Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – Special Mission! Naval Soldiers Dissatisfied With The Arrangement

“By the way, because the task this time is relatively simple.”

“So I am going to let you practice and lead the team yourself.”

“Let me see.”

“It’s enough to bring a hundred people there.”

Garp obviously didn’t know that Bai Yu knew the secret long ago.

continued to add.

Lead the team yourself!

Only give to one hundred people!

Hearing this, Bai Yu wanted to rush forward and fight Karp!

Moreover, because of Karp’s special status, most of the navies who stayed in this naval branch were not of high rank.

That is, they are basically novices waiting to be trained.

Even if there are some veteran subordinates, their comprehensive strength may not be of much help.

“Listen to you, aren’t you going to go there together?”

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Bai Yu asked Karp.

“Of course I’m going.”

“It’s just that I have to solve things in another place first.”


“It’s probably two or three days later than you.”

Karp went on to explain.


Hearing this, Bai Yu was completely speechless.

“How about it?”

“If you think it’s really not good, don’t take this task.”

“I understand.”

“You just study by my side obediently.”

Seeing that Bai Yu was speechless, Garp smiled inwardly, and immediately said with a very generous expression.

【Ding! Special Mission Detected—Alabasta Unrest]

【Reminder: After the host personally leads the team to help suppress the unrest in Alabasta, you can get rich rewards】

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Bai Yu’s mind.

It actually triggered a special system task.

Mission content, assist in the pacification of the civil war turmoil in Alabasta.

According to the system prompt, the rewards for special tasks like this trigger are generally very good.

“Who said I dare not?”

“I’ve accepted this task!”

Seeing this, Bai Yu immediately triggered a special task.

And said to Garp.

The conditions thrown by Garp are tempting enough, and now there are special tasks for the system.

Bai Yu has no reason not to go.

“Hahaha, the boy is so brave!”

“Then without further ado, let’s go now!”

“You can pick the people you need, and the ships are ready to stop at the port.”

Bai Yu suddenly agreed, which really made Garp stunned.

Then, Garp laughed and said.

This courage alone is very suitable for Garp’s appetite.

After a while.

Bai Yu and the 20 navy soldiers he personally selected came to the port where the navy small warships docked.

Before boarding the boat, Bai Yu glanced at everyone.

The selected naval soldiers are all strong and strong. Although the military rank is not high, they still have basic physical fitness.

Among them are three corporals, two sergeants, and one sergeant.

Not even a warrant officer.

The military ranks of the navy are divided into: sergeant level (lower, middle, upper), lieutenant level (quasi, minor, middle, upper), junior level (minor, medium, large), general level (quasi, small, medium, large), marshal.

Among them, the lowest level is actually the miscellaneous soldiers of cannon fodder, which are divided into first, second and third class soldiers, which will not be mentioned here.

As Bai Yu knew, the ones with military ranks that were rarely selected in the end were only sergeant ranks.

“It’s better than nothing.”

Bai Yu sighed softly.

After that, he ordered everyone to board the ship and set off immediately.

“Sail, set sail!”

“Departure, destination, Alabasta!”

So, under Bai Yu’s order, the small warship on board immediately set sail and left the port of the Navy Branch.

At the same time, the top of a certain building in the port.

Garp stood on the roof, watching the warship gradually go away.

There was a flash of light in both eyes, and he muttered to himself in a low voice.

“Alabasta Hades”

“Boy, you must not die there.”

Time came that evening.

The small warship that White Feather was on board has already left Garp’s naval branch.

According to the navigator in charge of the route on the warship, the sea area where everyone is currently located is two days away from reaching Alabasta.

While there was still time, Bai Yu stayed on the deck almost all the time, swinging his knife continuously.

Bai Yu’s idea is also simple, at least before arriving in Alabasta, improve the proficiency of the moves currently mastered to 100%.


Bai Yu followed each other, swinging the novice sword at a steady speed.

Tap Tap.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the cabin beside him.

Immediately afterwards, the navy soldier with the rank of sergeant ran over quickly.


“Commander, what is our battle plan this time?”

Stopped beside Bai Yu, the sergeant struggled for a long time.

Finally, he called Bai Yu ‘commander’ and asked.

Without him, Bai Yu is strictly speaking a rookie and does not have a military rank.

That is to say, Garp dared to delegate his authority to give orders.

Let a rookie lead the team.


Hearing this, Bai Yu stopped what he was doing.

looked a little embarrassed.

What plans does he have?

“Do you have any good suggestions?”

Bai Yu coughed lightly, pretending to be calm and asked back.

Regarding the battle plan, Bai Yu really hasn’t seriously considered it.

“Commander, I have discussed with the sergeant and corporal.”

“Our army will arrive in Alabasta in two days.”

“At that time, we can first contact the garrison requesting support.”

“Understand the specific local conditions before taking action.”

The sergeant explained to Bai Yu in one breath.

Even exaggerated maps have to be drawn.

Tap Tap.

Just then, there was another sound of footsteps in the cabin.

Several sergeants and corporals also came out together.

“Bai Yu! We all agree that you should hand over your command to the sergeant!”

As soon as he came, several people said to Bai Yu in unison.

Actually wanted Bai Yu to hand over the command?

Suddenly encountered this situation, Bai Yu also obviously paused.

After thinking about it, I also understood.

After all, Bai Yu was just an inexperienced recruit in their eyes.

Let Bai Yu lead a hundred people to act, and it is estimated that these hundred people are also dissatisfied from the bottom of their hearts.

In comparison, a sergeant with a military rank and rich experience is different.

“This is an order from Lieutenant General Garp.”

You think I want to take you?

Bai Yu glanced at everyone contemptuously, and said.

The latter sentence is just spoken from the heart.

After all, this is a collective action, Bai Yu felt that there was no need to make too much trouble with everyone here.

“I can understand your feelings, I will give you a chance.”

“Fight with me, as long as you can beat me, I will hand over command.”

“And, all actions, follow your orders.”

Bai Yu continued.


As soon as the voice fell, everyone was in an uproar.

One by one, they looked at the sergeant.

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