Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 58

Chapter 58 – Lightspeed Swordsman! Duma

is different from Maya’s surprise.

Navy soldiers seem to have gotten used to Bai Yu’s domineering way of suppression. ?


“No wonder your subordinates respect you so much.”

“No wonder you became a colonel at such a young age.”

Recovering from the shock, Maya looked suddenly enlightened.

It is no wonder that two sentences are used in succession.

By the performance of Bai Yu’s subordinate Beru Mebo before, it is not that Maya has not guessed Bai Yu’s strength.

I just didn’t expect it to be so shocking.

White Feather released the domineering aura in an instant, Maya, who is a witch, naturally sensed it.

The spiritual energy in it is amazing.

“Tie them all up and hand them over to Maya.”

When Maya was surprised by Bai Yu’s strength, Bai Yu gave orders to a group of naval soldiers.


After receiving the instructions, the navy soldiers quickly dispersed and **** the fainted islanders one by one.

Without any resistance, the navy soldiers quickly tied hundreds of islanders hands and feet to prevent resistance after waking up.

“The rest will be left to you.”

Seeing this, Bai Yu turned around and said to Maya.

To clear the control of the holy sword on the islanders, it still depends on the power of the Mayan witches.


“Thank you!”

Hearing Bai Yu’s words, Maya nodded solemnly to express her thanks.

After that, he quickly walked up to the islanders and dispelled the hostility of the holy sword in their bodies.

At the same time, Bai Yu gave another order to the navy soldiers.

Spread out and surround the entire village, beware of other people disturbing Maya.

White Feather jumped to the top of the house, sat on a high place, and glanced at Maya from time to time.

It is not complicated to say that it is not complicated to dispel the holy sword’s hostility control for the islanders.

I saw Maya stretch out her palm and put her palm on the islander’s forehead.

Muttering words in his mouth released the energy of the witch.

In an instant, the witch’s energy entered the body, and quickly purified and cleared the hostility from the islanders’ bodies.

The energy of the lineage of the Mayan witch has a certain restraint effect on the power of the holy sword.

It’s just a waste of time and energy.

Seeing that Maya has steadily begun to dispel hostility for the islanders.

Bai Yu immediately scanned the scene, and there was nothing unusual, so he closed his eyes and meditated.

The boring waiting lasted until the next morning.

After a night of hard work, Maya finally cleared the hostility from the body of the last islander.

“Finally finished.”

After working all night, Maya said to herself relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up from the ground and looked up at Bai Yu who had already opened his eyes on the roof.

smiled slightly.

That smile, under the sunlight in the morning, looks extremely beautiful.

Even Bai Yu couldn’t help but take a second look.

Suddenly, it seemed that Maya felt a dizziness in her head because of excessive use of the witch’s power.

Suddenly his figure became unstable, his feet staggered, and he was about to fall.



Bai Yu had quick eyes and quick hands, and immediately used the six moves—shaving, a momentary body.

rushed to Maya’s side.

One arm wrapped around Maya’s slender waist.


Being embraced by Bai Yu at close range, two blushes appeared on Maya’s cheeks.

Lowered his head slightly, and thanked Bai Yu.

“You worked hard all night too.”

“Don’t force it, go and rest first.”

After finishing speaking, Bai Yu hesitated for a few seconds.

Then, a domineering princess picked Maya up and sent her to Maya’s room.

“I will send someone to guard here, and then I will go deep in the forest.”

“Go and find the whereabouts of the holy sword.”

After putting down Maya, Bai Yu said softly.


Maya obediently nodded in agreement.

Then, unable to bear the exhaustion any longer, he fell asleep.

Seeing this, Bai Yu lowered her footsteps and exited the room.

“Keby, Bellumebo, you stay here.”

“I’ll take a group of people to the forest behind.”

After walking out of the room, Bai Yu waved to Kebi and the two, and gave orders.


Keby and Beru Meber agreed.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yu drew thirty soldiers from the navy soldiers he brought and divided them into three teams.

searched deep into the forest respectively.

Bai Yu went to another direction alone.

Bringing these 30 people is for a larger area of search, don’t miss any place.

can also search more efficiently.

Otherwise, Bai Yu planned to go alone.

As Bai Yu continued to go deep into the forest.

Gradually, the time came to noon.

After several hours of searching, Saga and his group were still nowhere to be seen.

On the road, you can see some traces of burning flames.

rustle rustle…

Just when Bai Yu was about to feel that the direction he chose was wrong.

In the grass not far ahead, there was a rustling movement.


Immediately afterwards, a figure covered in blood, seemingly bruised, rushed out of the grass.

Accidentally, he fell to the ground in embarrassment.

“Save…help me…”

After the person fell down, he happened to see Bai Yu in front of him.

Immediately waved his hand for help.

Bai Yu looked carefully, and based on the memory in his mind, he recognized the other party at a glance.

It is the senior disciple of Saga Navy Dojo.

Duma with the title Light Speed Swordsman.

Seeing Duma, Bai Yu’s eyeballs twitched, and her mind became vigilant.

still walked forward.

Raise Duma.

“what happens?”

Bai Yu asked.


“He’s crazy!”

“You actually want to sacrifice all our brothers to the sword.”

Duma explained intermittently in that very weak voice.

The implication is that Saga even attacked the trusted siblings around him.

“I managed to escape from Saga…”

“Please… save others…”

At the end, Duma’s voice became smaller and smaller.

Hearing this, Bai Yu fell into deep thought.

According to Duma, Sagamo is not completely controlled by the holy sword.

Because the sacrifices prepared by the islanders could not be found.

Instead, they attacked Duma and other navies.

Just when Bai Yu was thinking.

Suddenly, the dying Duma regained his spirit in an instant.

In his eyes, a violent scarlet light lit up.

Immediately afterwards, Duma paid attention to the angle of Bai Yu’s sight.

Slowly put his hand on the saber at his waist.

The next moment, a triumphant smile appeared on Duma’s face.

He grasped the handle of the knife tightly and pulled it out quickly.

With a lightning-fast Iai slash, he swept and cut towards Bai Yu’s waist, who was close at hand!

With a fast, accurate and ruthless cut, Duma is confident that Bai Yu can’t dodge his cut.

It’s just that things didn’t go as smoothly as Duma imagined.

At the moment when Duma’s sword was about to hit Bai Yu’s waist.

Bai Yu’s figure turned slightly to the right.


The next second, there was a crisp metal impact sound.

Duma’s complexion changed drastically.

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