Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 931

Vol 2 Chapter 921: Open The Curtain Of A New Era

Vlad went to Fishman Island non-stop. After the happy family banquet, he did not continue to rest, but immediately transformed into a huge fire dragon and flew straight towards Fishman Island.

The coalition government has been officially established for only a week, and there is not much time left for him. Fishman Island is also a member of the coalition government. Of course, it is natural to have the right to live in this blue sea. Fra Germany wants to resolve this matter before the official formation of the coalition government.

The process is quite simple. With Vlad’s current strength, it is not difficult to move the entire fish-man island to the sea. Cut through the sea, come to the fish-man island, and go to Dragon Palace City to meet with him. Neptune said hello, and Vlad’s fish-man island removal project has begun.

The fluttering fruit has now become extremely terrifying under the blessing of Vlad’s almost infinite physical strength. It is easy to overwhelm the mountains and the sea, lightly touching the ground of Fishman Island, and then in a violent shaking, the whole The island began to rise slowly. The amazing thing is that with the rise of the island, the huge bubbles wrapped around the fish-man island also began to rise synchronously, as if plated on the fish-man island. Same as film.

“Wow! It’s really slowly rising!”

Vlad floated in the sea water outside Fishman Island, wrapped in a layer of bubbles, it was still so relaxed, beside him, the huge mermaid princess looked very surprised, “It’s amazing, Boss Vlad! Really pulled up Fishman Island!”

Vlad raised his forehead, “How much do you look down on me, little white star, this is still a piece of cake for me, right?”


Princess White Star nodded her head, “Boss Vlad is awesome!”


Suddenly feel a little ashamed.

Originally, I wanted to prevent some unsightly sea beasts and sea kings from coming to do things, but the existence of Bai Xing made everything run smoothly, and there were even many amazingly large guys who came to help push the fishman island. Coupled with Vlad’s fluttering fruit ability, soon, Fishman Island has come to the shallow sea area.

“It’s light! Is that the sea?”

It is not the same as the light brought by Eve. The brilliance reflected through the sea is particularly soft. Fishman Island is already boiling, and everyone walks out of the house and looks up.

“Finally—finally here!”

“Appear upright on the sea, and live with dignity as a member of the sea!”

“The dream of generations has finally come to fruition!”

Excited, one after another.

“A long-cherished wish of eight hundred years!”

Vlad waved his left hand sharply, with a full smile on his face, “This is achieved!”

Fishman Island washed up to the sea!


It has been a week since the murlocs and the mermaids on the Fishman Island realized their dreams. Although the big events on the sea have been happening one after another during this time, it is dizzying to watch, but today’s event is definitely the biggest among the many big events. news.

It has just won the hegemony of the world, and its affiliated countries are all over the world. More than 90% of the more than 300 countries in the world are organizations of its affiliated countries. Today is the day when it was officially announced.

The location is Longya Island in the Fire Dragon Kingdom, the official location of the coalition government. Because of the battle between Vlad and Im, the red earth continent has been destroyed in countless places. The four seas have been linked together like never before, so the coalition government The location does not need to be carefully selected.

The eyes of the whole world have already been placed here. As early as a month ago, the newspapers that were buzzing began to warm up this event. It can be said that there is no one in this world who does not know what is going on today.

It was 9:50 in the morning. On the newly built square on Longya Island, a dense crowd had gathered. Most of these people were journalists from all over the world. On the contrary, the number of people was quite small. It is too much to think that an inaugural ceremony that is not very important will let the people move forward, so I contacted many media and hoped that it would be broadcast live around the world just like the decisive battle between Vlad and Im. People can see what’s happening today without ever leaving their homes.

It was exactly ten o’clock, and on the tall building in front of the square, the heroes known to everyone in the world began to appear.

The supreme leader of the coalition government, the hero who rebuilds the world, the head of the government, Monkey D. Drago first appeared, and behind him is the actual helm of the coalition government, the secretary of state, and the founder of Hope, the country of hope. Mr. Jack, after that, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces of the coalition government, the former admiral of the navy, Aoki Kuzan, and after that, the parliamentary representatives from various countries who formed the highest authority of the coalition government.

The leaders of the coalition government have all made their appearance.


Slowly heaving a sigh of relief, Drago looked at the densely packed heads below, and picked up a phone bug in his hand, “I thought about it for a long time before today, thinking about what to say at this time? But it’s embarrassing. The thing is, I’ve been thinking about it for a long time and haven’t come up with a result.”

There was silence, and the megaphone worm spread Dorag’s voice across the island, while the videophone worm sent his influence around the world.

“It’s not because I can’t think of what to say, in fact, there are so many things to say,”

Dorag said, “I want to talk about our hardships along the way, our unshakable beliefs, how powerful the enemy we face is, how painful our sacrifices are, and we want to talk about today. What is the significance of the ceremony to this world, I want to talk about our plan for the future world, how beautiful the world will be in the future, and I want to talk about much more than that, but I also want to~www.readwn.com ~ The past should be kept in mind, but it is not necessary to repeatedly emphasize that the future is more practical than verbal words or actions, so it seems that these are not necessary to say, after thinking about it, what I want to say seems to be this. There’s something like this-”


Taking a deep breath, Dorag said loudly, “The Qinghai United National Government is established today!!”


As if waiting for his words, the square that was originally silent as late at night immediately boiled like the sun at 12 noon, and all faces were filled with excited and joyful smiles.

A coalition government, established today.

“The era of freedom and equality is here!”

Behind Dorag, Mr. Jack said, “But this is just the beginning, we still have a long way to go! Construction is far more difficult than victory.”

“It’s ok,”

Dorag turned his head and said softly, “We have all come here when we are the most bitter and tiring. Let’s work hard! If one year is not enough, then ten years, if ten years are not enough, then one hundred years. Going backwards, we are moving forward after all.”


Qingzhi scratched his head, and said somewhat strangely, “Really, it made my blood boil.”

“This time, that’s how it should be!”

Dorag left a sentence, then turned his head and brought the phone bug to his mouth again, “Please be quiet! Everyone, my speech is over, but there is still someone who wants to take this opportunity to tell you some words.”

“Yeah, so nervous!”

He said nervousness, but Vlad, who staggered up, couldn’t see any sign of nervousness at all.

“Cough cough,”

Taking the phone bug from Dorag’s hand, Vlad spoke,

“I have something to say.”

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