Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 913

Vol 2 Chapter 93: The Land Of The End

“Tsk, what a cruel woman!”

After listening to all the stories, Vlad sighed, which made him shudder a little, and suddenly there was a sigh in his heart that he was fortunately still a single dog. If women were like this, it would be really nice to be single. , In particular, his standard of mate selection must be a woman who can beat, and suddenly he doesn’t want to find a girlfriend.

However, so the ancient documents that I saw in Dr. Yuejian before said that the moon people said that they were betrayed. Is this what it means? Geez, ruthless guy.

“Stop talking about what the hairy boy said, Fire Dragon,”

Im didn’t care at all. Eight hundred years have passed, and how deep the feelings have been forgotten. Even if the hat left by Joey Boy was taken away by Vlad, he may not be so angry. More The anger is mostly because of her own dignity being offended, and now, seeing Joey Boy writing the apology letter from the Mermaid Princess, this woman is only stunned for a moment,

“The conflict of ideas is difficult to reconcile. I understand his mood. I want to protect this world and make this world a better place. My mood is the same as his, but Fire Dragon, he is wrong and right. The man is me, his thoughts will only make a new huge kingdom come into being, and the world will only enter into a sad cycle again! I have thought about changing him, but I can’t, only in the aspect of stubbornness I am right He is very confident, so I don’t think it’s a big deal to sacrifice a little in order to implement his will and realize his ideal!”

“Oh oh oh!”

Vlad smiled, “It’s amazing, a will of steel, an amazing woman, it seems that anything can be sacrificed for her ideals, and the mere Joey Boy seems to be really nothing to you, But, Im, have you ever wondered, is it really Joyboy? Are you really making the world a better place?”


Im nodded and said, “I have maintained the peace of the world for 800 years, isn’t this the best proof? The world has been peaceful for 800 years, you say, am I right?”

“Wuhahahaha! It’s really interesting, are you so proud of the eight hundred years of world government rule?”

Vlad clutched his stomach, “Don’t laugh at me! We just raised our arms, and there are countless people who stand up to oppose you. The whole sea is your enemy right away. This is the most factual fact. .”

“Stupid commoners have no obvious understanding of their own lives and the development of the sea, so they are instigated by your words. Correspondingly, they will also be easily instigated by other careerists. The new tyranny is very It’s easy to come by!”

Im dismissed, “As long as I defeat you, believe it or not, Fire Dragon, it won’t take long before I make them forget their current memories and return to their previous state again.”

“I believe, of course I believe,”

Vlad smiled, “You are right, people are always blindly obedient, no matter how wise people are, in the absence of information, they will become blindly obedient with the crowd, so what we are doing One of the jobs is to educate the people so that they know enough about themselves and the world. They are not blind obedience. They are the most powerful oversight of the new government. With their oversight, Im, I think you should understand , it may not be easy for the government to degenerate!”


Im sullen.

“And, one of the more obvious things is,”

Vlad spread his hands, “When the idea of freedom and democracy spreads all over the world and penetrates into everyone’s heart, even in corruption and tyranny, these commoners who have become accustomed to such ideas are Our most powerful guarantee! They will risk their lives for their ideal world! To the death!”


Vlad looked at Im and said with a smile, “Look at you, even if the life level has undergone a transition, it is still not really immortal, right? Well, how long can you live? Even if it is really as you said, You defeated me and regained the hegemony of the world. When you die, who will take over the new regime? Even if someone uses undead surgery to become a being like you and me, but, Im, have absolute Strength and absolute power, haha, is that person willing to be lonely like you? You don’t monitor your existence here, do you?”


Im silent.

“Looks like you’re speechless,”

Vlad grinned, “Then shut up, Im, the development of the world is rolling forward, you and your world government have been a hindrance to the world from the beginning, and it is almost over today, There is no land where you can exist in any corner of this sea!”

“I’m going to kill you! Fire dragon!”

Im raised his head, his eyes were dead and unmoved.

“Oh! No problem, I just want to talk through words, honestly, I didn’t think about it,”

Vlad smiled, and flames were already emerging from his body, “Is it more cost-effective to kill you directly?”

“After all, it’s not as easy as before for those whose beliefs in their hearts have begun to shake.”


Im no longer answering, the golden pupils suddenly flashed with a faint blue brilliance, the surrounding ground began to vibrate violently, and the invisible power seemed to turn the entire fish-man island over.

“No no no, this is not where we fight!”

Vlad’s body shot out of electricity and rushed into the sky. If the battle continued here, Fishman Island would be finished.

“Don’t try to run!”

Im chasing after him directly, without any extra words, just like Joey Boye at the beginning~www.readwn.com~ She must kill Vlad, and then regain the hegemony of the world, proving that her idea is not Incorrect.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t mean to run away,”

Vlad turned his head and smiled, “This place is not the place to fight. The place where we fight should be placed in that place, where everything begins and ends at the same time, Ralph Drew, is this okay?”


Im didn’t have anything to say, the electricity shot out and chased after him, and Vlad didn’t seem weak at all. After more and more, no matter what, he must kill the fire dragon, only he, absolutely not. able to exist in this world.

The location of the final battle has been chosen. It is the place where the revolution started and ended eight hundred years ago. The end of the world, the name is—

Ralph Drew!


The long-lost book promotion link: “The Evil Generation”, the author of ‘The new pirate fandom that has risen recently, is called the next pirate code by book friends, and the writing and plot are very good… (omitting 10,000 words to boast)’ author That’s what it told me.

“Knoba: Strengthening Master”, the early stage belongs to the baby text (baby?), with the main line of spoofing various characters, becoming stronger, easy entertainment, simple but not brainless, the author said so.

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