Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 906

Vol 2 Chapter 896: The 3Rd Of The 30,000-Mile Battle

“Wow! Appeared! Appeared at last!”

The residents of a certain island in the South China Sea were very excited, “One Piece! Ferdinando Vlad! Finally appeared again!”

“So strong! These two are super strong! Is this the strength of One Piece and the so-called King of the World? The world’s top contest!”

“Hahahaha! Go on! Go on! Whoever wins? One Piece or Im! The master of Hades and Heaven, no matter who wins, the world will immediately change because of this answer!”

“The battle between the coalition government and the royal family’s coalition is now only a foil. It’s their battle that really determines the direction of the world, right?”

Of course, if Vlad is defeated, Pluto will not be able to use it in front of Im. The weapon that destroys the world may not be able to use a single person. If Pluto is finished, then even if the revolutionary army and the navy have added up, it will not work. Only by Yimu’s slow use of the King of Heaven is completely destroyed.

But if Im were to lose the battle, it goes without saying that the now all-out coalition government has an overwhelming advantage.

On the light screen, two shadows from far to near, intertwined and twisted in the air, flames, slashes, shocks, and sounded in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the two figures had gone away and disappeared into the sky.

“Eh? Is there any?”

“When’s the next time you show up?”

“Damn it! It’s the most anticipated time!”

So, the crowd is excited, it’s really useless news agency, can’t they hire some reliable photojournalists?

“Hey! Look! What’s on the sea?”

Suddenly, someone shouted.

Coincidentally, the image on the light screen was also switched to the sea below in a timely manner. It was a very spectacular scene.

The reason is-


Although it is far away, it is difficult for the video phone bug to capture the sound, but the audience can still make up such a shocking sound.

There is a fleet on the sea, a huge fleet, the royal family’s combined army fleet that hangs the flag of the former world government, and there are more than ten top-level giant ships, not to mention other frigates, no matter where they are placed in the sea, they will be is a powerful force.

However, by no means including now.

“what is that?”

“Sea Kings? A lot of Sea Kings!”

On the sea, huge monsters poked their heads out of the sea, and huge waves were generated. Artillery fire and guns were completely ineffective. Just a slight shake of the head and tail was enough to sink a large ship into the seabed.

“Have you met a sea king? It’s too bad for this fleet!”

Someone regretted, “If it wasn’t so unlucky, maybe it could have done something.”

“But speaking of it, is it a bit too frequent for the Sea Kings to attack the Royal Coalition Army recently?”

“You said that as if it were true?”



Avoiding Vlad’s punch, after his own fist was taken by the opponent, the psychic shock directly blew Vlad away, but at the same time he was also blown away by the fireball he threw at him, Im said solemnly, ” The Sea King is also in your hands!”

“Don’t say that,”

Vlad stabilized his figure, raised his right hand high, the sword of flame that penetrated the sky and the ground had been formed in his hand, and with a heavy wave, the sword of flame had approached Im’s forehead.

“White Star is my partner.”


“Don’t say that you have made an agreement with her to move the fish-man island to the sea!”

With invisible waves entwined in his hand, Im smashed Vlad’s flaming sword with one punch, and with his arms outstretched, the air instantly distorted, and with him as the center, the invisible strangling power surged toward Vlad.


The body was suddenly caught by the power of thought, and then the invisible terrifying force was already distorting Vlad’s body, the flames splashed in front of him, and the whole body shook, easily deflecting Im’s attack, Vlad’s right hand move, the flame ray Already shot.

“That’s right, why? Joey Boye also had such an agreement with the mermaid princess back then?”


Im snorted softly, without flinching, his mind power and domineering attached to his hand at the same time, he directly reached out to block Vlad’s flame ray, his body rushed forward at an extreme speed, and the flame was directly bounced away and spread around in the air.


With a light drink, Im’s right leg twitched like a steel whip, tearing the air and aiming straight at Vlad’s head.


The air made a dull sound like a broken sack, and Vlad bowed his head, whether it was foreseeing the future or being at ease enough to support him easily dodging the blow.


With a loud roar, the right fist became white as before, and the terrifying temperature spread from his hand, and the high temperature that the steel would melt in an instant adhered to his hand, and a heavy punch was slammed out.

“Infuriated? It seems to have happened.”


The two fists collided together, like a thunder explosion, and like a meteor falling, and a huge wave was also set off on the sea in an instant.

It seems to be indicating that there is absolutely no possibility for mortals to intervene in this battle.


“no no!”

“These monsters!”

“Help! Help! Help!”

On the sea below, UU reading www.uukanshu. com An island is heading towards the end of its life.

The Chambord Archipelago, the end of the first half of the great route, is a beautiful island composed of many huge mangroves. Today, it has finally come to an end.

After the start of the war, many troops of the Royal Coalition Army gathered here, hoping to directly set foot in the new world. Before Im left, the Coalition Government did not dare to directly move this place. is quite amazing.

But it’s different now, the King of Heaven is not here, and Im was dispatched long ago, and it’s time to kill this place.

It was not the soldiers of the coalition government that attacked the Chambord Islands, but the sea kings. They were extremely huge, and there were also a lot of them over a kilometer in size. A slight impact would be a huge disaster for those who lived on the Chambord Islands. Earthquake, this island really can’t stand such toss.


No. 11, a mangrove was the first to break off. Under the impact of a giant sea king, it broke into two sections and collapsed to one side. The domino effect was triggered by this, and several mangroves that were already crumbling collapsed one after another.

Starting from this, the Chambord Islands began to slowly sink under the water, and the fleets docked here and the troops stationed here all sank to the bottom of the sea.

Sea King Poseidon, the three ancient weapons worthy of the name, is definitely not a force that ordinary people can fight against.

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