Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 500

Chapter 500 – The Final Expedition! Target Rav Drew

Hearing Bai Yu’s words, everyone’s expressions became serious in an instant.

Garp shook his head immediately.


“Since the first battle of Mary Joa, Im seems to have evaporated from the world.”

“No news from her at all.”

Garp said.

Hearing this, Bai Yu secretly sighed.

If you don’t find Im for a day, you will always be a hidden danger.

God knows what Im planning in secret.

Even the Red Earth Continent can be blown up, there is nothing Im can’t do.

“Leave her alone.”

“How about you guys, are you interested in going to Ralph Drew with me then?”

Putting aside complicated thoughts, Bai Yu smiled and asked several people.

Even Garp and others have never been to the terminal of the great route.

“I and the Warring States will not go.”

“Our body can’t stand the torture.”

Karp said immediately.

Although the headquarters of G1 is already in the New World, it is estimated that there is still a long way to go from Ralph Drew.

Among them, the bad weather and so on, Karp and Sengoku said that they could not follow.

“Since you want to go there in person, Bai Yu, I’d better stay at the headquarters.”

“Me too, that was originally Bai Yu’s ‘achievement’.”

“Since this is the case, then I will not follow.”

“Let Bai Yu and the people from G5 go together.”

Akakenu and others also expressed their views one after another.

All of this was done by Bai Yu and G5.

Akainu and others didn’t exert much effort at all.

Everyone is interested, give Bai Yu and all members of G5 to enjoy this opportunity.

What is at the end of Ralph Drew, is not the most important.

The important thing is to enjoy the process to that end.


“I will bring back the truth of everything.”

Bai Yu said again.

In the afternoon of the day.

The news that Bai Yu officially became the admiral of the navy spread throughout the world.

Upon receiving the news, most countries sent letters of congratulations.

Among them, countries such as Alabasta and Dressrosa directly expressed their willingness to form an alliance with the current navy.

Imm’s disappearance has caused the world government to exist in name only.

In order to consolidate the stability of the world, countries also need a leader.

In the eyes of the kings, the current navy, or the navy led by Bai Yu, couldn’t be more suitable.

What’s more, most of the kings also agreed that the navy can be stationed in the kingdom at any time.

The name of the new Admiral Bai Yu of the Navy spread throughout the world.

After taking office.

The first thing Bai Yu did was to change the name of Daughter Island to Daughter Country.

Nine Snake Pirates, from then on changed to Daughter King National Army, no longer pirates.

Secondly, it is the reshuffle of the Navy Headquarters from top to bottom.

All members of G5 came to the headquarters one after another.

White Feather directly gave Violet the highest authority, using the ability of staring fruit, to investigate and find out the navy with dissenting intentions in the headquarters.

Finally, all the meritorious G5 naval soldiers will be promoted.

The entire navy, under Bai Yu’s reform, has changed from the past.

Time came a week later.

During this week, all G5 staff have been successfully relocated to the headquarters.

The navy of the headquarters also screened and eliminated many through Violet.

The ones left behind are all naval forces dedicated to the word ‘justice’.

Completely overhauled.

During the week, Bai Yu also contacted various countries and sent countless intelligence agents.

But never got any news about Im.

Later, Bai Yu simply put this matter aside temporarily.

On this day, Bai Yu summoned all the former G5 staff to the square.

“Everyone, today, we are about to set off for the end of the great route, Ralph Drew!”

“When we come back from Ralph Drew, the era of pirates will come to an end!”

Bai Yu said loudly to everyone.


Upon hearing the news, the former G5 naval soldiers started discussing excitedly.

G5’s background began as an existence despised by people in the Navy headquarters.

Until now, he has become a hero who saves the world.

Going to Ralph Drew again will undoubtedly end the era of pirates completely.

Being able to participate in it, how can the G5 navy soldiers not be excited.

“You guys, are you all ready?!”

Bai Yu then shouted.


G5 navy soldiers agreed in unison.

“Set off!”

After everyone agreed, Bai Yu immediately ordered.

Then, a group of G5 naval soldiers walked neatly towards the port of the headquarters.

Boarded the original warship of G5 one after another.

Bai Yu, Smoker, Kebi and others also came in front of the super battleship.

“The headquarters is temporarily handed over to you.”

White Feather finally spoke to Akainu.

“Don’t worry, we are at the headquarters, waiting for you to come back!”

Akaken swore a promise.


After that, Bai Yu didn’t stay any longer.

and Smoker and others boarded the super battleship.

“All set out!”

“Target, Ralph Drew!”

Following Bai Yu’s order.

Warships followed behind the super battleships.

began to sail in the direction of Ralph Drew.

Akaken and the others watched Bai Yu and his party leave.

The warship team that Bai Yu was in soon sailed to the designated route.

Not long after leaving the headquarters, a ship followed.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar figure jumped onto the super battleship.

It is the empress Hancock.

“I also want to go with you at such an important moment.”

Hancock said to Bai Yu.

“You are most welcome.”

Seeing that even Hancock is coming, Bai Yu smiled and nodded.

A group of people immediately took the super battleship and moved forward at full speed.

However, what Bai Yu didn’t know was.

When the warship team led by Bai Yu left the headquarters and sailed at full speed.

There is another fleet, following behind Bai Yu and his party.

On the hull deck at the forefront of this fleet.

One person stood impressively.

It was Im who had been missing for a long time, and a large number of naval intelligence officers could not find him!

Im stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the fleet of white feather warships at a certain safe distance in the distance.

His eyes became colder and colder.

“You actually survived in Marie Gioia.”

“what a pity.”


“My reign will not end here!”

“I’d like to see it, when you know the text of the road sign history that you worked so hard to get together.”

“What kind of expression will you have when you are just leading the way for me?”

“White Feather, as long as you are completely eradicated, destroy together with Ralph Drew.”

“This world will eventually return to my control!”

Im said to himself.

The tone was cold and full of killing intent.

“Master Im, everything is ready.”

“As long as Bai Yu and the others arrive at Ralph Drew, they can attack at any time.”

At this moment, a figure came behind Im.

If Akainu and others were here, they would be able to recognize them at a glance.

It is the head of the Science Department of the Navy Headquarters, Vega Punk!

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