Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: : Akin

“Excuse me, Miss Joy.”

He Duo stood in the hall of the elf center, and in front of him was a beautiful woman with pink hair and a nurse’s outfit.

A magnified duck egg with hands, feet and eyes with an egg in front of its belly is covered in pink and pushes a small cart with three pokeballs on it.

Joey smiled in return, and handed a hard white card to Heduo, “It’s okay, come to me if you have any difficulties!”

“However, if your girlfriend is angry, she has to be coaxed. It’s not good to always quarrel!” Joey suddenly approached He Duo and whispered, silently pointing at Shuangye.

He Duo was stunned, and then laughed: “You think too much, Miss Joy, she is not my girlfriend.”

“Really?” Joey gave He Duo a suspicious look, and He Duo looked at Joey without fear.

Joey looked away embarrassingly, and it’s not a good behavior to mess around with mandarin ducks, “Well… it’s not right to quarrel between friends.” Joey’s voice became smaller, obviously without confidence.

Hei Duo couldn’t help laughing out loud, Miss Joy is too cute, no wonder Xiaogang is obsessed with her—

No, Xiaogang likes it as a big sister.

“Don’t worry, Miss Joey, I know what you said.” He Duo said goodbye to the lovely Joey, took off his three Poké Balls, and patted the head of Geely Egg, which was full of fine fluff.


Geely Egg shook the small tentacles beside his head and jumped away.

If you want to participate in the regional conference, the Pokémon picture book is not a hard requirement, but for those newbies, the meaning of the picture book must not be explained too much.

In fact, He Duo had a deep meaning behind choosing to participate in the Silver Conference.

Today, when the Rockets City Capital Special Training Camp has been uprooted, the Rockets headquarters in Kanto is bound to be in a daze, rushing to deal with the funeral and calculating the losses.

Heiduo did not believe that the city dispatched so many police forces just for a small training camp.

There are definitely secret bases destroyed elsewhere.

And the result of the almost complete settlement of the Chengdu branch is the huge amount of funds lost by the Rockets and countless internal secrets.

Having suffered such a big loss, the Rockets will most likely conduct retaliatory attacks on the league.

What kind of self-destructing trucks, “wild” elves attack, store gold shop ransacks, it is estimated that there are endless.

There are only a thousand days to be a thief in the world, how can there be a thousand days to prevent a thief?

Therefore, the Kanto region cannot be visited at this time, or there will be a certain terrorist attack that cannot be prevented.

Even the Four Heavenly Kings can’t be nervous all day long to guard against sneak attacks from others.

People get tired.

At this moment, the city is the safest.

Since the city police have the courage to ask Kona to help them, they will not allow the Rockets to take root on this land again.

Different from Kanto.

In Chengdu, the Rockets have no backers.

He Duo’s choice to participate in the Silver Conference was the safest thing to do.

By the way, He Duo checked the relevant information of Dr. Damu and found that Dr. Damu has a grandson named Damu Qinglu, who is ten years old this year.

This means that around the spring of next year, the guy born with the golden key is about to embark on a journey.

Of course, He Duo’s focus was not on him.

He Duo will embark on a journey tomorrow through Qinglu and become an elf trainer. He learned that the ace protagonist who doesn’t know whether to be called Xiaozhi or Crimson will also become a elf trainer.

By then, for the Rockets, it will be a nightmare that will never go away.

Thinking of this, He Duo couldn’t help laughing out loud, thinking about whether it was necessary for him to get involved in the past.

At first, he was curious about Chi (Xiao Zhi)’s lineup in this world. Second, if the wall is down and everyone pushes, he can’t miss the opportunity to give Chi Ye a good impression.

Shuangye next to him saw Hei Duo smirking, showing a disgusted expression.

He Duo was too lazy to care about her. After Team Rocket collapsed, it was impossible for all the elves they sold to be released immediately. Most of them would be kept in captivity. After they learned their survival skills again, they would be released into the mountains or nature reserves. Among them, there must be a lot of elves who will be recovered by the members of the alliance during this period and become the new combat power of the alliance.

Needless to say, the members of the Rockets were sent to prison for serious cases, while those with less serious cases underwent thought remolding through labor. Those high-ranking cadres are likely to be recruited to atone for their sins through various tasks and punishments. This is more valuable than putting them in jail, and it also contributes to humans and elves.

As for the boss of Sakagi…I don’t know if he has a son named Yin.

correct! Go and see if there is a place called “Elf House” in Ruoye Town!

He Duo remembered the boy named Ah Jin in the special chapter. In the story, he lived with many elves since he was a child. Because there were too many elves in his family, he was called “the house of elves”.

He turned on the navigator and typed in the five words of the house of the elf. If his house was so famous, it should have been displayed on the map.

As it turns out, a place called Pixie’s House doesn’t exist on the map.

He Duo walked out of the center of the elf and inadvertently saw the elf on the left on the battlefield, a little boy wearing goggles and a peaked cap, commanding a long-tailed monster to fight with a big-tailed stand.

“No way?” He Duo clicked his tongue. Is there such a coincidence in the world?

He hurriedly leaned over, stood beside the sparse crowd of onlookers, watched the battle together, and turned on the detection system by the way.

[Elf: Long Tail Monster / Gender: ♂ / Level: Level 18]

[Characteristic: Strange Force Clamp / Attribute: Normal / Trainer: Ajin]

[Move: Tickle lv2/Sand lv2]

[Scare lv2/Grab lv2/Five surprise attack lv2]

Sure enough it was him!

As expected of the holder of the illustrated book, the person who hatched it.

How old are you, you can cultivate the long-tailed monster so well!

He Duo looked at Ajin’s tender face and couldn’t help sighing.

If you think about it carefully, you should be one round bigger than him, right?

If I had traveled here since I was a baby, I shouldn’t be worse than him, but it’s a pity…

“Hey! A raw face I haven’t seen before!”

Among the crowd of onlookers, one person approached He Duo and asked with a smile.

Heiduo turned his head and found that it was a boy with light blue hair, about twelve or thirteen years old, with a chrysanthemum leaf beside him.

“嘁!” Ju Cao Ye raised his head and let out a cheerful cry.

It is worthy of being a generation of cute things, and the cuteness around Zhiye is responsible.

[Elf: Chrysanthemum Leaf / Gender: ♂ / Level: Level 9]

[Characteristic: Lush / Attribute: Grass / Trainer: A Zhan]

[Move: Flying Leaf Blade lv1 / Impact lv1]

[Poison Powder lv1/Cry lv1]

Rookie trainer?

He Duo took a look at his outfit, and combined with the grade of Jucaoye, he knew that this A Zhan should be a novice who just got the initial elf and was about to embark on a journey.

I don’t know if there is a picture book.

In the case of a special edition, the illustrated book should be a rare item.

“Hello! My name is He Duo, I’m from Shenao.” He Duo nodded at him as a greeting.

A Zhan was stunned for a moment, then smiled: “Hello! My name is A Zhan! Ruo Yeren!”

“I didn’t expect you to come from Shenao. It must be very troublesome to come here from such a distance, right?” A Zhan had a friendly smile on his face, and he looked familiar.

Adhering to the idea that the heart of harm and the heart of preventing others is indispensable, Heiduo said, “It’s okay, the plane is fast.”

He obviously died for Tianchao, but for some reason, Ah Zhan didn’t take He Duo’s indifferent expression to heart, and instead said excitedly: “If that’s the case, you must have some elves from the Shenao region! Can I ask you to use the elf from the Shenao region to have a elf battle with me?”

… co-authored by a battle freak?

He Duo looked at A Zhan’s eager action and was noncommittal.

It is normal for you to be eager to fight when you get a Pokémon for the first time. If not, he probably wouldn’t have come to this place.

The people who can stand here and watch are either interested in elf battles, or they are trainers themselves.

“Okay!” He Duo agreed, he wanted to see what kind of surprise the round land shark with 100 intimacy would bring him.

A Zhan said happily: “Thank you!”

At the same time that the two agreed to fight the elf, the battle of Akin on the other side had also ended.

His Nagao Taro (Nagao Hand) is using his tail to hold Otari’s head, tickling Otori’s tickling playfully.

Otachi immediately fainted with laughter.

“Big tail stand!”

Daweili’s trainer hurried forward, picked it up distressedly, and sent it to the elf center next to it.

One of the advantages of fighting near the center of the elf, in case of any major injury or minor injury, UU reading www. uukanshu.com for immediate healing.

“thanks, thanks!”

Ah Jinzhi proudly waved to the onlookers to see how skilled he was. This was not the case once or twice.

The long-tailed hand jumped onto Akin’s shoulder, exactly the same as his expression.

To be honest, He Duo is envious of the two of them.

They grew up together and became stronger together. The bond between them is the same as that of Zhipi. Both sides are comrades-in-arms and family members who can entrust each other’s lives!


Ah Zhan stepped forward and said hello to Ah Jin.

When Ah Jin saw Ah Zhan, he tilted his head to look at the chrysanthemum leaves beside Ah Zhan, and said, “Yo! Brother Ah Zhan! Where’s your Dunjia?”

“Oh, let it rest today, I’ll help and support its younger generation!” Ah Zhan walked to Ah Jin’s side and held onto Ah Jin’s shoulder, “Give me the venue! Today, I will let you gain insight!”

He pointed at Heido with his thumb and whispered: “Have you seen that handsome guy? From Shenao! There is a little elf on him that you have never seen before!”

“Really?” Ajin glanced at Heiduo suspiciously, and said in a low voice, “Are you sure he’s from Shenao?”

People from other areas are not uncommon, but they usually go to big cities, such as Manjin City or something. First, they have no tourist attractions in Ruoye Town, secondly, they are not rare elves habitats, and thirdly, there are no gymnasiums, so they are full. Can you come here?

“Hey! You don’t believe others! Brother A Zhan is right!” A Zhan patted his chest and said confidently: “Look at his temperament, you can see at a glance that he is not from the city! And I heard his accent, the words It’s very round.”

One of the most obvious characteristics of the people in the city is the accent they bring when they speak.

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