Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 – Arrival! City Of Seven Waters

On the route to the capital of seven waters.

A small warship is speeding forward.

Look closer.

Three figures can be seen, on the deck of the warship, training continuously.

It was Bai Yu, Kebi, and Beru Meber.

Keby and Bellumebo, under the guidance of Bai Yu, are undergoing strict physical training.

If you want to learn the basic six poses, you must pass the physical fitness test.

White Feather swung his sword daily.



Bai Yu kept waving the heavy Dragon Flame Taidao.

Soon, the number of swings reached 2000 times.

【Ding! The host successfully swings the knife 1000 times, and gets rewards: Azure Dragon Sword Intent proficiency +5%, three-color domineering proficiency +1%]

【Ju·Liulian proficiency +5%】

【Ding! The host successfully swung the knife 2,000 times, and received rewards: Qinglong Jianyi proficiency +5%, three-color domineering proficiency +1%]

【Ju·Liulian proficiency +5%】

The proficiency of Qinglong Jianyi and Ju·Liulian both increases by 5%.

In comparison, the three-color domineering is slower.

But Bai Yu is not in a hurry.

After all, the current timeline is the early days of One Piece.

There are not many who are proficient in using domineering.

“Colonel White Feather!”

Bai Yu took a short break after accepting the reward.

Keby and Bellume Burton ran over immediately.

“I see that Colonel, you just practice swinging a knife every day, and you never practice other things.”

“For example, swordsmanship…”

“Can this make you stronger?”

Belumebo asked curiously.

“The same thing, as long as it is done to the extreme, it will be invincible.”

Bai Yu said pretending to be deep.

But I retorted in my heart: Do you think I like such a boring swinging knife?

It’s not just to get system rewards!

“Also, don’t underestimate my swinging a knife.”

“If it were the two of you now, you probably wouldn’t be able to do it in ten strokes.”

Bai Yu said seriously.

“how is this possible?!”

“Don’t say too much, ten strokes is definitely okay.”

Kebi said unconvinced.

“That’s right! Colonel Bai Yu, you underestimate us too.”

Bellumebo agreed.

“You can try.”

“If you can do it, you are allowed to halve your training today.”

“On the contrary, the training is doubled.”

Bai Yu showed a sly smile and said to the two of them.

“Why do I feel that Colonel Bai Yu is cheating us.”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s only ten blows, it should be fine.”

Although there was something wrong with Bai Yu’s smile, Kebi and the two still couldn’t resist the temptation to halve the training day.

“Let’s get started then.”

Seeing that the two agreed, Bai Yu immediately thrust the Dragon Flame Taidao into the floor with the tip facing down.


The next moment, Longyan Taidao was inserted into the ground of the deck.

The heavy pressure made a loud noise.

If it weren’t for Bai Yu holding it down gently, the ground might have split open on the spot.


Seeing this scene, Keby and Beru Meber, who were full of confidence just now, were instantly dumbfounded.

The two thought to themselves, how heavy is this to cause the movement just now!


The two subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously.

“I’ll come first!”

Kebi didn’t believe in evil, and walked up to Longyan Taidao first.


Taking a deep breath, Kebi gripped the handle of Longyan Taidao tightly with both hands.

Exercise the strength of the whole body and pull it up.


However, when Kebi drew his sword with all his strength, Longyan Taidao hardly moved at all.

There is only a click sound, and there is no movement.


Looking at Keby’s Beru Meber, he was speechless.

“You are pulling! Use your strength!”

Bellumebo said anxiously.

“I… have used all my strength!”

Who knew, Kebi’s face was flushed red, and he just couldn’t pull out and lift the Dragon Flame Taidao.


Finally, Kebi slumped on the ground weakly, panting heavily.

“Go away, let me try.”

Seeing this, Bellumebo licked his lips, and also walked in front of Longyan Taidao.

Just results…

is almost the same as Kebi.

The two even tried to pull out their swords together, but they still didn’t let Longyan Taidao move a little.

On the contrary, they were tired and out of breath at the end.

“Colonel Bai Yu, you are the one who won the Crocodile with such a strange knife?”

Afterwards, Kirby asked.

Bai Yu nodded.

To be precise, the Taidao at that time was still a novice Taidao, which was relatively lighter.

“Colonel, you…”

“It’s too ruthless!”

After receiving Bai Yu’s affirmative nod, Kebi and the two of them gave Bai Yu a thumbs up.

After holding back for a long time, I choked out this sentence.

“When you have enough rest, go to training quickly.”

“Don’t forget that you have to double your training volume today.”

Bai Yu reminded the two of them again.

Afterwards, he easily drew out and raised the Dragon Flame Taidao.

Waved one after another.

Seeing that Bai Yu raised the Dragon Flame Taidao so easily, Kebi and Bellumebo looked at each other.

Trained harder.

This blow is too direct!

Time flies, and it is afternoon.

I thought it would take half a day to reach the capital of seven waters.

Unexpectedly, with the warship advancing at full speed, the journey went smoothly again, allowing Bai Yu and others.

Arrived in the capital of seven waters ahead of schedule.

The capital of seven waters, like its name, has quite complicated waterways. In addition to the waterway transportation on the flat ground, there are also waterways extending from the highest point.

The whole city seems to be built surrounded by water.

It is precisely because of this environment that the local residents also raise a creature (cow fish) named ‘Blu’.

As a means of water transportation, it can also assist in moving.

When Bai Yu and the others gradually approached the shore of the capital of seven waters, they saw this very bustling scene.

Soon, under Bai Yu’s command, the warship docked on the shore.

Dropped the anchor, Bai Yu, Kebi, and Beru Meber disembarked one after another.

“Isn’t that the Navy?”?

“Why have you never seen it before?”

“What is the Navy doing here?”

“And the one at the front, what a young officer!”

As soon as the three of Bai Yu stepped off the boat, they aroused discussions among the surrounding people.

While surprised by Bai Yu’s youth, he also recognized that the three of them were not the navy stationed in the capital of seven waters.


At this moment, there was a sudden burst of wind in the sky.

Hearing the movement, the three of Bai Yu subconsciously looked up at the sky.

High in the sky, a figure was opening its arms, as if flying.

It seemed that he also noticed Bai Yu who had just arrived in the capital of seven waters, and the figure lowered his head slightly.

The stature began to decline rapidly.


Finally, under the watchful eyes of everyone, she made her grand debut.

“Mr. Navy, welcome to the capital of seven waters.”

“Does your warship need to be repaired?”

“Navy ship repair, but there will be a discount.”

After landing, the owner of that figure said with a very polite smile.

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