“Dragon God swoops!”

The dragon roared loudly.

The giant dragon was like a bolt of lightning that fell from the sky, hitting the island directly and ruthlessly.

“Boom boom boom!!”

The huge sound shook the sky, and the smoke and dust rose up in the sky, covering everything.


A strong wind blew violently.

The smoke and dust dissipated directly.

The dragon’s landing site has lost the slightest vitality, and there is only a huge crater left. Obviously, there is no flammable material at all, but the golden flame is indeed burning recklessly in the crater, and the original rock suddenly Unable to hold back, the fiery red magma was flowing slowly at the bottom of the big pit.

The air was slightly distorted, and intense heat spread out.

The giant dragon has disappeared, replaced by a humanoid creature, about five meters tall, with muscular muscles and extraordinary Kong Wu.

The whole body is covered with fiery red scales, and the golden sparks jump between his scales from time to time. The structure of the legs is completely different from that of humans. They are anti-joints more like reptiles. Sharp nails are very long.

Two twisted long horns spread from the top of the temples on both sides of the head to the two sides, to the top, and to the back. The huge pair of wings are tucked behind him, and the huge palms are more delicate scales and thicker. Fingers and Nails.

The shoulders and elbows are sharp and ferocious bone spurs, and the thick tail of the back waist has been stretched out, slapping the ground a few times from time to time, and suddenly cracks spread.


Humanoids put their hands around their chests, as if thinking: “Sure enough, don’t call it Dragon God swooping! It feels so humiliating!”

“And it seems to be a plagiarized skill name. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com may be accused.”

“Sure enough, it’s better to call justice from the sky, domineering and full of the light of justice!”

“Ah, I’m a little hungry, let’s eat something!”

The humanoid muttered to himself, sitting directly on the ground, not caring at all about the magma flowing under his butt, as if it was not soaking in magma, but in a hot spring, it felt very comfortable.

The humanoid took a strong breath, and a huge suction force emerged spontaneously, and suddenly the magma flowing on the ground began to fly upside down towards his mouth.


Just like drinking porridge, the humanoid creatures swallowed the sparks, the scary magma with high temperature, and the color of enjoyment on their faces.

This is really astonishing. Ordinary people don’t say that they eat it. Even if they are close to these flowing magma, they will feel unbearable. A slight touch is an injury. Otherwise, why would Akainu make many pirates feel scared? The magma damage is too high.

“Well, Longhua is good at this, you can make your own food!”

The humanoid said to himself: “Don’t worry about being hungry, and the lava tastes unexpectedly good!”

As a result, an extremely amazing scene appeared in this huge pothole. The golden flame was burning continuously on the bare rock, and the molten magma slowly flowed to the bottom of the pit. There was a huge humanoid creature very Not picky eaters eat the hot lava cleanly.

Humanoid is naturally Ferdinando Vlad.

At this time, it has been nearly three months since he ate the dragon fruit, and he is very familiar with the various abilities that the dragon fruit brings to him.

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