Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: :Get Away

He Duo sat in his seat, staring closely at the direction of the car door.

Shuangye didn’t come up. I don’t know if she found Seria and the others. If she did, Shuangye would be safe. Seliya probably wouldn’t know what Shuangye would do. She was afraid that Shuangye would not find her, so she would continue to look for it. .

She shouldn’t be so stupid that she can’t find it, but she’s still trying to find it, right?

He Duo is a little tangled. He is now half safe, so is he going to get Frostleaf back?

Because from another point of view, Frost Leaf is half his life-saver.

She showed Hedo a clear way.

He Duo looked down at the time. It was more than fifteen minutes from the half hour stipulated by Squadron Captain Lan, but the digging truck had not yet set off, indicating that Squadron Captain Lan or some other important person had not come up.

Does he have enough time to go and bring Frostleaf back?

Will the digger start after he leaves?


Suddenly, a violent roar was transmitted to He Duo’s head with a slight vibration, as if something incredible had exploded above.

“I – rely on!”

He Duo could no longer sit still and stood up. After all, he was no match for the condemnation of his conscience. After being favored by others, he watched a little girl die.

Everyone has a conscience, but the size is different.

He walked towards the car door, and the people around him felt a little strange. Could it be that he was afraid of Kamano? So get off?

impossible? Going down is definitely death, and Kamano is far more frightening than death!

What is this kid thinking?

“Huh? It’s you!”

A tall figure blocked the door.

It was the long-arrived squadron leader Lan!

At this time, his face was lightly on the door of the car, followed by several people, watching He Duo silently.

He said, “You really didn’t disappoint me. A elf like Abo Snake is not worthy of you. By the way, have you received the Electric Shock Monster?”

“…here with me.” He Duo took the Poké Ball belonging to the Electric Shock Monster from his waist.

It stands to reason that he should have the backbone to return the Electric Shock Monster to Lan, and then reiterate the power of Abo Snake.


“Nurture it well! It is the one with the highest potential among all the elf eggs that my Kuaiquan Lang (Abi Lang) gave birth to! The value is also the highest! The market price is around ten thousand!” Shoulders, the members of Team Rocket have always regarded elves as a business, and it is very common to use the elves in their hands to cultivate high-value elves.

Ten thousand yuan!

He Duo was shocked!

The mini dragon is almost exactly the price!

Today, when the Dragon Messenger of the Four Heavenly Kings is famous in the entire Kanto and the city, due to various fan effects, the mini-dragons are continuously bred with the support of the alliance, and ordinary, low-level mini-dragons become less precious.

On the contrary, some less powerful elves have gradually become rare and expensive because humans have overexploited the wild and lost their living territory.

Bag dragon (bag beast) and Gala Gala are one of them.

Twenty or thirty years ago, the plains where they lived were occupied by humans because of their favorable geographical environment and beautiful scenery to develop cities.

This forced them to go to the jungle and compete with other elves for territory, which eventually led to a significant reduction in their population.

If you don’t believe it, a bag dragon has been fired up to over 300,000 yuan, and a strange-colored bag dragon was forcibly bought out by an unknown collector for one million!

He Duo’s complexion changed, and the value of this electric shock monster was a little more valuable.

“Okay! Take it if you want it!” Squadron Captain Lan said impatiently: “For an elf that hasn’t grown up, there is a limit to how expensive it is!”

Yes, in the Rockets’ trading interface, the level of the elves and whether they evolve is a very important criterion for measuring the price.

Suppose a tenth-level mini-dragon is worth ten thousand.

Then a level 50 mini-dragon is worth 100,000!

A level 50 Harkron is worth 200,000!

A 50-level fast dragon… I’m sorry, the 55-level fast dragon evolved.

All in all, strength is also part of value.

He Duo was pushed aside by Lan, and the people who came up behind him looked at He Duo, either with disdain or laughter.

Following at the end was a frivolous man with a yellow fox standing beside him.

[Elf: Hu Di / Gender: ♂ / Level: Level 42]

[Characteristic: Spiritual Power / Attribute: Super Ability / Trainer: Terro]

[Move: Illusion Light lv4/Meditation lv4/Reflection Wall lv3]

[Eye of Miracles lv3/Spiritual Intent lv4/Teleportation lv3/Self Regeneration lv2]

Team Captain Rocket! And there are seven skills!

He Duo glanced at Hu Di, this Hu Di can possess seven skills, and his mastery of these skills must be very profound!

Trou felt that Heiduo was paying attention to his Hudi, and said, “Do you want it? I want to sell you 200,000 yuan!”

Money is not money?

He Duo shook his head. He had no interest in elves like Casey. He always felt like an old grandfather, and it was said that Hu Di had a high IQ. It would be bad if he was despised by his elves.

Of course, if he was given away for nothing, he still wanted it.

“Don’t look at it if you don’t buy it!” Terro scolded He Duo angrily, his expression and attitude very much like that of a salesperson in a valuables store.

Haddor was noncommittal.

He crossed Hudi and hurriedly ran outside.

Squadron Captain Lan Du is here, if you don’t hurry up, you won’t be able to leave!

Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked out of the cabin door, I bumped into a person head-on.

“Hey!” The person touched her nose. She just hit He Duo’s chest with her head, and her nose was about to be flattened.

“Shuangye!” He Duo happily hugged the man’s shoulder, and the person who came was Shuangye himself who Heiduo was going to look for.

Shuangye covered her nose and raised her head, looking at Heiduo in surprise and said, “Brother Heiduo? What’s the matter?”

“You…Did you find Seria and Iori?” He Duo hesitated, but finally asked.

When Shuangye heard this, she shook her head in frustration and said, “No, I’ve searched the entire special training camp, and I even went to the monitoring room to check the monitoring…”

“Actually… you don’t need to worry about them at all.” He Duo thought about it carefully and decided to tell Shuangye of his guess.

He Duo said: “They are very likely to be the Alliance’s Interpol or the undercover officers of the City Police!”

Then, Heiduo saw that Frostleaf’s mouth opened into an O shape.

“Really?” Shuangye’s face was full of disbelief. The two friends who got along day and night turned out to be alliance undercover agents?

He Duo nodded, first pulled Frostleaf into the burrowing truck, because the hatch was about to close, and then said, “Because I can’t think of a person who is skilled in taming the elf and has superb fighting ability, why would he come to Team Rocket!

“And Iori has always maintained fear when dealing with Serea. In my opinion, this kind of fear is the awe of the subordinates to the superiors!”

Not only that, when He Duo observed Seria’s walking pace, he found that her footsteps were extremely neat and regular, and Seria’s eating movements were also meticulous, as if she had undergone extremely strict training.

So in the Pokémon world where the army has disappeared, besides the Elf Alliance, how many large organizations can cultivate such people?

“…I.” Shuangye’s face was complicated, and just as he was about to say something, a shock suddenly came from their feet, and a roar sounded in their ears.

Digger started?

He Duo immediately hugged Shuangye and supported her so that she would not fall, then turned to look at Lan.

At this time, Lan was frowning and asked a rocket player in a low voice. The rocket player was sweating profusely and was constantly operating with a tablet in his hand.

Then, when the Rocket player put down his tablet in despair, Lan stood up and said something loudly to the people around him.

But because of the continuous roaring in his ears and the distance, He Duo couldn’t hear what Lan was saying at all.

All I know is that Lan, who has always been calm and calm, commands the people around her with a serious face.

rumbling —

He Duo felt a slight sense of movement, and his body leaning against the car leaned slightly to the right.

“Quick! Take your seat! Fasten your seat belt!”

Heiduo pushed Frostleaf’s body, no matter what happened outside, it would be safer to fasten the seat belt than not to fasten it.

Frostleaf nodded, stumbled to a position, and quickly pulled up the seat belt to buckle it.

He Duo sat next to Frostleaf and also fastened his seat belt.

There was absolutely something unexpected happened outside, and it was most likely that their hidden digger was discovered by the Alliance.

Also, if the people in the alliance are really so rubbish, UU read www. uukanshu.com There is no way that they will always maintain their supremacy.

Suddenly, the digging vehicle jolted violently, and several people who were not wearing seat belts directly hit their heads on the iron plate above, and immediately fainted and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the moving digging truck stopped, the roaring sound faded away, and the constant tremor also disappeared.

“Brother Heido—”

“Shh!” He Duo stopped Frostleaf’s questioning words, it’s over, the digger was forced to stop!

Does the elf alliance want to be so powerful?

Now he only hoped that the squadron leader Lan and the others would be equally strong and lead them to escape successfully.

He turned to look at the cabin where the squadron leader Lan was, but found that those few people had disappeared for some time.

run away? Is this too fast?

Several Rocket soldiers around Heido unfastened their seat belts and reached out to release the elf.

At this time, only their elf can give them a sense of security.


There was a bang from the door not far away.

The heavy hatch protruded inward, apparently having been struck with great force from the outside.

He Duo was speechless, and silently put on a black peaked cap for himself.

boom! Ouch!

The hatch was knocked flying and smashed to the ground, and a white light spilled in from outside.

“Yo! Good afternoon, you scumbags!”

A figure was bathed in sunlight and appeared at the door of the cabin.

“Shadow Ball!”

“Sunshine Flames!”

“Spray flames!”

The Rocket soldiers who released the elf hurriedly directed the elf to attack the man.

He Duo pulled Frostleaf and walked quietly to the digger’s warehouse.

Such a large digger must have an escape route, and there must be one in the warehouse!

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