Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 – Sneak Into! Favorite

Hearing Foxy’s confession, Bai Yu withdrew his palm.

“Hey… I don’t know how you want to cooperate?”

Foxey secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Bai Yu with an apologetic smile.

“You will appear here, probably also to participate in the death sea race?”

Bai Yu asked back.

“Yeah! After all it’s…”

“I see, you are here for the 300 million Berry bonus and devil fruit prize!”

Just as Foxy was about to speak, he suddenly seemed to have guessed Bai Yu’s intention.

“Devil Fruit Prize?”

Bai Yu looked puzzled.

“Don’t you know?”

“It is said that in this competition, in addition to the 300 million Berry bonus, there will be an additional reward of a rare devil fruit.”

Seeing Bai Yu’s puzzled look, Foxy quickly explained.

Hearing this, Bai Yu suddenly realized.

No wonder this news has spread to the branch.

It turned out that the reward for the first place was so attractive.

You must know that although devil fruit has fatal drawbacks.

But at the same time, those who are lucky can gain the ability to fly up to a branch and become a phoenix.

This undoubtedly has a huge appeal.

“So, I need to borrow your ships and people.”

“After the matter is completed, we will divide the account 50-50.”

“what do you think?”

After thinking for a while, Bai Yu asked Foxy.

“Of course, because of my special status, try not to mention me if you can not reveal it.”

“I will help you secretly.”

Bai Yu added a sentence.

With Fox Pirates, it will obviously be a good shield.

“Five… Fifty-five accounts?!”

Hearing the assigned number, Fox was surprised.

Barely thinking about it, he kept nodding.

“No problem, no problem! It’s all up to you!”

Foxey said.

With Bai Yu such a hole card, Foxy instantly felt that the chances of winning were greatly increased!

At the beginning, Foxy thought that Bai Yu would say 82 points, or even 91 points.

Unexpectedly, it would be a fair five to five points.

Fox naturally had no reason not to agree.

“Then it’s decided.”

“Externally, if someone asks you, just say that I am your crew.”

“By the way, I still have two subordinates.”

Bai Yu continued.

After speaking, he clapped his hands.

Keby and Bellumebo walked out immediately.

“Welcome, welcome! So there are two more!”

The funny thing is that Foxy regards Keby as the same strong as Bai Yu.

Greet each other with a smiling face, and give good hospitality.

the next day.

The three white feathers boarded the pirate ship of the Foxy Pirates and set off for Hannabar.

Along the way, Bai Yu also found many small boats similar to ‘sentries’.

Only those who are confirmed to belong to the Pirates will be released smoothly.

This made Bai Yu secretly glad that the decision at that time was correct.

Otherwise, before Bai Yu and the others landed in Hannabar, all the pirates would have run away.

In this way, Bai Yu and his party came to Hannabar smoothly.

“Mr. Baiyu, after landing on the island, you can go shopping.”

“The competition will be held tomorrow, and there will be a banquet tonight.”

After docking, Fox introduced him very familiarly.

The title of Bai Yu has also become Mr. Bai Yu.


Bai Yu nodded and didn’t say much.

Afterwards, everyone disembarked.

The three of Bai Yu separated from the others and went to inspect the environment.

Not only must you understand all the pirates participating in the competition, but you must also be familiar with the terrain to facilitate subsequent actions.

“It’s really lively here.”

Kerby sighed.

After parting with the Foxy Pirates, the three of them came to the central area of the island.

The small island that used to be secluded is already overcrowded at this time.

As the saying goes, there are business opportunities for people.

Even, some stores took the opportunity to open here.

Looking around, except for the store, almost all of them are pirates.

very bustling.

“There seem to be more pirates gathered here than in previous years.”

Bai Yu nodded and said.

The naval side has also been paying attention to the Dead Sea Race in previous years.

It’s just different this year. Devil fruit rewards have been added, attracting more pirates.

The island of Hannabar covers a large area, so the three of Bai Yu took a stroll around it.

After roughly finding out the route on the island, it was already sunset and dusk.

Bai Yu also learned about the way of deathmatch at sea from some stores.

Simply put, there are no clear rules for a deathmatch at sea.

All the pirates participating in the competition only need to sail and race according to the prescribed route.

The first to reach the finish line is the winner of the race.

During the period, the Pirates are not restricted from using any means to stop others.

This rule also led to the extinction of many pirates in previous years.

As long as you can win, you can do whatever it takes.

Bai Yu has also learned about the specific sailing and racing route.

First start from the north shore.

Lap around the track set up around Hannabar.

Immediately after entering the upwelling current around the island.

Finally arrive at the end point high on the island.

Of course, in order to increase the viewing experience, the organizer also added some additional levels this year to prevent the pirates with insufficient strength from advancing.

After learning the information, Bai Yu and Kebi returned to the center of the island again.

During the day, Foxy reminded Bai Yu that a banquet would be held here at night.

While entertaining the major pirate groups, we will introduce this year’s hottest ones.

Soon, Bai Yu and the Foxy Pirates met and reunited.

Because Captain Fox only has a bounty of 24 million, the positions assigned to the Foxy Pirates are basically in the corner.

Bai Yu didn’t care either, it was more suitable for him to hide.

“Mr. Bai Yu, according to your instructions, I found the list of the pirates who will participate in this session.”

After taking his seat, Fox handed a list to Bai Yu.

The ones on the list are all the participating pirates this year.

Bai Yu quickly glanced at the list.

Soon, I saw a few names that I remembered.

Pirate Executioner Xiao Laiya.

Giant Poppy and Bogo.

Executioner Picaro.

Killer Whale Man Willie.

Without exception, they are all notorious pirates. (except Shorea)

Finally, Bai Yu set his sights on the top of the list.

One of the most conspicuous names.


Sure enough, it was the same as the information from the 188 branch.

Gaspardi, participated in this dead sea race.

“Welcome to Hannabar, everyone!”

“The annual Dead Sea Race will start tomorrow!”

Just then, a host walked out of the center.


Driven by the host, the atmosphere at the scene was completely ignited.

“Next, I will introduce the popular contestants of this competition!”

“First of all, the one who has unique conditions, Willie the Killer Whale!”

Introduced by the host, the lights of the scene immediately gathered on one of the tables in the front.

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