Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: : 1 Wave Of Fat?

The two waited for about fifteen minutes.

Shuangye ran over with a girl who seemed to have not woken up.

The girl had round-rimmed glasses on her face, big eyes, fiery red short shoulder-length hair, and a confused expression. At a glance, she knew she was not awake.

Another night owl.

He Duo glanced at his watch involuntarily. It was almost half past ten, and those who didn’t wake up during this time period would stay up late except for the sleepy bugs.

“Iori! Wake up Iori!” Frostleaf shook the girl named Iori excitedly.

Iori tried her best to open her eyes and looked at Hedo and Seria with empty eyes.

When I saw Seria, I was so frightened that I woke up instantly.

“Ser, Sister Seria!” Iori smirked and looked at Seria, as if she were some kind of beast.

Serea gave Iori a slight forehead as a greeting.

Heduo looked at the expressions between Seria and Iori thoughtfully.

“Brother Heiduo, her name is Iori, and she is my good friend! She and I form a team!” Shuangye said cheerfully to Heiduo.

“Hello!” He Duo reached out to Iori.

Iori hurriedly grabbed He Duo’s hand and shook it vigorously, “Hello! Hello!”

As for being so nervous?

Shuang Ye smiled and said, “Can we join you now?”

This girl seems to have an obsession with Seria?

He Duo naturally wouldn’t be so narcissistic that he thought that Frostleaf was interested in him, and he didn’t know what ecstasy soup Seria had poured into her, and her sister kept calling.

Maybe it’s because she’s naturally cheerful?

He Duo was noncommittal, turned his head to look at Seliya, and seeing that she didn’t have much opinion, he said, “Well, we can’t delay, let’s start as soon as possible.”

Just a little more time for lunch.

He pressed the button in the middle of the Poké Ball, and a white light flashed.

Arbo snake coiled up and raised its head lazily.

On the other side, Iori also released her little elf, a lively little eagle: the sparrow.

[Elf: Strong Sparrow / Gender: ♀ / Level: Level 12]

[Characteristic: Sharp Eyes / Attribute: Normal + Flying / Trainer: Iori]

[Move: Chase lv2/Peck lv2]

[Smash lv1/Feather Dance lv2]

I feel that these elves are similar. Basically, the skill levels are three second-level and one-level.

“Serea, I have something to ask of you.”

He Duo looked at Seria and said seriously: “I want to invite you to play a few fake matches with my Aberdeen.”

“Fake match?”

Serea’s eyes were full of confusion.

He Duo smiled slightly and said, “Just let your supersonic bat pretend to lose to my elf battle.”

“…Why?” Seria didn’t expressly refuse, she wanted to know the reason why He Duo did this.

[Because I want to test whether the fake game can get attribute points. ]

Of course, this can’t be said to Seria, He Duo just prevaricates: “I have reasons I can’t say, but I hope you can promise me.”

It’s exactly the same as Serea’s previous answer.

“…Yes.” Seria nodded.

She stretched out her hand, and the supersonic bats flying in the sky landed on her arm.

Serea turned her head and whispered something to the supersonic bat, which was finally approved by the supersonic bat.

The supersonic bat flew in front of Abo Snake and stayed at a low altitude.

“Then let’s come.”

He Duo was a little excited. If his idea came true, 200 attribute points would no longer be out of reach.

“Abo Snake, like I told you yesterday, gently attack the supersonic bat!”

Arber Snake’s ideological work had been done as early as yesterday, although he did not understand why Hedor would do such a thing.

But now Heido is its boss, Heiduo has the final say.

It charged at the sonic bat and flicked its tail on its wings.


The supersonic bat fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Seeing this scene, Heiduo hurriedly looked at his personal attribute column.

[Attribute point: 1—>2]

Really can!

He Duo couldn’t imagine that, generally a professional system would not make this mistake.

The tricky behavior should not work.

Seeing He Duo froze in place, Seliya asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Yes, yes, what happened?” Shuangye asked curiously.

Iori was equally curious, but she wisely did not speak.

“Something good happened!”

He Duo couldn’t help but chuckled softly, he hurriedly urged Seria.

“We go on we go on!”

Not knowing what was going on at all, Serea evoked the supersonic bat, which was still playing dead, and then watched as it was “defeated” again.

He Duo, who was standing beside her, grinned wider and wider.

in the dining hall.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Seliya looked at He Duo, there was a small piece of exquisite cake in front of her, she forked a little bit, put it into her mouth, showing a fleeting expression of enjoyment.

Ever since Abo Snake and Supersonic Bat acted, He Duo went from being extremely excited to being extremely depressed.

He Duo ate the fried rice in front of him bit by bit, and said boredly, “It’s nothing, I just feel a little disappointed.”

Just now, when he was wanton splashing wildly on the way to cut leeks, the system quietly came out and poured a basin of cold water on him.

[Cannot get attribute value from current sprite]

When he got the twentieth attribute value, it jumped out.

To be honest, when he saw this line of words, He Duo was actually a little indifferent. There were policies and countermeasures at the bottom. The big deal was that he changed a leek to cut.

After the leeks around me are cut, the big deal is to cut the flower trading point.

What can’t money do?

Then the system told him what it means to have countermeasures below and new policies above.

[The current upper limit of the user’s five-dimensional attributes is 10, and every time a badge is obtained, 10 will be added to the original basis]

[The additional attribute value of the elf must not exceed twice the current level]

[The skill level of the elves can only be increased to the current level prefix number plus 2 levels when using attribute points]

Originally, the income from attribute points added to oneself is small enough, and a threshold is set. This is ignored, and the following two are the highlights.

The former means that the seventeenth-level Abo Snake can only add 34 additional attribute values at this stage.

The latter means that if the seventeenth-level Abo Snake relies on attribute points to upgrade skills, the highest level can only be three-level skills.

Completely blocked He Duo’s way of wanting a wave of fat.

Therefore, the system is worthy of being a system, and it is still awesome.

The only good thing is that if he wants to, as long as he has patience and continues to develop, he can build an incomparably powerful Pokémon empire!

In terms of data alone, no one can compare to his elf.

Looking at the remaining attribute points in the personal attribute column, He Duo reached out and rubbed Abo Snake’s neck.

He cut a total of three leeks and gained a total of 60 points.

Add 1 point per day to hold 61 points.

He spent most of the attribute points to increase the extra attributes to the limit, and then raised both Abo Snake’s Rockfall and Orochi Gaze to level 3.

Then I learned burrowing and poison through attribute points, and raised them to level 3.

In the end, He Duo only had 12 attribute points left.

But it’s also very good. If calculated according to the data in the game, the data of Abo Snake should be reached at more than 30 levels.

“Alas!” He Duo sighed.

His dream of being fat was a complete failure.

Sitting on his left, Frostleaf with a piece of sushi in his mouth said vaguely, “Brother Heiduo! If you keep your head down, your luck will run out!”

She reached out and patted Heduo **** the back.

Iori, who was sitting on Heido’s right hand, agreed, nodded and said, “Shuangye said it well! I was like this before, but I had bad luck for several days…”

After a morning of getting along, although Iori was intimidated by Seria, she was very familiar with Heduo.

“If you go to bed early, bad luck will not haunt you.”

Heiduo urged Iori earnestly.

This girl’s dark circles are about to form a natural lying silkworm. If you say that you have nothing to stay up all night, no matter how good your body is, you can’t help it.

Lie Que, an elf who likes to get up early, is not suitable for her at all, and Gugu is her natal elf.

They are all creatures that sleep during the day and are active at night.

Iori said in surprise, “It shouldn’t have anything to do with bad luck and staying up late, right?”

She had never heard anyone say that staying up late would make people unlucky.

“Once a person stays up late, their spirits will not be good all day long. The whole person is sullen, and no one feels comfortable when they see it. I have two points of difference in your impression, and sometimes these two points are enough to make a person you deserve. Work away from you! Do you think this is bad luck?” He Duo laughed at himself, he didn’t know how many image losses he had suffered during his job search.

Mental appearance for two people who meet for the first time almost determines the first impression. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Iori and Shiroha looked at each other, and both saw the curiosity in each other’s eyes.

He Duo’s appearance is only fourteen or fifteen years old, but his style and speech are like that of an adult who has worked hard in society.

The same goes for the school of preaching at every turn.

“Don’t talk about this! Let’s discuss the subjects of the afternoon training.” He Duo took the initiative to change the subject, those are all in the past, and there is no need to indulge in it all the time.

Excluding the 20 minutes of the fake match, they simply got to know each other’s elves’ skills in the morning.

Through this, he saw how outstanding Seria’s command ability is.

He found that Serea’s commanding skills were more inclined to let the supersonic bats perform on their own rather than meticulously instructing them.

Only give orders at the most timely moment.

It is very different from the situation in the animation where the action takes only half a day after the command is given.

When Seria gave an order, the supersonic bat even made an action, so that the supersonic bat didn’t seem to be listening to Seria’s order, but it wanted to do it itself, and Seria explained it. effect.

When Heduo asked Seria why this was the case, Seria told him that the stronger the trainer, the stronger the bond and connection with the elf.

There is often no need to issue detailed commands between the two, and they can communicate perfectly with just one look and one gesture.

Hearing this, He Duo instantly understood what the intimacy in the Abo Snake attribute column really did.

Most of it is reflected in this.

Serea took the last bite of the cake and said calmly: “In the original case, I planned to cultivate the fit between us through simulation training.

“But since Frostleaf and the others are also here, why don’t we have a two-person elf battle. Actual combat is always the best teacher.”

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