Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: : Arbor Snake

Seeing that she couldn’t impress Heido, Seliya nodded regretfully. She is not good at speaking and rarely communicates with people on weekdays. If she hadn’t hoped that she would be forcibly assigned to a pig teammate, she would not have come to see Heido at all. .

“Why didn’t you release the elf in your hand?” Seria changed the subject bluntly, pointing to the elf ball in He Duo’s hand.

“Oh, I want to go back to the dormitory and release it. There is too much space here, and I may not have the energy to chase a snake that escapes.” He Duo pointed to those who were still chasing his elf. Fortunately, These elves did not directly attack humans like some dark pm texts, otherwise he would not dare to let them go.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a little Rada biting **** a guy’s arm, and blood spilled out instantly.

He Duo’s body trembled slightly, and it was a bit embarrassing to say it. He felt that this scene was a little scary.

The guy started howling, and the people around hurriedly grabbed the little Rada for him, trying to break free the one person and one elf.

A minute later, Little Rada let go, because it was stunned by someone else, He Duo probed and saw the wound on the guy’s arm.

It stands to reason that after taking such a big mouth, according to the teeth of Little Rada, the man’s wound is at least five centimeters long. But Heiduo was surprised to find that his wound had only broken a little.

Then you call it the same as killing a pig?

People in the world of Pokémon are inevitably too strong!

As expected of a world where you can survive after falling from the sky!

He Duo shook his head slightly and sighed, this inhuman physique is probably one of the reasons why humans and elves can live together in this world and gain a dominant position.

Thousands of years ago, there was no such thing as a pokeball, and it relied on other ultra-ancient technologies.

Seeing this scene, Seliya said to Heiduo with the same expression: “Actually, as long as you treat the elf sincerely, the elf will definitely listen to you. Look, my supersonic bat is very obedient, isn’t it?”

You are a special case!

He Duo turned to look at Seria with a black face and said, “Then how do they explain it? You are the only one who can successfully control the elf.”

“They have impure motives! If you want to get along well with elves, you must understand that they are not tools, but friends.” Serea said confidently, and patted the belly of the supersonic bat by the way: “Trouble to paint in the sky. circle!”

The supersonic bat immediately neighed and flew into the sky, drew a circle, and drew another eight-character.

How are you so skilled… Do you want to lick so comfortably?

Heiduo looked at the supersonic bat in the sky silently, and envied its obedience in his heart.

Maybe… Maybe my own Aberdeen is like this too?

No, no, He Duo hurriedly broke his unrealistic fantasy, others were others, he was himself, the two were different.

The supersonic bat flew down from the sky and landed on Serea’s shoulder.

“Good job!” Seliya touched the supersonic bat’s head, and the supersonic bat jumped up.

Seliya looked at He Duo and said, “How is it? Of course, I personally recommend you to put it here. If you are in danger, many people will help you, just like just now.”


Hei Duo suddenly realized that the entire portrait was roared by the bell of Huang Lu.

Hiding in the dormitory is small, but because the single-person dormitory is relatively closed, it doesn’t matter if you are bitten by the Abo snake. If it poisons you, you will not die?

It seems that there are not only fools, but also smart people in that group of people.

He Duo’s expression changed when he looked at them, and he became solemn.

Also, there are so many smart people in the world, what kind of cookie is he?

If the Pokémon world is full of idiots, how did they make that kind of aerial platform?

“You’re right!” He Duo nodded to Seria, his eyes were a little grateful, and he said, “Thank you for telling me.”

Seliya was unaware of Heido’s inner turmoil, and was a little stunned by Heido’s change in attitude. She was silent for a while and said, “Actually…if you have the same situation as them, I can help you.”

What the hell!

He Duo clapped both hands, why didn’t he think of this!

“Then I’ll be more respectful than obedient, Miss Seria, trouble you.” A smile appeared on Heido’s face. What is the difference between his posture and the supersonic bat?

“…Just call me Serea.”

“Okay Serea, without further ado, let’s get started!”

“…it is good.”

He Duo, who received an accurate reply, took out the Poké Ball that he had put in his pocket.

In fact, he wanted to release Abo Snake for a long time. After all, it was his first elf. How symbolic!


With a flash of white light, a panicked Arbo snake jumped out and slammed into He Duo’s arms.

“Depend on!”

He Duo immediately suffered from pain and was knocked to the ground. He looked at the Abo snake in his arms, and saw its seven-inch part at a glance.

He hurriedly reached out, holding its thick body with both hands.

Abo Snake, who was pinched seven inches, suddenly stiffened. Seeing its reaction, He Duo knew that even an elf had the weakness of a prototype animal.


Abo Snake issued a warning sound to He Duo.


He Duo looked at its huge body and was speechless for a while, because a chill came to his heart. This was an instinctual fear. Human subconsciousness was afraid of snakes, because human ancestors A lot of losses have been suffered in front of the snake.

“Friendly! Friendly!”

Seliya didn’t know what Heduo was hesitating, and hurriedly reminded him.

He Duo, who heard Seria’s call, quickly reacted and looked at Abo Snake carefully, which was still warning He Duo.

But Haddor could see fear in his eyes.

A boa constrictor that fears humans?

He Duo’s heart is a little complicated.

Elves are the most human creatures, and even the changes in their eyes are very similar to humans.

So he put Abo Snake on the ground and let go.

After being freed, Aber Snake immediately wanted to run away, but the road ahead was immediately blocked by Heduo.

It straightened up and let out another warning neigh.

“Friendly! Come on!” Seria shouted softly from the side.

He Duo gave Seria a wry smile, rubbed his cheeks, and put on a smile that he thought was amiable.

“This…Mr. Aboshe…Miss? Please wait a moment.”

Abo Snake ignored him and looked for an opportunity to escape, but suddenly an instinctual danger warning attacked it.

It froze, looking at the thing that made it uneasy.

It was a supersonic bat, “looking” at it maliciously, with sharp teeth reflecting the cold light, as if preparing to **** its blood.

“Abo Snake! Wait a minute!”

The human voice was heard again in his ears, but this time Abo Snake didn’t get impatient.

Because compared to the supersonic bat, that human must be safer.

It turned to face Hedo, as if to see what he would say.


The elf has grown up.

This was the truest reaction in Heido’s heart, but it was not what he said.

He said: “Actually, you can look around. This place is completely closed, and you can’t escape.”

Abaishe heard the words and looked around. Sure enough, the gymnasium was surrounded by walls, and the only door built into the wall was tightly closed.


Abai Snake showed frightened eyes and panicked.

“You can’t escape anyway, plus you’ve been captured, the Poke Ball is in my hands… Why don’t you do it with me, I’ll take care of you? Can I be responsible for the rest of your life?” He Duo really didn’t know What should I say, talk to a half-coerced creature with a human-like mind…


He Duo suddenly heard the voice of someone who couldn’t help laughing, turned his head and saw only Serea with a cold face.

Did I hear it wrong?

He Duo turned his head and saw Abo Snake looking at him with a moved face.

Um? ? ?

What’s the matter with you, little brother?

He Duo was at a loss, he just turned his head, why did Abo Snake’s attitude change drastically?

“Seria, this…” He Duo looked at Seria for help.

Serea looked cold and nodded slightly: “I think it should accept you.”


He Duo opened his mouth wide, didn’t he? Is there such a deceitful creature in the world?

Seliya seemed to see through what He Duo was thinking, and said: “Don’t be surprised, the elves are actually very simple, if you really want to be nice to them, they can see it.”

“…Really?” He Duo looked at Seria uncertainly.

Seria said flatly: “You should ask your elf, not me!”

“Oh oh oh oh!” He Duo reacted and turned to look at Abo Snake.

One person and one snake stared straight at each other. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

“…nod if you agree?”

He really wasn’t sure that Abaishe, who was still vigilant just now, was persuaded by him with just a few words?

Abo Snake nodded wildly.

“…Hold one?” He Duo opened his arms to Abo Snake.

Abo Snake let out a neigh and plunged into He Duo’s arms.

He Duo squatted on his **** again, but unlike the panic he had before, this time he was not afraid.

For some reason, He Duo felt a little warm in his hands, despite his cold body, and then he glanced at Abo Snake’s snake pupils.

… no no no no no.

“I’m sorry, you are too beautiful…” He Duo was still a little scared, but he didn’t want to disappoint the guy.

Suddenly, a soft sound appeared beside He Duo’s ear, startling him.

【Ding! The Pokemon system is loading, please wait…]

A line of slightly transparent large characters appeared in front of Heiduo.


Thank goodness you are finally here!

He Duo, who had been baptized by novels, understood in an instant that he finally did not pass through in vain, and the system came to him.

【Pull user list…】

【User: He Duo】

[Trainer level: none]

【Strength: 5】

[Agility: 5]

【Physique: 5】

【Spirit: 5】

[Perception: 5]

[Comprehensive Combat Strength: 5]

[Attribute point: 5]

[Have a elf: Abo Snake]

This… what’s the situation?

He Duo was a little stunned, shouldn’t this be the system to improve the elves?

What are these properties doing? Let him fight the elf with one hand?

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